2016年9月1日 星期四



霎哈嘉瑜伽裏的導師崇拜( Guru Puja) 是非常不同於其他宗派所做的導師崇拜,它有很特別的意義。當你在對你的導師做崇拜時,你同時也在崇拜你内在的導師。這點是其他的導師門徒的宗派( guru-disciple system) 所没有的。為什麼呢?因為在你裏面,這個導師(原理)已經被喚醒了,所以當你崇拜你的導師( 指以導師現身的 Shri Mataji )時,你内在的導師也同時被崇拜。你不只崇拜你内在的導師,你也要尊敬祂、使祂更有光彩、要喚醒祂,進一步將祂展現發揚出來。這一點是每一個霎哈嘉練習者都必須了解的。

就導師的任務與特質而言,最重要的是讓他的門徒接觸到上帝,即提升門徒的昆達里尼( Kundalini),建立門徒與無所不在的力量( All-pervading Power )的聯結。由於你的導師是太初之母( Adi Shakti ),所以你也讓你的門徒( 經由你學霎哈嘉的人) 認識太初之母,這表示你有加倍的優勢。當你給他們自覺的同時,你不只使他們感覺到和神聖力量( Divine Power )的聯結,你亦讓他們看到這神聖力量的本身及源頭( Divinity, or the source of Divine Power, 即指Shri Mataji )。所以做為一個霎哈嘉練習者,你的責任是很重大,因為你内裏有個導師。

當你們唸 "母親,我是我自己的導師" 的讚頌( mantras ) 時,你們是否了解到:
假如我是我自己的導師,那麼在 "" "我的導師" (指内在導師) 之間是有多大的距離?那我又在那個位置呢?我可以引導我自己嗎?我是否已讓我内在的靈的光普照在我的注意力,使我可以引導我自己且可以引導其他人嗎?



:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 1990-07-08  導師普祭(Guru Puja)的談話. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

In Sahaja Yoga the Guru puja has a very different significance from any other guru puja. When you worship your Guru you are also worshiping the Guru within you. This is not in any other guru-disciple system because, in you, the Guru, the Master has been awakened. And so, when you are worshipping your Guru, then this Master within you is also worshipped, you respect it, you glorify it, you awaken it, and you manifest it. This we have to realise that – in Sahaja Yoga – if you are a Sahaja Yogi.

Now, the quality of Guru, first and foremost, is that he makes you meet God: means he raises the Kundalini and establish the relation between the All-pervading Power. And as your Guru is Adi Shakti, you make that person meet, also, the Adi Shakti. So you have a double advantage that, at the same time, when you give them Realisation, not only that you make them feel the union with the Divine Power, but you can make them meet the Divinity Itself, the source of Divine Power. So your responsibility, as Sahaja Yogis, is very great because in you is there is the Guru.

Now in our mantras we say that, “Mother, I am my own Guru.” But, saying that, do we realise that: if I am my own Guru, this “I” and “my Guru,” between the two, what have I achieved? Where am I? Can I guide myself? Have I got the light of the Spirit on my attention so well established and manifested that I can guide myself and guide others later on? First of all, in the Guru principle it is important that you see to yourself – the introspection: Can I be my own Guru? Have I become my own Guru?

But first of all we have to develop that humility in your heart; complete humility and surrender, that’s very important. Unless and until you have that humility and surrender in your heart, Guru principle can not be awakened. First you have to be the disciple and then the guru. So you have to develop that humility. And that humility comes very easily if you love Me, respect Me. It’s not only love, but respect.

That respect has to be there and then people will respect you. (1990-07-08 )