我第一次到美國是搭船去,人在船上會面臨一個問題:我們不能有任何的問題 (譯者:指太多的要求) ! 因為船已離岸,船上没有的,它就無法提供。假如你在船上想要一把剪刀,正好這艘船一把剪刀也没有,所以你不可能找到一把剪刀,你的問題 (或言煩惱,即需要有一把剪刀) 也就不存在了 ! 在陸地時,你有許多的選擇,也因此你有許多的問題;一旦在船上,你終究會了解到:船上有什麼,我們就只能享受什麼。
同樣地,一個霎哈嘉練習者應該如此想:無論我們有什麼,我們都很高興,所以我們沒有任何問題( 煩惱 )。譬如你在去某地的途中迷路了,你應該如是想:我之所以來到這裏,應該是上帝的旨意,我没有迷路,我的真我仍跟我在一起,我如何會是迷路呢?
許多人寫信給我,談及他們的種種問題,其實這些問題( 困境 )都不是問題,一旦你開始這樣想,你會驚訝到這些問題是如何被解決。
不用把困境當成一種挑戰,你應該如海中的泳者一般,想辦法去超越這迎面而來的大浪、去享受這波動。我們不要當一個掃興的人,我們不應該説:我不喜歡這個,我無法享受這個;你應該說:有什麼不好,我就來試試。 因為一旦你說你不喜歡,你的樂趣就消失殆盡了。假如你隨時告訴自己:我就是要去享受這一切,那你的喜樂就源源不斷而來。正如這杯加了肉桂粉的咖啡 (cappuccino) 對我而言不是那麼順口,但是我現在開始享受它!
註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 1989-05-05
在船上的談話。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
in disadvantages”. Speech held on board of the boat for Capri, 5 May 1989.
First time I
went to America I also went by ship. Now the ship has one problem: that it
cannot have any problem. Because there are no solutions. It is so limited.
Whatever is not on the ship is not there. Supposing you want to have a pair of
scissors, it’s not on the ship, so you cannot find it. So there’s no
problem. Because you have possibilities and you have choices that’s why there
is a problem. So on the ship you start understanding, whatever we have we are
In the same way
a Sahaja Yogi should be: whatever we have we are very happy. So there is no
problem. Supposing you are lost on the way somewhere then you have to say, ‘I
have to be here. That was God’s desire, so I’m here. So I’m not lost. Whatever
is myself is with me. So how can I be lost?’
There are all
such things you see. Because there are many people who write to me about their
problems. And the problems are such that actually there are no problems. Once
you start thinking like that you will be amazed how the problems get solved.
Now Italy had no rain for all these days. And that people wanted that there
should be rain, before I come, because it should clean out the whole thing. So
they must have said, there is no problem. So then it rained.
Then the other
day it was quite cold. Now they wanted to have, say, some music program. So it
was very cold, so we decided we’ll not have it. So there is no problem. We
slept nicely and got up nicely in the morning because we had to get up nicely
in the morning. Otherwise you would have been singing till three o’clock. So
it’s better that it was not so alright. And now today it’s very warm and nice.
So in Sahaja
Yoga you must always think if there is a disadvantage it’s an advantage for us.
You should see to the essence of the disadvantage and you should overcome it by
seeing it with an advantage.
You see human
beings have done this many a times. Like in Holland. You know the sea is much
higher than the land. So what did they do? They created canals. So
automatically they got very good roads. They don’t always have to worry about
keeping the road alight. So in every way if we can learn, how to enjoy the
disadvantage, the so called problem, then you’ll see that the solving of that
is the solution in a way that there is no problem.
should not be taken as a challenge, but like a big wave comes to a swimmer and
how he enjoys it: to jump over it. That’s why we are not joy-killers and we are
not spoiled-sports. Spoiled-sports. Spoiling the sport. So you should not
say, “I don’t like it”, “I don’t enjoy it”, but you should say, “Why not?”
Because if you decide not to like it, you will spoil the joy. But you keep
yourself all the time and decide, “Oh I’m going to enjoy, then you start
enjoying. For example cappuccino was difficult for me at the beginning.
(Laughter) But now I enjoy.( 1989-05-05 )