2016年6月2日 星期四




Shri Mataji:不,不是這樣。從事任何職業,你必須以霎哈嘉的方式來做這些工作。即不需要有過多的人為思量與計劃,事情自然會配合你來發展。假如你相信整個宇宙都會試圖幫助你,整個宇宙自然會將一切必要的呈現在你面前,事情也會自然成就。你不必須去花太多的功夫,不必去籌劃太多,不必去想我應該選這個或那個等等。你需要做的只是仔細觀察,等待那機會的到來,你也必須讓這機會有呈現出來的空間。用太多的頭腦去思量這個那個,並不會有太大的幫助。你會驚訝到事情如何自然而然地順利完成。

這中間的關鍵在於你的順服是到達什麼程度?你與無所不在的神聖力量 (Divine)又是多接近?你不必思量太多、擔心太多。只要你處在天父的王國裡,事情總會朝著你的期望來發展。你的所有的事都會被照顧到,連最小的部分、最微小的細節都會被照顧到。你們每一個練習者都會被照顧到。這就為什麼常有練習者告訴我:"母親,我不知道為什麼事情會這麽順利完成。當你沈浸在這大洋之中,是海水帶著你上上下下,你只要去享受,把其他的一切都交給海洋來幫你決定。

註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1988-07-27. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Q9 (Gentleman): Mother, You have spoken about the importance of us establishing ourselves in society with careers and professional jobs. How do we know how far to go in our professions, in our careers, and how important they are and when we have to say enough of that and live our lives as Sahaja Yogis, because I feel that sometimes the things we have to do as Sahaja Yogis come into conflict with our professional [UNCLEAR WORD].

Shri Mataji: No. It cannot be you see. Now take your profession of any kind that you have. You have to do it in a Sahaja manner that you don’t too much deliberately plan it and think about it. It will come your way. If you believe that the whole cosmos is trying to help you, the whole cosmos will bring forth everything before you. And it will work out. You don’t have to do much effort, to think about it, what should I choose, whether I should take this or whether I should take that. Only thing what you have to do is just to see for yourself that you are watching and seeing an opportunity coming to you. And allow the opportunity to appear before you. It does. Don’t have to deliberately bother your head, what to take, what to do. That you need not do. It will just be there. You’ll be amazed how it works. I will give you an example. Recently, there’s one Mr. Hari Jayaram. He is a mediocre, I would say, he is not very great scientist or anything. But he did Physics, M.Sc. or something. And he was not doing very well. As such he was just mediocre. Suddenly, he discovered a switch by which he could change the waves of the microwave thing or something. And he didn’t know how he discovered it. He was quite amazed. And they gave him a promotion, everything. And then they said that you have to come and give a lecture about it. And he didn’t know how he did it. So he telephoned to Me, “Mother, please tell me how You did it.” I said, “You just close your eyes, think of Me and give a lecture.” And he was amazed how he could explain everything.

tm’s a question of how far you are surrendered. How far you are one with the Divine. It all works out. Don’t have to do deliberations much. Don’t have to worry too much about things. It will all come your way, because you have now entered into the kingdom of God. Right? Everything is looked after. Can’t imagine how small, small things it works out. How in details it works out. It’s very surprising. Not for Me, for everyone. For everyone, and they tell Me, “Mother, I don’t know how it has worked out.” So when you are dissolved in that ocean, it is that ocean which takes you up and down, and enjoy, that’s all. So you should leave it to that ocean to decide for you.