2017年1月30日 星期一




當我想到某人時,我的輪穴馬上就會有阻塞(catching),這些輪穴就開始快速動作(moving)來治療那個人。我的身體就是如此地慷慨,好像我需要對這些我看到的人的輪穴來負責。所以一旦我看到某一個人,我的輪穴就自動運作起來。(其實不需要我想到你或看到你) ,你只要想著我的某一個輪穴,那你的輪穴即會完全回復正常,但你必須有相當的深度,你必須謹守對我的禮法(protocol),而且是正確地遵循,如此它就會自然地運作。只要想著我的輪穴就足夠了,但是你必須發展出完全的順服。

註一:請同時參考另一譯文:太初靈量(Primordial Kundalini ) 與你的靈量( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2016/11/primordial-kundalini-reflection-powers.html ) .

註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji  的談話1976-03-02, 1982-09-22, 1984-01-31, 1979-06-15, 1991-11-10, 1990-06-19, 1979-10-15, 1982--09-19. JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

I can nourish you with the powers that flow out of all My chakras but sometimes it seems to Me like I am talking to a wall and I am banging My head against a rock.(1976-03-02)

But in the puja you should stop thinking, do not doubt, do not think, then you have the best advantage out of it. As far as I’m concerned, my chakras start working sometimes with a great force. Say if [name yogi] does puja, he is such a great Sahaja yogi that the deities can start emitting lots of vibrations. But if you are not in the receiving mood, then it takes time for me to take out the vibrations in the atmosphere or in another awareness. So it becomes more difficult for me to have a puja, because sometimes I do suffer with overflowing vibrations which you cannot suck in.(1982-09-22)

This, specially for this microphone; I can tell you, if I put it on one of my chakras, I can emit vibrations of that particular chakra. I have tried that many a times, that when there is a problem in the collectivity – in the samashti, I work it on my chakra with that ordinary thing called as a microphone and it works.(1984-01-31)

I speak on the loudspeaker. And one of the disciples told Me in India that, “Mother, we see Your vibrations getting into the mike which You are using. But again, we see them again relayed out from the loud speakers that [they are / are there].” I said, “Is that the thing?” So I started using the mike on My chakras [plan] and it worked wonders. I was surprised that how it is expanding. So all these discoveries have come to us as a blessing from God.(1979-06-15)

If I think about Myself really, I tell you, I feel very happy, nice, joyous, I must tell you, I must confess. [laughs]

But some people I think of, immediately My chakra start catching and I feel, “Oh, God, why did I think of such a person?” I mean, that chakra start moving fast for that person. But this body is so generous that you can’t imagine even if I see somebody, suddenly the chakras start working for that as if I’m responsible for everybody’s chakras which are gone off – which I am in a way, but to such an extent. But still I think about people who are in trouble, about every one of you. Why? Why do I think? Because I know that if I can improve your chakras, you’ll be happy. I don’t have to logically go to that point, but just My body knows it. It works. It works and feels very happy. When I see somebody getting their Realisation it’s such a great joy to Me. When I see somebody being relieved of the problem, such a joy to Me because joy-giving is the character, nature of Spirit.(1991-11-10)

So the Primordial Kundalini, which is reflected in you as your Kundalini, also is of the same nature and it works in the same way. It rises, gives you Self Realization, gives you the powers, but after all one has to know it is a reflection and a reflection to make it truthful, real. You have to look at reality first, how the real one, the real Kundalini, the real Primordial One, how it acts, how it works. If you start thinking about My Kundalini only, immediately you will become silent, no question. You cannot think, just you become silent. Just think of any one of My chakras and your chakras will be all right. But you have to have that depth. You have to have that much protocol. You have to have that much right. Just it will act. Don’t have to do anything. Just you have to think of My chakras. Just think about My Kundalini. That’s sufficient. But you have to develop that surrendering situation.(1990-06-19)

Somebody’s some chakras are catching. All right so I put My Chakra into play. It works out. It works out that way, but you know that how much I have to struggle. How much I have to work hard. It’s a task, giving realization. My Kundalini doesn’t need anything. You know that, but still She has to carry your heavy kundalini on Herself and, raise it. It’s a very heavy thing. Only a Person, of real love can do that. That’s the only criteria. The one who does not have love, cannot do it. It is too much a thing to do. The whole body, vibrating, every center vibrating. It’s not easy. But it’s just the love, the compassion between, you and Me, which soothes Me, which covers all the tasks and the labor and the thing that I have to put in. And sometimes it’s such a wasteful thing I feel about some people. It is such a waste with them,(1979-10-15)

Supposing you find somebody has diabetes, so you locate the pancreas, you see. Just try to little bit tickle it like that, you see. The pancreas, you can feel the pancreas. The doctors can feel it. Just give it a little tickle. And for a Sahaja Yogi, it is easy to locate. Wherever there is a problem, you’ll find a lumpy spot. But only Sahaja Yogis can feel because they are subtle. Doctors may not. A lump, see, you can find a lump here. For Me, all lumps are nothing but my chakras working. I am talking about diabetes. You see, My chakras are working like a diabetic patient.(1982-09-19)