2018年1月29日 星期一


*** 錫呂克里希納談聰明與智慧 ***

人類最大的敵人是他的聰明才智(intelligence intellect,註一),因為人類的智力是如此有限,它又被極端地制約,而且它很自大,又十分盲目。至於智慧(wisdom,註二)則完全不同,你無法從學校或大學裏去獲得智慧。從何處可以獲得智慧呢?是經由你的靈(Spirit),你的靈會告訴你什麼是對、什麼是錯的完整概念。人的智力往往會接受錯誤的想法、觀念,往往是如此。人的智力並不是智慧,人們必須知道這一點,智力和智慧是兩樣不同的東西。

錫呂克里希納以祂的外交機智著名,祂有神聖的外交手腕(divine diplomacy),這表示什麼呢?這說明祂非常聰明。若没有聰明才智,你無法做許多事。所以錫呂克里希納就是用祂的聰明才智(去做許多事),祂是非常有力量,没有什麼東西可以主宰祂,甚至連祂的聰明才智也無法主宰祂,聰明才智是為祂所用。所以你們應該要(學習)去使用你的聰明才智,而非被你的聰明才智所主宰。人類往往是變成他的聰明才智的奴役,但錫呂克里希納則是祂的聰明才智的主人,祂用祂的智力來解決許多問題,祂為人所稱道的靈活外交手腕,正是利用祂的才智來為上天(Divine)服務。而祂內在的神性也無時不刻來幫助祂使用其才智,所以可以說祂是祂的聰明才智的主人。不只如此,祂也是祂的制約、情緒及身體的主人,及其他一切的主人。當你主宰你的智力時,你可以很明白看清楚你的腦袋及智力(所告訴你的一切)。你的腦袋有可能告訴你一些讓你感覺良好的想法,如 "你是全世界最偉大的人";或它也可能告訴你 "你是一個完全無用的人"。這個腦袋會騎在你上面來欺騙你,但是你現在已是一個霎哈嘉瑜伽士,你可以不再讓你的腦袋來引導你,而是要由你的智慧來引導你。你有一個很好的工具來判斷,即經由生命能量(vibration)來分辨什麼是(對你)好,什麼是不好的。



註一:譯者:intelligence intellect指的是人的才智、聰明,Shri Mataji 用此字表示的是我們俗稱的聰明、智力、頭腦,或腦袋、大腦等想出來的想法、構想。在此譯文中,譯者為行文流暢達意,交互使用上述幾個詞彙。

註二:Shri Mataji 談話中的wisdom (智慧)並非指比聰明更上一層、能談一點人生道理的聰慧,而是有特別的意思,是專指能知道什麼是對自己好的或不好(對的或錯的)的判斷力,而且其好壞的判定標準是針對自己的靈性,並非對自己的身體、自我或家人。例如去追求金錢、身份地位、名牌或尋歡作樂的人,以為這是對自己好,其實這只是滿足欲望、虚榮、非我或自我而已,這是没有智慧的行為,因為它們對你的靈性没有幫助,你的靈不會喜歡這些東西。

註三:最後這一段是譯者綜合Shri Mataji後段數十分鐘的談話,選其和前面談及智慧相關的文字濃縮翻譯而成的。

註四: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在錫呂克里希納普祭(Shri Krishna Puja)
的談話1994-08-28. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

So this ego business is actually taking energy of your intelligence, and the greatest enemy of a human being is, is his intelligence, I think, because it’s so limited, it is so conditioned, and it is so arrogant, and it is so blind.

Wisdom is a different thing. Wisdom you don’t get in colleges, schools, universities, nowhere. Where do you get it, the wisdom? You get it through your Spirit, which gives you a complete idea as to what is right and what is wrong. Whatever is wrong will be accepted by intellect, always. Intellect is not wisdom one must understand. They’re two things – wisdom and intellect. Now Krishna was known to be the diplomat. He had Divine diplomacy. That means what? He was very intelligent, no doubt. Without that you can’t do. I’ve met some people who are very highly placed who don’t have much intelligence even, but I have now seen that this intellect is a dangerous thing.

So Shri Krishna, He used His intellect. He is all powerful. Nothing can dominate Him. Even his intellect cannot dominate Him. He used His intellect. Difference between the two you should see. You should be able to use your intellect and not to be dominated by your intellect.

