2017年1月19日 星期四

過渡期(Krita Yuga, 或譯 "成就期")

-----過渡期(Krita Yuga, 或譯 "成就期")-----

前言:Shri Mataji 屢次提到練習者應該知道這個時代是Krita Yuga,是一個吉祥的時代,是練習者的大好機會。其實我們可以碰到霎哈嘉,可以得到自覺,最主要是因為我們生在這個屬於成就的時代的Krita Yuga。譯者綜合整理Shri Mataji 約三十餘次提到此點的談話。

過渡期乃是從一個時期進展到另一個時期之間的一個空檔(註一)。目前這個時代正是Krita Yuga,鬥爭期(Kali Yuga)剛結束,再來是完滿期(Satya Yuga),這中間的一個空檔正是現在。Krita的意思是:成就的時代(work will be done, when it was done)Krita Yuga翻譯為"成就期"較為貼切。

過渡期有一個最大的特色,即是在此階段無所不在的生命能量(Paramchaitanya, 或叫 All-Pervading Power)變得非常活躍,因為祂會試圖使(人類的)進化再往前推進一步。正因為如此,在過渡期有一些如下的特色:

一,很多人會開始覺得他們需要去求道追尋,許多人在這個階段會得到自覺,這都是來自這個力量的運作與恩賜,所以今天我們在全球有這麼多的霎哈嘉練習者。因此Shri Mataji 叫這個時代是一個開花結果的時代。


三,每一個人都會得到他的業報(Karma phalas, 意思為" 行為的果報", fruits of actions),即善惡都會有報。做惡事,必然會為此付出代價,這力量會懲罰你。Shri Mataji 特別提到若你是一個口是心非的偽君子(hypocrite),最後會傷害到你自己。若你在集體内胡作非為(如搞錢、搞權....),她也無法保護你,因為霎哈嘉瑜伽是神的工作,若你來此地搗亂,這個力量會出手嚴懲你。這處罰並非來自母親,Shri Mataji 說她會原諒,但是她實在非常替那些人擔心。


Shri Mataji 提到此次的Krita Yuga尤其特別,因為這次是往前邁進了一大步,這個力量有些過度活躍,有時甚至連她都會驚訝到如何跟上這麼快的腳步。對霎哈嘉練習者而言,却是正好可以利用這個時代所特別擁有的大好機會,假如你力求昇進,你會得到很大的幫助。但是假如你的注意力仍是到處遊走、無法靜坐昇進、只願反省別人、無法投入,那麼你將會錯過這班列車。

註一:印度古文化認為宇宙的時間分爲四個時期,周而復始,永不休止。四個時期依序為:Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapar Yuga, Kali YugaKali Yuga(鬥爭期)是紛亂的時代,也是黑暗的時代。Shri Mataji 說她此生來到時 (1923) 仍是鬥爭期,1982 年談話時說鬥爭期已結束,現在已進入Krita Yuga(過渡期)了。譯者在Amruta 網站未查到1982年之前Shri Mataji 有提過Krita Yuga

註二:江瑞凱綜合整摘譯自Shri Mataji的談話1982-09-26, 1982-04-02, 1991-03-31, 1990-08-19, 1991-01-01, 1982-07-04, 1983-11-01, 1992-07-24, 1996-07-09, 1992-09-30, 1990-12-12, 1991-04-05. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

This is the Krita Yuga. Krita means when where it will be effective, when where it is going to be effective. The work will be done. This is the Yuga, the times where it will be done. Krita Yuga. This is the special time which is in between Kali Yuga and Satya Yuga, is the Krita Yuga where things will be done, work will be done. Resurrection time where your hands will speak. This is the thing. You see. Translate it. Krita Yuga. “Kri” means “to do.”(1982-09-26)

He was here in Treta Yuga. That’s the time when He as here, that’s Treta Yuga, and Krishna came at the lime of Dwapar Yuga. And today is the time, when I came it was Kali Yuga. But now, today, the time is of Krita Yuga, the Yuga where work will be done: ‘Krita’ means, “work will be done”. This is the time where work will be done. So how things have moved from one to another? Now in the Treta Yuga when Shri Rama came, the idea of kingship and rulership started. So the greatest emphasis was on the goodwill of the people. The people had to have goodwill: for the people and for the king, and for the betterment of humanity.(1982-04-02)

