*** 反應 ***
經由昆達里尼的力量,發生在你身上最重要的是:你進入了''無思慮的覺知'' (thoughtless awareness),即你是活在當下。(對常人而言),要活在當下是不可能的。一旦你進入無思慮的覺知狀態,你的腦袋心智不再受到各種思緒的轟炸,用簡單的字眼來說,即你不再起反應(reflect),即你没有一個隨時起反應的心智。常起反應可以說是今天霎哈嘉練習者的一個基本毛病,不隨便起反應是通往穩定成長的道路。例如我(常)看到有些人無緣無故地大笑,或一看到某人或某事就有一些反應,嘴巴開始說出種種的意見,如:''這個不錯但沒有很好......'',幾乎對任何事情,他們都可以發表看法,這在西方世界尤其明顯,每一個人好像都非常有知識,滔滔不絕說什麼是最好的,什麼不是最好的...... 。當他開始如此談話時,他的心智就變得(非常)容易反應。假如你的心智頭腦不容易起反應,那麼你就可以有無思慮的靜觀。只是靜觀周遭的一切,靜靜地看著,只是一個旁觀者,而不必去反應。假如你用你頭腦心智的力量,那麼這靜觀的力量就會消退。這是霎哈嘉練習者常見的毛病,一個很容易起反應的心,對靈性是很不利的,它會造成你無法成長、昇進。帶著一顆容易起反應的心,你會有(許多)不同的情緒。 ........這個容易起反應的心智是當今練習者成長的最大障礙。
註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在Navaratri Puja的談話1995-10-01。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
But now
you must understand that this power that you have, what it does to you. What it
creates in you. The most important thing is by this power you become
thoughtlessly aware, that is you come in the present. To achieve the present is
an impossible task. So, once you are in thoughtless awareness, what happens,
that no thoughts bombard your mind, wherever you may be, you may be in America,
you may be in any place, you are not bombarded by thoughts. So, what does that
mean? Into very simple language, we can say, it means that you do not reflect.
You do not have a reflecting mind. Now this is the basic problem of Sahaja
Yogis of today, which one should try to conquer. That you do not reflect,
that’s the only way you can achieve your (steadiness?). For example, I’ve seen
some people, for nothing at all they’ll just start laughing, nothing at all.
They see somebody, immediately they will react – this was nice but not so good,
they start giving their opinions, especially in the west, about everything.
Everybody seems to be very knowledgeable and start telling, what is the best,
what is not the best, what is not good, and once they start saying something
like that, the mind becomes reflective. If the mind is not reflective, then you
have thoughtless awareness. Watch anything – just to watch, just to witness,
you should not reflect, if you are using your mental power then this power
subsides. This is a very common defect with people, because I think you people
are more intelligent, they would think maybe, I think you are well educated,
might be – I don’t know, whatever you think. But this reflecting mind is a very
dangerous thing for spirituality, you will never grow and then with a
reflecting mind you will have different emotions, with something you reflect on
somebody. ......
still I would say, the reflecting mind still acts. And this is the greatest
hurdle for the progress of Sahaja Yogis of today. I’ve been thinking why is it
the reflecting mind, is so active in the Sahaja Yogis of today? If you could
stop reflecting, immediately you establish yourself in the ocean of peace. You
watch something, you just watch, there is no ripple of thought in your mind.
Then you become extremely creative, you become extremely dynamic, you become
extremely compassionate. You have no fear, some people think, if you are
compassionate, you see this man might (letch?) with you, you have no fear. All virtues that you have to enjoy, you can only enjoy when you do not reflect. That means
that you leave everything to the Divine. You are not in charge. You don’t see
that you have to be reflecting on something. This is the greatest power you
have got – is not to reflect. ..........
when we reflect we absorb, when we reflect on something, we absorb that thing.
And mostly our attention goes to the defects of others. This person is no good,
that is not good, her hair is not alright, her sari is not alright – this that
and all nonsense. So what are we doing, we are absorbing all the bad things
also. Now when you start admiration of something, then what happens that you
may not get the bad things but at least you are on a better line. But still the
admiration in thoughtless awareness is really very deep. .....
So the
depth in you will only come when you do not reflect. But it is very common with
human beings, especially in the west, this carpet is no good, that is no good,
this smell is coming, that is there, always trying to judge others, judge other
things. It isn’t important, what is so important, if you are sitting in the
garden of heavens, what does it matter? Where you are sitting, what you are