So He used His intellect by which He solved many problems. His whole diplomacy was to use His intellect and use it for the purpose of Divine. All the time the Divine in Him was helping Him to use His intellect. So the difference is that we are slaves of our intellect and He is the master of His intellect; not only, everything. His conditioning He is master, His emotions He is master, His body He’s the master. He’s master of everything. And when you master it you see your intellect very clearly, oh, this is what it is suggesting. This is not.

This intellect can give you very so-called positive ideas that you are the lord of the whole world. It’s supposed to be positive.

Or the same intellect can give you ideas that you are nothing. This intellect plays on top of you. Now you are not to be guided by your intellect, but by your wisdom, as you are Sahaja Yogis. So, you have a very good instrument of feeling it – through your vibrations you can make out what is good and what is bad. And you can see sometimes as being human beings, there are some intellectual effects also coming in. But with Sahaja Yoga you can judge, what is this intellect telling you.

Because the intellect that you have has come out of what – is the main thing; should go to the subtle point how this intellect has come to us.

This intellect has come to us because our brain became active very soon. I’ve seen some children extremely intelligent, but they have no wisdom. If your – only the brain develops too much, could be a mother is a very intelligent woman and, father must be very intelligent, inheritance would be great, so they get it. Or maybe the circumstances, like if you are born in a particular country you suddenly become very intelligent. I’ve seen Americans, they read all the time. All the time you see them reading. Even English they read. But what is the outcome of all that reading I don’t know. Every book they will read.

If you ask them what is a computer, they know the computers, this thing, that thing, that thing, all these … I don’t know how to even put off my television. If you ask them about television they will know they’ll… anything you want to know about mechanical things they will know. Anything about politics they will know, who’s father was that and they will tell you that, “No, no, no, no this is like this, this like that.” All this is avidya; is not knowledge. It is non-knowledge. So they think they’re very intelligent because they know everything, about everything. Now, with this intellect, as this consciousness comes in they start creating very intellectual ideas. Especially in America I have seen they have got for children all kinds of funny things just to extract money.

For example, there is a golliwog or something which has a birthday. Can you imagine? A birthday is there and sometimes, you see even the, people have big parties for that. Then they started, “Let us have birthday of the dogs” so they are having birthdays of the dogs.

2018年1月25日 星期四


*** 錫呂毗濕奴與正法及平衡 ***

錫呂毗濕奴(Shri Vishnu,註一)是這個宇宙的維持與保護者(preserver)。當這整個世界被創造時,也必須創造一位維護者,因為假如完全讓這個世界自行運作,而沒有一位維護者,那麼這個世界可能會被毁壞。(我們只需)考量人類的行事方式,人們是可能對這個世界做任何(破壞的)事。





註二:Shri Mataji 在許多談話中都提過:幻海的十大宗師所談的都是正法,目的就是要協助人類獲致平衡,而就平衡就是為下一步做準備,即為中脈的昇進及自覺做準備。

註三: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在錫呂克里希納普祭(Shri Krishna Puja)

的談話1994-08-28. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

And Vishnu is the one who is the preserver of this universe. When this whole world was created it was necessary to create a preserver also because this world would have been destroyed and completely if it is left alone without a preserver, then the way human beings are, they could have done anything to this world.

But so, Vishnu is the preserver. He’s the preserver and He’s the only one really incarnates. Of course, sometimes Brahmadeva also incarnated, but He only takes forms. In our evolutionary process He has taken different forms. He came on this earth in different ways.

But still He had, as you say, twelve – up to twelve was Shri Rama and up through ten He was there. So He created also an atmosphere of the many great prophets around Himself so that they could preserve the dharma of this universe.

So the basis of preservation was dharma, which has got, as you know, the most important basic foundation for spiritual life. In this dharma whatever was to be established was to be established balance. Was a habit with people to go to extremes in anything.

So He created a balance within us. The first principle of dharma was to create balance. If a person doesn’t have a balance then he cannot achieve his ascent. As simple as that. If you don’t have a balance in your airplane it cannot ascend. If you don’t have a balance, say on a ship, it won’t move.

In the same way, first the human beings had to achieve the balance.

2018年1月21日 星期日


*** 只有自覺的靈才適合土葬 ***


只有自覺的靈(realized soul)死後才可以被埋葬,一般普通人都不應如此,因為一般人有許多遺願,他們(死後)仍希望做這個、做那個,所以他們的靈魂(soul)可能仍會在屍體附近徘徊遊走。埋葬屍體不只佔據土地,又造成亡魂(bhoots)在那附近遊走。西方世界這種風俗是非常令人驚訝,當我第一次到巴黎,在市中心他們有一個很大的墓園,一般人很自然在那裏喝酒,因為所有埋在墳墓的酒鬼亡魂都跑出來鼓動這些人喝酒!