So one has to be very careful because whatever you have got is something really remarkably, surprisingly so heavenly and so easily. Actually, I am surprised at Myself, how I have achieved all these things, but it has been achieved because, as I have told you, that the all-pervading power itself has taken a dynamic role. It is acting because it is now in — we are in Krita Yuga. This Krita Yuga comes when there is a gap between from one yuga to another yuga. Like we had Kali Yuga. Kali Yuga has to go to Satya Yuga. In between there’s Krita Yuga, when mishaps and evolutionary process have taken place at that time. So now the last evolution has started and again this all-pervading power has become very dynamic. That’s how you get all My photographs and you get all these things and you are also getting people realized. You, yourself, you are surprised at the miracles you have. Everybody can tell you hundreds of miracles, So these miracles also are worked out by this all-pervading power. At this juncture, when we have all these possibilities, if we try to be hypocritical, we are harming ourselves. If you try to criticize others and not ourselves, then we are going to miss the bus. You must understand the importance of time. That is something people miss out. Sahaja Yoga is very good because you are blessed and you feel that you are secured, things are very good,(1991-03-31)

Christ had twelve, so now calculate only two thousand years after that, how many could be? So we must know that it’s now in a new explosion, that’s why I call it as “blossom time,” that we are definitely spiritual people, we have got spirituality and that the Divine is working. So the Kali Yuga is finishing, now it is Krita Yuga and the Krita Yuga is acting and this acting of Krita Yuga is responsible for giving us so many Sahaja Yogis. Krita Yuga means in the time when this all-pervading Power has started acting. Nobody before felt the cool vibrations, can you believe that?(1990-08-19)

Only thing is that one should remember that Krita Yuga has started. Now Kali Yuga is over, Krita Yuga has started, and in this Yuga – that the Paramchaitanya is absolutely effective and very efficient.

Now if you do anything wrong it will punish you. It may not punish immediately but it will give you a suggestion, it will give you a proper signal that something is going wrong with you. But if you do not try to control your footsteps then you may go down very fast.

So you have to be very careful about that. Actually, I have told you so many times that there are two forces working, one which attracts you inside and one which throws you out.

So, it is important for all of us, all of us to remember that this Krita Yuga is there, and in that this Paramchaitanya is overactive.

Also, you are rewarded. You have been telling me so many stories, how sahaj it worked out, how sahaj it has happened, all of you have been telling Me very nice stories. But it is part of your play in Sahaja Yoga and that you are placed in the kingdom of God.

So, in the kingdom of God you are there, try to enjoy it, that’s the only thing you have to do is to enjoy the kingdom of God.

But if you try to, sort of, dislocate yourself from this joy, break the connection of joy by some sort of thinking, which is not reality, then you are responsible for yourself.

So, I have to tell you that keep the connection on. Not only that, but try to make it stronger and stronger, and become one with that divine force permanently, which will flow through you and will not only enlighten you but will give you so many powers, and you will see the new life in this new year.(1991-01-01)

In the most auspicious time that is called as Krita Yuga, we all have assembled here to understand the ways and methods of establishing our Principle of a Master. Krita Yuga. “Krita Yuga” means the time when you have to do something – “krita: when it was done.” So you are the channels of that doing, doing the work of God. You are the channels of God Almighty and His Power. On one side you have to carry the dignity, the glory, and the assumption that you are a guru. On the other side you have to be completely surrendered to your God Almighty. All your dignity, your authority comes from Him. And the third thing is that the way He has created this universe and you, in a mood of play, you have to see His play. So a kind of mood that is cheerfulness should be really bubbling through you.(1982-07-04)

Kali Yuga is the modern times, what was the Kali Yuga, the days of confusion, is over, and is called as Krita Yuga, means where this living force will act, and this living force has to act through you. You become the medium of that living force. Actually you become the master of that. But the beauty of this is that it manifests within you also. For example, the electricity is flowing through this; it doesn’t do anything to this instrument. But when this force starts flowing through you, you get completely transformed into a new personality, and a personality that Christ had described that you are to be born again. Again, linear way, is that artificially people can brand themselves ‘born again’. But when it happens to [you] are completely transformed from within, and the transformation is so visible, and so active, as Krita Yuga has started, that you are amazed. You cannot believe, it is fantastic, because you are fantastically made, extremely fantastically made, and that all things starts expressing itself as soon as it manifests.(1983-11-01)

