*** 需要知道昆達里尼的知識嗎?
Shri Mataji 答:人的心智上不必知道太多(有關昆達里尼),即可以得到自覺,這是可能的。但是之後你必須告訴他們這是什麼,告訴他們相關的知識會是比較好的。只有極少數的人在得到自覺之後,會不想更進一步去了解,人基本上是會想去了解全部。但是(對於初學者),你可以一點點慢慢說,不必一來就對他們講全部,你可以先告訴他們這裏有一個方法可以獲得自覺,就如同有人來問我希望獲得光,我就告訴他那裏有個開關,只要按一下開關就會有亮光,我先不必去講太多有關電及燈泡的原理。但是他接著會想知道為何燈泡會產生亮光,這方面的知識會幫助他去創造、散播更多的光。這就是為什麼了解昆達里尼的種種知識是非常重要。
我是可以不告訴你們任何昆達里尼的知識,而(直接)提升你的昆達里尼,但是如此一來你將對此一無所知,也不知道這自覺是如何發生,這就像那些天生自覺的人一樣,他們不知道自己是自覺的靈,然後後來也迷失了。最有名的例子就是達文西(Leonardo da Vinci,或譯達芬奇),他是一個(生來就)自覺的靈,但是他不知道自己是自覺的靈,所以就迷失了。他(生來)是比一般人有更高的人格特質,但是他迷失了,因為他不知道自己是自覺的靈,很多自覺的靈都是如此迷失了。
我是可以不告訴你們任何昆達里尼的知識,而(直接)提升你的昆達里尼,但是如此一來你將對此一無所知,也不知道這自覺是如何發生,這就像那些天生自覺的人一樣,他們不知道自己是自覺的靈,然後後來也迷失了。最有名的例子就是達文西(Leonardo da Vinci,或譯達芬奇),他是一個(生來就)自覺的靈,但是他不知道自己是自覺的靈,所以就迷失了。他(生來)是比一般人有更高的人格特質,但是他迷失了,因為他不知道自己是自覺的靈,很多自覺的靈都是如此迷失了。
Shri Mataji答:因為你仍不是一個完全發展好、成熟的人,當你處在那個不成熟狀態時,這是可能的。當昆達里尼(最初)升起來時,由於(輪穴)阻塞很多,所以它只升起一點點,最初的情況就是如此,只有當你達到完全無疑惑的靜觀(Nirvikalpa samadhi,或叫doubtless awareness
註一: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji
在公開演講之後的後續工作坊(Workshop)的談話1985-03-17. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
anyone [UNCLEAR] ? Can anyone be realized without knowing about Kundalini?
About mentally need not know much, it can be realized, of course you can be.
But, then you have to tell them what it is, this thing is better to do that way.
But there will be very few who will accept such a situation because they want
to know about everything. But they need not know all that, you can little bit
say, tell them that there is a way of getting realization and then it’s like
this that when you come to Me, you want to have the lights, I’ll say all right,
go there’s a switch you put on and you put on the switch, you get the lights
without telling about it. But you would like to know how this light is done and
then that helps you to create other lights. That’s why, it is important to know
about Kundalini. I would, I can do it without telling you anything about
Kundalini, I can raise your Kundalini but you would not know anything about and
you would not know what it is It has happened with many who were born realized
– they did not know they were realized souls and they got lost.
I would say, greatest example, Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci was a
realized soul and he got lost because he didn’t know he was a realized soul, he
was a higher personality than others, he got lost. So many got lost like that.
Excuse me, if your Kundalini was arisen and that happened to be lost, I mean,
you have it and it happened to be lost How can you get lost if the Kundalini
has been awakened? It is, because, you see, it is, you’re not yet fully
developed matured person. When you are in an immature state it does happen.
Kundalini is, when it rises, you’ll be surprised, in some people it is just a
wee bit, just like a hair, just comes up a little bit because it’s so
difficult, you see, the passage is so blocked so a little bit comes up. This is
what it is. It is, a complete realization takes place only when you are
Nirvikalpa samadhi – – that’s a higher state. So in the beginning it’s just a
little wee bit opens up and one percent people do get lost, they do, because
they have egos, they have superegos or all kinds of things – they do get lost –
so be careful.