只有了解正法(dharma)的人才知道如何處理一般民眾及自覺的靈的死後事宜,只有那些合乎正法的人才可以(用土葬的方式)來保存他們的屍體,因為這些人的正法從臍輪(Nabhi)行到頭腦(註三),而頭腦又供給靈的能量給所有的神經,所以自覺的靈的整個身體都充滿神聖能量(vibratory awareness),這個肉體若埋到土裏面,人們是可以感覺到它的芬芳(fragrance)(甚至)你在遠處即知道有一個聖人埋葬在那裏。(註四)

你們應該記得我談過這個故事,也看過那張有光照在我頭上的相片(註五),我去Mian ki takli 村莊時,他們告訴我有一位蘇菲派(註六)的聖人叫Mianh,他死在這裏也埋葬於此地,立即我感覺到這能量(vibration)。當我在演講時,我看到他以光的方式呈現,然後他將光投射在我頭上,這就是相片所照到的景象,(他來向我致意),我感到十分高興,當我將手放在頭上示意他停止,他就停止將光照在我頭上。他死後没變成一個亡魂,而是變成光,當任何地方有需要時,他就以光出現。

註一約翰福音52829:“ 時候    所有  紀念墓      聽見   聲音   出來  行善   復活   生命  作惡   復活   定罪 。”。

譯者:目前的聖經是不認為有輪迴的,但有些研究指出原始的聖經是主張有輪迴的,後來統治者為方便控制信徒而將有關輪迴的文句全部刪除,但仍留下一些蛛絲馬跡。在否定輪迴的主張之下,只好說人死後就繼續留在棺木中,當最後審判來臨時再走出來。Shri Mataji 在許多談話中都提過目前看到的聖經已被保羅及後人竄改過,其中約三四成是錯誤的。

註二:Shri Mataji:耶穌基督是由""(Omkara,即:無所不在的神聖力量)構成的。


註四:Shri Mataji 在其他的談話也提過:埋葬在土裏的聖人身體的能量可以滋養母親大地。

註五:Shri Mataji 多次談話談及此故事,請看後面所附相片。


註七: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 錫呂毗濕奴普祭(Shri Vishnu Puja)的談話1994-07-13. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Like saying that if you die, and bury yourself – it is no soul they talk of – bury your body, then from the body after five hundred years, your body will come out, and you will be saved. After five hundred years, what will remain of the body? Such absurd ideas there are in these three religions: Christian, Jews and Muslims. That’s why they bury people. Now burying people means you are occupying the land, and also keeping the bhoots there. Like in… I was surprised, when I first came to Paris, that in the center of Paris they have got such a big cemetery. Naturally, people drink here – because most of the drunkards are sitting there inside the graves and they are inciting them to drink. It’s very surprising that in the West they have such absurd ideas that when you’ll be buried, then you’ll be resurrected like Christ. Just imagine… Christ was resurrected between three days. He died on Friday, resurrected on Sunday morning. Not even three days. But if you keep some body for five hundred years, who is not even Christ, – if Christ’s body, is different – what will come out of it? And so they are burying people. Only realized souls should be buried, not every common person. Because they still have their desires, their… they still want some things, their souls might be hanging around there…you see…that body. So, why should you keep the body in a place for years together? Then, after sometime, they’ll dig it up and make houses there. And all the bhoots must… coming in the house. So to understand dharma, we should also understand how we are going to deal with the death of general people and the death of Sahaja Yogis. Only if you are dharmic, it is not sufficient. There are many people who don’t do anything wrong, they’re very austere type, something, but they are not in balance, normally. They’re very hot tempered. If they are not hot tempered, they’re absolutely recluses, sit in the Himalayas, like that… But those people who are dharmic, – in the real sense of the word – once they ascend to the state of Virat, then only they are the people who should be preserved, their body should be preserved. Because the dharma from the nabhi goes to your brain, and brain supplies to all the nerves the energy of the spirit. So the whole body of a realized soul is full of vibratory awareness. If such a body is buried, you can even get fragrance. And from a distance you will know that there is some saint being buried here. If you remember, there are seven photographs of Mine, where the light is falling on Me. That was a village called Mian ki takli. They told me then, “Mianh, one Sufi saint, died in this place. So He is buried here.” Immediately, I felt the vibrations. And when I was sitting on the dais, I saw Him in the form of light, and He started throwing light on Me. And I was very happy; but when I stopped, He stopped it. He didn’t become a bhoot. No, He did not. He became the light. And wherever it was necessary, He showed His presence.