Modern times are called as Kali Yuga in Sanskrit and it will be followed by Satya Yuga, means the Age of Truth. But in between these two eras is called as the Krita Yuga. It’s a very special one. In this Yuga, the all-pervading power of God’s divinity is acting and it is said that everybody will get their karma phal, means their awards for what good or bad they have done. Paul has described it as polarity. If you do something wrong to someone it reacts on you and at this time it is well to work out because this is the time of Last Judgment. All these false people, false gurus are there for you to judge who is the real and who is not. The falsehood will be exposed, but those who will still identify themselves with falsehood, will be punished. The only solution is to ascend, to get over it. Those who want to ascend, this divine power is the ocean of compassion and love. Not with the people who are identified with false things like fundamentalism: that is how you separate people from one to another. That is how you are fighting with each other in the name of God.(1992-07-24)

Kali Yuga is now getting into another thing called Krita Yuga, where all these vibrations, or we can say the Paramchaitanya is acting. People can’t believe in it. First of all, we have no faith in ourselves. We think, “How we can get it?” We have been conditioned by saying that we are sinners, we are good-for-nothing people. But that’s not true. Nobody is a sinner. It’s just a myth again in the head. It works so fast now, so people were amazed that for this Kundalini awakening, people took births after births and “Mother, how is it working so fast?” I said, “Nobody went to moon before this and now how we are going to moon?” The time has matured, matured human beings. Whether you are educated, uneducated, whatever you are, as long as you are a human being you have a right to get your Self Realization.(1996-07-09)

And [with] the Mahalakshmi principle which started manifesting in you, you started seeking the Truth. This principle was very active from the last fifty years, I should say and a new era started, that is the Kali Yuga, and now it is the Krita Yuga – means this All-Pervading Power of Divine Love, which is the power of the Primordial Mother, became active, simultaneously with the people who suddenly became aware that they have to seek, so many of them. So this Kruta Yuga has started and it is doing many things which were never done in any incarnation. The first thing is during this time everybody will get their “Karma phalas” (fruits of their actions), means whatever they have done wrong they will have to pay for it. Phala means the fruit. Only through self-realization the Karma phalas can be completely finished. So now we have collective, also, karma phalas. See now for example, so many Americans killed the poor, simple people who were in America, like Red Indians and these poor things, you know, they’re completely, completely destroyed, devastated. They could not fight the guns of the white-skinned Anglo-Saxons, and the Spanish. So, as a result of that, some of them just ran up to the hills, like Bolivia and all these places, hid there. So now in Bolivia they have discovered this drug (Cocaine), and this drug is now coming to America, and people are dying. They have to pay(1992-09-30)

What I have to tell you, that we should remember that when we are doing right in this Krita Yuga, this is the time when the Paramachaitanya has become active. That’s why it is called as Krita Yuga. At this time this Power is extremely active. They used to torture the saints in this country and every country who were real people, and they used to also make their lives impossible, because they were lonely people: one saint here, one saint there. But in these modern times we are so many, we have so many Sahaja Yogis all over the world. So first of all we are collectively very strong, and secondly the Brahmachaitanya Itself has become active. It’s a very great thing, we must realize it within ourselves, that no amount of cruelty, planning against us, any kind of violence of other people cannot harm us. If they ever try to harm us, they’ll be harmed themselves; apart from that, all our work will go all smoothly. But we should not lose even for a minute our self-confidence and our determination. Above all we must have faith in the Paramachaitanya which is now active. All our complaints, all our problems are because of ourselves. Because we lose faith in ourselves, then all these horrible things happen. And whatever may happen, even when people stoned us it has helped us a lot.(1990-12-12)

It’s a primary thing in life because these are very, very special days I feel. From Kali Yuga we are jumping into Satya Yuga. The interval between always has something, they call as Krita Yuga, where this all pervading Power tries to create a further movement of our evolution. Now this time is very, very special because the jump is too big. From Kali Yuga we have to jump into Satya Yuga. So this all pervading Power has become [over-delete?]overactive. The activity of the all pervading Power is so great that I Myself am amazed how to go fast with it, so we get the best of the all the advantages of this time..........

So once you believe that you are blessed, then you should feel like doing something for it. And once you have that feeling within you, you’ll be really helped. As I have told you that Krita Yuga has started. Now you have seen My photographs so many of them. I’ve got some of them. Have you got them here? Where is he? Steve, have you got those photographs, which you have enlarged? So many of them. I mean one better than the other. Recently we had some more which are not here. So the whole of Shri Chakra is on My head, like this, has come out with great light. So for you to believe that you are now in a different age, you cannot think about it and you cannot question it, you just have a look at it and what are we doing about it? Where are we?(1991-04-05)