2017年1月10日 星期二

靈性( Divinity) 與奇蹟

-----靈性( Divinity) 與奇蹟-----

有一個叫Mr. Khan 的霎哈嘉練習者,他住在加爾各答,雖然他是一位印度教徒,且是一位物理科學家,但他已逐步發展出我所謂的"從内心認出母親"的感覺(註一)。有一天當他在浴缸洗澡時不慎跌倒,後背先着地,摔斷了一些骨頭,而且有些骨頭碎片插進去腦部,他陷入完全的昏迷。由於十分嚴重,所以医生宣告放棄說:他可能不會再甦醒過來了!他就待在加護病房裏。在他摔倒之前,他直覺反應的大叫一聲:媽(Ma,印度語的母親)!那時我正在德里,他們通知我他摔倒之事及他的狀況。我說:OK。我將注意力放在他身上,並給他一個班丹(bandhan)。隔天他張開眼睛,医生們無法置信,後來將他移到另一個病房。有一些霎哈嘉練習者去看他説:"我們可以給你一些能量(vibration)",他回答道:"但是我没有感覺任何疼痛"。現在的他看起來不只年輕十歲,而且有很大的不同。這個經歷對他而言正是完成了他對自己的靈性的體悟,讓他完全變成一個屬靈的人。他說:"母親,現在的我不再去想其他的事,我不再去想生死或其他,我也不去掛念我的小孩。現在我知道母親是誰,我也知道我完全在母親的保護之下,不用去擔心什麼。"

另外一個例子是Worlikar 医生,他是一個極其虔誠奉獻的霎哈嘉瑜伽士。他的心臟非常不好,主動脈(aorta)早已堵塞80%,所以医生為他進行一個繞道(bypass)手術。但可能由於這條繞道的血管出問題,所以他又暴發一個很嚴重的心肌梗塞,再次陷入昏迷。在繞道手術之前,他麻煩朋友説:"請傳話給母親"。其實這是不必要的,但也無妨。那時我在澳洲,我給他一個班丹。昏迷的他也是医生們準備放棄的病人。當医生考慮再給他一次手術時,他張開了眼睛,告訴医生說:"我現在感覺很好,我也不知道發生了什麼事,但是我覺得完全OK,我可以坐起來嗎?",医生們無法理解,聽了一下他的心跳,發覺他的心臟運作正常,於是又安排更進一步的檢查,竟然發現他原先阻塞的主動脈完全通暢。這是医學界從未發生過的。

Dr. Worlikar的經驗和前一個完全一樣,都因為他的靈性(已進展到這個層次),所以我可以發揮作用在他身上。因為他(和大我)的連結如此地好,所以可以成功地作用。但是假如你仍停留在用頭腦分析及理解霎哈嘉,那麼你尚未達到一個屬靈的層次,如此你就無法領受所有的祝福。當你到達此層次,所有的祝福開始從各方面湧向你。假如你聽過一些練習者的經驗,好像有人在安排一樣,不論是金錢,或房子,或交通,及所有的一切,都一起湧向這些練習者來幫助他們。縱使你仍屬於頭腦層次的練習者,一樣會有一些福分及幫助,但是唯有在你内在的靈性可以(向外)顯現時(譯者:即你是一個屬靈的人),你才可能有如此難以想像的福分。

註一:請参見另一譯文:"體悟你自己的靈性----- 真正從内心認出母親的途徑" (1991-05-05普祭談話的主題,https://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2017/01/realize-your-own-divinity-mahamaya.html ),才可以了解何謂"從内心認出母親""屬靈的人"。本篇是Shri Mataji 用兩個奇蹟來補充說明此次普祭談話主題

註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji  頂輪崇拜 (Sahastrara Puja)的談話1991-05-05JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正

There was one gentleman in Calcutta, His name is Mr. Khan, though he is a Hindu gentleman and a great scientist of physics. He was developing those feelings and one day he was taking his bath in a bathtub and fell down on his back. And it completely broke and some of the splinters went into the brain and he was in complete coma. So much so that doctors gave up complete hope about him, saying that, “He can never come back to life.” And he was in the intensive care. But just before falling he called – responses – “Ma!” That’s all. Then I was in Delhi. They informed Me that he has fallen and this is what has happened. I said, “Alright.” I just paid attention to him. Gave a bandhan. Next day he opened his eyes. The doctors could not believe it. And then they removed him to the another ward where Sahaja Yogis went and said, “We’ll give you vibrations.” He said, “But I’m not feeling any pain, nothing.” He’s looking ten years younger now and so different. Now the experience: this is a complete thing for him now. He is absolutely into his divinity. So he says, “Mother, I am a person now who doesn’t think about anything. About life, death, anything. About my children. Now I know who You are. I know that I am under your protection. I don’t have to worry.”

Another case was a Dr. Worlikar who had a very bad heart so they made a by-pass for him. A great devotee. And his by-pass went out of order perhaps and he had a very massive heart attack. He, again, went into coma. They put him in the hospital. His aorta, in the beginning, was eighty per cent clogged. So only twenty per cent was opened. There was no hope. So they did this by-pass for him and he just said, “Please send word to Mother.” That he need not have done also but doesn’t matter. And I just put bandhan to him. I was in Australia. He, again, was a given-up case. And they said, “Now, how can we have another by-pass. This pass is finished now, what should we do?” They were about to operate him and thinking about it when he opened his eyes and he told the doctor. “Doctor, I am feeling all right. I don’t know what has happened. I’m feeling perfectly all right. Can I sit up?” So the doctor couldn’t understand. He felt his heart. He said, “His heart is doing very well. What has happened?” So, they put him on the test and they found out that his old aorta was opened out completely which never happens in the history of medicine.

Now this experience that he had about is also because of his divinity that I could work on him – the connection was so good – and it worked. But if you mentally go on analysing everything and mentally understanding Sahaja Yoga you cannot reach that state of divinity from where you receive all the blessings. It starts pouring on you in every way. If you hear the way these people were helped as far as the money was concerned, as far the buildings were concerned, the transport was concerned – every thing – as if somebody’s working it out. Even if you are mentally Sahaja Yogis, all these things work out. But you are definitely helped when your divinity is manifesting in a very, very big way, in a such a big way that it is not possible otherwise.

These are not miracles. For human beings these might be miracles, but for God it is not. After all the whole world He has created, the whole Universe He has created, universes of universes He has created so what is so great for Him? But this is the faith with experience not a blind faith. Faith with experience.