2018年1月14日 星期日


*** 耶穌基督(一) ***

我們必須了解耶穌基督(所帶來)的訊息,但是在這個世上總是有一些人,他們宣稱自己是理性主義者,而且他們有權利憑自己的喜好,來給耶穌一些評斷,像我今天早上看的報紙,我很驚訝他們的言論,他們說:"我們無法接受有關耶穌的這些部分,即祂是非受孕而來的胎兒(Immaculate Conception,註一),及祂從死裏再復活(resurrection),及......等等"。這些人以為他們是誰!他們如何有權利這樣說?只因為他們有寫字的本領?或許他們以為自己是學者,或讀了很多的書,或認為自己很有本領可以談任何話題,所以可以依自己的好惡來談論耶穌的種種。但是有關靈性的課題,並非人人都有能力去談,尤其是那些尚未得到自覺的人。



在耶穌的年代,没有飛機、汽車,但祂(不辭勞苦地)走過許多地方,對人們談靈性的生命。當時的人尚未演化、成熟到那個程度,所以祂無法給他們自覺,但祂對他們談什麼是符合正法的生活(dharmic life)。祂甚至把十戒講到極致,即人不只不應該有通姦的行為,連淫穢的目光都不可以。

其他的降世神祇在人間時,舉止行為都像人類,例如錫呂羅摩(Shri Rama)也常哭,錫呂克里希納(Shri Krishna)也娶了許多老婆,但是耶穌則完全不一樣,祂的行為舉止從未像人類,祂未結婚,也從未哭泣,除了對天父禱告時例外。祂在人世間的特質顯示出祂的神聖特質(divine personality),不只活出神聖的特質,面臨死亡時也像神聖的特質。當人們對抹大拉瑪麗亞(Mary Magdalene,註三)丢石頭時,祂站出來、站在她前面對大家說:你們没有犯任何罪的人可以對她丢石頭!這個勇氣與自信正顯示出祂的神聖的特質。



註一:Immaculate Conception大多是指: "聖母瑪利亞及耶穌基督成胎時未沾染原",但譯者認為Shri Mataji用此詞時指的是virgin birth,即聖母瑪利亞是處女懷胎,耶穌基督並未有人類的父親,這懷孕是來自上天的大能。

註二: Aum ,符號是唵是太初之母(Adi Shakti)從至高濕婆神(Sadashiva )分裂出來時,產生的第一個聲音,錫呂格涅沙(Shri Ganesha)即是唵的具體化(1990-12-25)。唵也是無所不在的神聖力量(Divine Power, Chaitanya, Vibration)

註三:約翰福音此處只提到一個淫婦,但並未指她是Mary MagdaleneMary Magdalene出現在聖經其他章節時是其他的故事。關於Mary Magdalene到底是那一個人,還是有好幾位不同的人,一直有很多爭議。還好這無關重點。Shri Mataji 在許多談話中都提過耶穌基督和Mary Magdalene 沒有任何關係,那些在瞎掰他們是夫妻,甚至有生下小孩的傳聞,是非常無知且可笑。

註四: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 復活節普祭(Easter Puja)的談話1994-04-03. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

We have to understand the message of Christ. There are many people in this world who try to show off that they are very great rationalists and that they have a right to pass any remark they like about Christ.

I was reading the newspapers today, I was surprised where they are all saying one by one that, “I reject this part of Christ that He was born with Immaculate Conception. I reject that He was resurrected. I reject this and I reject that.”

Who are you? Because you can write, because you have a flair, how can you say such things? Just without finding out. You are a scholar, maybe you are very well read, maybe that you think you are capable of saying whatever you like about any subject, but the subject of spirituality cannot be dealt by people who are not even Self Realised.

Because it’s a very divine life, it’s a very different life.

It’s an area where your mind cannot enter. It is beyond the mind. And so the poets or artists, all of them who have worked on Christ’s life and have tried to say things about him, mostly were realised souls and, if they were not, they could not do any justice to His life.............

As a human being, Christ came. He came as a human being, but he was not a human being. He was divine. Absolutely, He was nothing but Omkara. That’s why He could walk on the water.

