當我們表達我們的慷慨時,有時候難免會碰到對方利用我們的好心來佔便宜。這是無所謂的,這不是你的錯。是那個佔你便宜的人犯了罪,他將會因此受到懲罰,這是上天(Divine Power) 的職責,你不用去擔心。你不會因此有損失,你甚至會有十倍的回報。你是一個霎哈嘉練習者,你是隨時都被上天所祝福的。
註二:Shri Mataji 在其他的談話中有提過"贈予的藝術"乃在於給人他所需要的或他所缺乏的東西。
註二:Shri Mataji 在其他的談話中有提過"贈予的藝術"乃在於給人他所需要的或他所缺乏的東西。
註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在Diwali
Puja的談話1990-10-21. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
In Her two hands She has got lotuses. Lotus is a sign of beauty and they being pink, is love. So what does it symbolize? That a person who has Lakshmi, who has money, who has wealth should be extremely generous, like a lotus which allows a horrible gnat-like, black, porky, poking type, little beetle also to come into it and to sleep. And She provides in the lotus a beautiful bed of comfort to such a person. He is black, he’s got thorns in it, but he’s coming to rest, surrendered. And then She covers it with Her petals and makes it comfortable and protected.
Lakshmi principle means love. This very few people understand. To them Lakshmi
means money in the bank. No, doesn’t mean that. It means money or anything like
that to express your love.
all those who have Lakshmi tattwa developed in them, they think what to give.
But they don’t give the worst thing that they have. Just like a waste paper
basket is a friend, “Ah! This is useless. I better, instead of throwing, I can
give it to that friend.” And then friend says, “All right. It’s very nice. I’ll
give it to another friend.” And all friends are used as waste paper baskets.
Whatever is the worst is given. How can you touch your depth? Whatever is the
best if you can give, if you are free to give, you should give the best.
So, one of the snags is that we have never learnt the art of giving. If we learn the art of giving then it’s so joyous, so beautiful. Because we are very ego-oriented, we understand what gives us joy but we don’t understand what will give joy to others. And when we understand what will give joy to others, then that joy reflects on us much more, thousand times.
So, one of the snags is that we have never learnt the art of giving. If we learn the art of giving then it’s so joyous, so beautiful. Because we are very ego-oriented, we understand what gives us joy but we don’t understand what will give joy to others. And when we understand what will give joy to others, then that joy reflects on us much more, thousand times.
Sahaja Yoga you do trust people, all the time. You give. Of course sometimes
you are exploited. So doesn’t matter, that’s not your look out. You have not
committed any sin. The one who has exploited you, he has committed the sin and
he is going to suffer, so why should you worry? But with the help of this
divine power, the one who exploits will suffer. And you will get ten times more
than what you have lost. This is what it is to be understood by Sahaja yogis.
That we are now blessed by this divine power. We are not alone. All the time it
is blessing us.( 1990-10-21)