2018年1月4日 星期四


*** 昆達里尼(靈量)的特質 ***

這個在你内裏的力量叫做"昆達里尼"(Kundalini),它是一個純潔的願望(pure desire),不止如此,它也是一個想要去潔淨的願望(purification desire)。它擁有淨化的大能(power),這是一個巨大的力量,而且這個昆達里尼會思考(thinks)、組織(organizes),能知道(knows)(事情)、能恊調(co-ordinates)、能給予祝福(blesses),而且它最終也會引導(guides)()。你必須了解昆達里尼是()純淨的型態,這表示她是完全抽離、無執(detached),任何有所執著牽掛的東西或想法就不是純淨的,任何會腐敗變壞的東西都不是純淨的。我們說黄金是純淨的,因為黄金不會生銹沾污而失去光澤,這是黄金的特質,(昆達里尼即是如此),昆達里尼是完全無瑕的(immaculate),它不能被破壞或汚染,但是她只可能因内在的破裂而變得虚弱(weak)


註一: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 公開演講之後的後續工作坊(Workshop)的談話1985-03-17. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Now this Kundalini, the force within you, as is said, is pure desire. It’s not only pure desire but it is a purification desire. It has a power to purify – tremendous power it is. And this Kundalini thinks, organizes, knows, co-ordinates, blesses and ultimately guides. So to go beyond the cause we must understand that this Kundalini is the pure form. That means it is detached. Anything that gets attached is not pure. Anything that gets spoilt is not pure. What we say gold is pure because it is untarnishable – untarnishable, that’s the quality of gold.

So it is immaculate. It cannot be ruined, spoiled by anything except that there could be khand, as they call it, could be broken in between and thus weak. So now, something that has a purifying quality like a purifying agent, say, take a simple thing like soap. So the soap, wherever you apply, will clean. Kundalini wherever it will go it will clean, it will nourish. This is one quality that we must understand that it is not tarnishable, it cannot be spoiled, it cannot be ruined, moreover it cleanses, it nourishes but because it thinks, it knows how to nourish you up to what point how to go, how far to go or it stops. But thinking is not vocal, it doesn’t say anything but when it goes round these chakras it makes a sound. And these sounds are made because the movement of Kundalini through these chakras creates a non- percussion sound pass through these creating sounds and these sounds are then jotted down or heard by great saints and used in the phonetic language of Sanskrit. That’s why Sanskrit is supposed to be the purest language.