There was nothing materialistic in Him, you can say, no matter in Him. If there was any matter, He could not have walked on the water. But if people start discarding all these facts, about His birth, about His walking on the water and all that, then what is left of Christ, I can’t understand..........

In those days of Christ, there were no aeroplanes, there were no cars, nothing. But He went from places to places and talked to them about spiritual life. The people were not yet evolved. They were not mature enough. So He could not give them realisation, but He talked about dharmic life. He went to the extreme of the ten commandments, that He said not only that you should not do adultery, but you should not even have adulterous eyes...........

Other incarnations who came on this Earth, they had to do many things, like Shri Krishna had to go in the war of Mahabharata, Rama had to go in the jungle to deal with people, same with Christ, we can say, that He did go to all these places, but He never behaved like a human being.

Others did. Shri Rama cried a lot, wept a lot for His wife. Then Shri Krishna married so many times because they were His powers so He married them.

So, though they were incarnations, they had to very much do the things which human beings do. Christ was never married. He never wept, as far as we know, except when He was praying to His Father. He just asked that, “If You could remove this cup from my mouth I’ll be very happy”.

So it’s shown in His character that He came on this Earth as a divine Personality, lived as a divine Personality and died as a divine Personality. ......

Christ accepted His resurrection as a natural thing because He knew all about it and that He didn’t have to change, He didn’t have to transform Himself. He was the same as He was because He did not need any resurrection. He just tried to show in His life that we, human beings can have our realisation and we can be resurrected.

His message is not the cross but the resurrection and this resurrection, if you understand, then one can understand also one more thing, that we are now resurrected from ordinary human beings to the divine level........

He had nothing to do with Mary Magdalene, but when people started stoning her, He went and stood before her and He said, “Those who have not committed any sin, can throw stone at her.” See this courage, this confidence was in Him because He was a divine Personality,

2018年1月9日 星期二


*** 如何對付負面力量 ***


Shri Mataji


註一:請也參考另一文章:Bandhan (班丹) (   http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2016/03/bandhan-shri-mataji-bandhan-bandhan.html  )

註二: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 公開演講之後的後續工作坊(Workshop)的談話1985-03-17. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

what is the easiest way to counteract negativity of other people around you. What’s the easiest way to counteract negativity of other people around you? You see there are many ways by which – first of all you get your realization, all right? Once you’re realized try to keep in thoughtless awareness. When you think of those people, if the thought comes to you, you should say, “I forgive, I forgive,” that’s the mantra for that – one of them in the thought process. But otherwise it can harmful to you – you write down their names in your hands and just move your hand like this – once, twice and thrice – it works. They don’t trouble you any more. So many things will work out with this – you try this principle, it’s very good. Uh..

I mean anything – this is we call as bandhan, we call it as the protection. So you write anything that you want to do, just put your hands like this – it works out, it’s wonderful because the power is flowing through your finger -tips and you can manage it,

2018年1月7日 星期日


*** 需要知道昆達里尼的知識嗎? ***

Shri Mataji 答:人的心智上不必知道太多(有關昆達里尼),即可以得到自覺,這是可能的。但是之後你必須告訴他們這是什麼,告訴他們相關的知識會是比較好的。只有極少數的人在得到自覺之後,會不想更進一步去了解,人基本上是會想去了解全部。但是(對於初學者),你可以一點點慢慢說,不必一來就對他們講全部,你可以先告訴他們這裏有一個方法可以獲得自覺,就如同有人來問我希望獲得光,我就告訴他那裏有個開關,只要按一下開關就會有亮光,我先不必去講太多有關電及燈泡的原理。但是他接著會想知道為何燈泡會產生亮光,這方面的知識會幫助他去創造、散播更多的光。這就是為什麼了解昆達里尼的種種知識是非常重要。
我是可以不告訴你們任何昆達里尼的知識,而(直接)提升你的昆達里尼,但是如此一來你將對此一無所知,也不知道這自覺是如何發生,這就像那些天生自覺的人一樣,他們不知道自己是自覺的靈,然後後來也迷失了。最有名的例子就是達文西(Leonardo da Vinci,或譯達芬奇),他是一個(生來就)自覺的靈,但是他不知道自己是自覺的靈,所以就迷失了。他(生來)是比一般人有更高的人格特質,但是他迷失了,因為他不知道自己是自覺的靈,很多自覺的靈都是如此迷失了。

