2017年4月16日 星期日



攻擊好鬥的個性(aggressiveness)是集體性(collectivity)最大的敵人,有些人本質上是極具有侵略性,他們談話的方式就極端富有攻擊性。這或許是由於某些因素:可能是受較多的教育,或可能是他來自一個非常具有侵略性的家庭,或許是他有一種優越的情結(superiority complex),或一種自卑的情結(inferiority complex),或是一種缺乏安全感在作祟,或是他被一些亡靈附身。

有一個笑話說:兩個人在樓梯相遇,上樓的人說:請讓路。下樓的那一位答道:我不讓路給儍瓜(I don't move for fools !)。上樓者往旁邊一靠説:但我會的(But I do !,譯者:英文的" I do "是用很簡潔的話語來表示 "我會讓路給傻瓜 ",但是又沒有說出 "傻瓜的字眼)


註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1991-04-10. JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

Now the worst enemy of collectivity is aggressiveness. Some people are basically aggressive; their style of talking is extremely aggressive, the way they say things is aggressive. May be because anything, may be they are better educated, may be they come from a very aggressive family, may be they are having a kind of a superiority complex or an inferiority complex or a sense of insecurity, or maybe they are possessed.

They try to dominate and show their very strong feelings towards people – of superiority. They may be inferior, it’s not necessary, but they do and this is something is to be curbed. So what you have to practice here is humility. Try to be humble.

There was a joke like this, that: one gentleman was going on the staircase and another was coming from the top. So this gentleman who was going up there said to the another that “Please move.” So he said, “I don’t move for fools!” The person who was climbing up, he said, “But I do” and he moved out.

That’s how the humility works. You have to be humble in your approach to others. ..............Humility is that in no way you try to aggress others, and if others are aggressive you accept it as a childish thing, as a stupid thing, as a foolish thing, has no meaning: because you are so powerful, you can bear it.