Shri Mataji答:因為你仍不是一個完全發展好、成熟的人,當你處在那個不成熟狀態時,這是可能的。當昆達里尼(最初)升起來時,由於(輪穴)阻塞很多,所以它只升起一點點,最初的情況就是如此,只有當你達到完全無疑惑的靜觀(Nirvikalpa samadhi,或叫doubtless awareness )的階段,才算是完全的自覺,這是一個更高的狀態。

註一: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 公開演講之後的後續工作坊(Workshop)的談話1985-03-17. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Can anyone [UNCLEAR] ? Can anyone be realized without knowing about Kundalini? About mentally need not know much, it can be realized, of course you can be. But, then you have to tell them what it is, this thing is better to do that way. But there will be very few who will accept such a situation because they want to know about everything. But they need not know all that, you can little bit say, tell them that there is a way of getting realization and then it’s like this that when you come to Me, you want to have the lights, I’ll say all right, go there’s a switch you put on and you put on the switch, you get the lights without telling about it. But you would like to know how this light is done and then that helps you to create other lights. That’s why, it is important to know about Kundalini. I would, I can do it without telling you anything about Kundalini, I can raise your Kundalini but you would not know anything about and you would not know what it is It has happened with many who were born realized – they did not know they were realized souls and they got lost.

Like I would say, greatest example, Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci was a realized soul and he got lost because he didn’t know he was a realized soul, he was a higher personality than others, he got lost. So many got lost like that. Excuse me, if your Kundalini was arisen and that happened to be lost, I mean, you have it and it happened to be lost How can you get lost if the Kundalini has been awakened? It is, because, you see, it is, you’re not yet fully developed matured person. When you are in an immature state it does happen. Kundalini is, when it rises, you’ll be surprised, in some people it is just a wee bit, just like a hair, just comes up a little bit because it’s so difficult, you see, the passage is so blocked so a little bit comes up. This is what it is. It is, a complete realization takes place only when you are Nirvikalpa samadhi – – that’s a higher state. So in the beginning it’s just a little wee bit opens up and one percent people do get lost, they do, because they have egos, they have superegos or all kinds of things – they do get lost – so be careful.

2018年1月4日 星期四


*** 昆達里尼(靈量)的特質 ***

這個在你内裏的力量叫做"昆達里尼"(Kundalini),它是一個純潔的願望(pure desire),不止如此,它也是一個想要去潔淨的願望(purification desire)。它擁有淨化的大能(power),這是一個巨大的力量,而且這個昆達里尼會思考(thinks)、組織(organizes),能知道(knows)(事情)、能恊調(co-ordinates)、能給予祝福(blesses),而且它最終也會引導(guides)()。你必須了解昆達里尼是()純淨的型態,這表示她是完全抽離、無執(detached),任何有所執著牽掛的東西或想法就不是純淨的,任何會腐敗變壞的東西都不是純淨的。我們說黄金是純淨的,因為黄金不會生銹沾污而失去光澤,這是黄金的特質,(昆達里尼即是如此),昆達里尼是完全無瑕的(immaculate),它不能被破壞或汚染,但是她只可能因内在的破裂而變得虚弱(weak)


註一: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 公開演講之後的後續工作坊(Workshop)的談話1985-03-17. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Now this Kundalini, the force within you, as is said, is pure desire. It’s not only pure desire but it is a purification desire. It has a power to purify – tremendous power it is. And this Kundalini thinks, organizes, knows, co-ordinates, blesses and ultimately guides. So to go beyond the cause we must understand that this Kundalini is the pure form. That means it is detached. Anything that gets attached is not pure. Anything that gets spoilt is not pure. What we say gold is pure because it is untarnishable – untarnishable, that’s the quality of gold.

So it is immaculate. It cannot be ruined, spoiled by anything except that there could be khand, as they call it, could be broken in between and thus weak. So now, something that has a purifying quality like a purifying agent, say, take a simple thing like soap. So the soap, wherever you apply, will clean. Kundalini wherever it will go it will clean, it will nourish. This is one quality that we must understand that it is not tarnishable, it cannot be spoiled, it cannot be ruined, moreover it cleanses, it nourishes but because it thinks, it knows how to nourish you up to what point how to go, how far to go or it stops. But thinking is not vocal, it doesn’t say anything but when it goes round these chakras it makes a sound. And these sounds are made because the movement of Kundalini through these chakras creates a non- percussion sound pass through these creating sounds and these sounds are then jotted down or heard by great saints and used in the phonetic language of Sanskrit. That’s why Sanskrit is supposed to be the purest language.