2018年4月25日 星期三


*** 反應  ***

經由昆達里尼的力量,發生在你身上最重要的是:你進入了''無思慮的覺知'' (thoughtless awareness),即你是活在當下。(對常人而言),要活在當下是不可能的。一旦你進入無思慮的覺知狀態,你的腦袋心智不再受到各種思緒的轟炸,用簡單的字眼來說,即你不再起反應(reflect),即你没有一個隨時起反應的心智。常起反應可以說是今天霎哈嘉練習者的一個基本毛病,不隨便起反應是通往穩定成長的道路。例如我()看到有些人無緣無故地大笑,或一看到某人或某事就有一些反應,嘴巴開始說出種種的意見,如:''這個不錯但沒有很好......'',幾乎對任何事情,他們都可以發表看法,這在西方世界尤其明顯,每一個人好像都非常有知識,滔滔不絕說什麼是最好的,什麼不是最好的...... 。當他開始如此談話時,他的心智就變得(非常)容易反應。假如你的心智頭腦不容易起反應,那麼你就可以有無思慮的靜觀。只是靜觀周遭的一切,靜靜地看著,只是一個旁觀者,而不必去反應。假如你用你頭腦心智的力量,那麼這靜觀的力量就會消退。這是霎哈嘉練習者常見的毛病,一個很容易起反應的心,對靈性是很不利的,它會造成你無法成長、昇進。帶著一顆容易起反應的心,你會有(許多)不同的情緒。 ........這個容易起反應的心智是當今練習者成長的最大障礙。



註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji Navaratri Puja的談話1995-10-01JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

But now you must understand that this power that you have, what it does to you. What it creates in you. The most important thing is by this power you become thoughtlessly aware, that is you come in the present. To achieve the present is an impossible task. So, once you are in thoughtless awareness, what happens, that no thoughts bombard your mind, wherever you may be, you may be in America, you may be in any place, you are not bombarded by thoughts. So, what does that mean? Into very simple language, we can say, it means that you do not reflect. You do not have a reflecting mind. Now this is the basic problem of Sahaja Yogis of today, which one should try to conquer. That you do not reflect, that’s the only way you can achieve your (steadiness?). For example, I’ve seen some people, for nothing at all they’ll just start laughing, nothing at all. They see somebody, immediately they will react – this was nice but not so good, they start giving their opinions, especially in the west, about everything. Everybody seems to be very knowledgeable and start telling, what is the best, what is not the best, what is not good, and once they start saying something like that, the mind becomes reflective. If the mind is not reflective, then you have thoughtless awareness. Watch anything – just to watch, just to witness, you should not reflect, if you are using your mental power then this power subsides. This is a very common defect with people, because I think you people are more intelligent, they would think maybe, I think you are well educated, might be – I don’t know, whatever you think. But this reflecting mind is a very dangerous thing for spirituality, you will never grow and then with a reflecting mind you will have different emotions, with something you reflect on somebody.      ......

But still I would say, the reflecting mind still acts. And this is the greatest hurdle for the progress of Sahaja Yogis of today. I’ve been thinking why is it the reflecting mind, is so active in the Sahaja Yogis of today? If you could stop reflecting, immediately you establish yourself in the ocean of peace. You watch something, you just watch, there is no ripple of thought in your mind. Then you become extremely creative, you become extremely dynamic, you become extremely compassionate. You have no fear, some people think, if you are compassionate, you see this man might (letch?) with you, you have no fear. All virtues that you have to enjoy, you can only enjoy when you do not reflect. That means that you leave everything to the Divine. You are not in charge. You don’t see that you have to be reflecting on something. This is the greatest power you have got – is not to reflect.  ..........

Now, when we reflect we absorb, when we reflect on something, we absorb that thing. And mostly our attention goes to the defects of others. This person is no good, that is not good, her hair is not alright, her sari is not alright – this that and all nonsense. So what are we doing, we are absorbing all the bad things also. Now when you start admiration of something, then what happens that you may not get the bad things but at least you are on a better line. But still the admiration in thoughtless awareness is really very deep. .....

So the depth in you will only come when you do not reflect. But it is very common with human beings, especially in the west, this carpet is no good, that is no good, this smell is coming, that is there, always trying to judge others, judge other things. It isn’t important, what is so important, if you are sitting in the garden of heavens, what does it matter? Where you are sitting, what you are doing?

2018年4月16日 星期一


*** 錫呂瑪塔吉回憶打開頂輪的種種(三)***

當頂輪打開之後,我没有想到我可以在這一生看到這些工作(譯者:指很多人得到自覺及轉變)完成,其實這是昆達里尼及無所不在的神聖力量(Paramchaitanya)的偉大成就。我本身對這神聖力量的工作亦感到十分訝異,雖然它是我的力量(My Shakti),我也不知道它做了什麼。你們都見証到這力量在我的相片創造了許多異相(註三),及展現各式各樣的奇蹟。






註四:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 光明節普祭 (Diwali Puja Puja)的談話1995-10-29JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

All the work is going on so smoothly, and when Sahasrara was opened, I had not thought that I would be able to see all this work done in My lifetime, but it is the work of the greatness of this Kundalini and Paramchaitanya. I am Myself surprised by this Paramchaitanya and don’t know what it is doing, although it is My Shakti, but you are witnessing that this Paramchaitanya is creating My photographs of various types and is showing varieties of miracles, almost fifty types of miracles.  .......

So many experiences are still felt because this Paramchaitanya comes in the form of blessings. Everywhere it will bless you, will give you love, will take care of you in every way. Everything is there, but it has moved fast. I Myself can’t understand how it does so much work in a place like America, where people don’t have any sensibility at all in the field of spirituality. One time, there was a big program in such a big hall, people had no place to sit, and people got their realisation in five minutes, just in five minutes. Then the same thing happened in Los Angeles. I was so surprised that the people there are such fools, but it happened with them. Then in Canada, there also they got their realisation in five minutes. Then we went further. There also people got realisation in five minutes. I could not understand what it is and why it is so. The forms of Paramchaitanya have extended so far, its varieties are so many, that no one can understand what the matter is and how it takes place. If somebody asks Me, I won’t be able to say.   ..............

It is that very Paramchaitanya. Now, let us say it is My Shakti only, but I don’t know My Shakti. It happened in this way. It is happening so fast that I can’t understand what it will do next and what its next move will be. I mean to say, this power is so eager that in this world, whatever the changes, it is a global transformation. There is no delay in doing that, but those who will join it, and those who will work for it, only they will get it.  ......

And all of you should fully understand this Shakti, its mode of working, and understand it and utilise it accordingly. If you start utilising this power, you can do all kinds of work. If anyone is bothering you, you can give a bandhan to him. For doing any work, you can give a bandhan. Only a bandhan. What do you do in a bandhan is that the Shakti that is flowing inside your being, you wind up that Shakti. And if you have any question, or any problem, you can give a bandhan to that. That Shakti will work out the problem. You have got this Shakti. You are so powerful. If you utilise it, your success will be limitless. But a human being is lost. Even after getting realisation, unless a human being considers it something special, it will be difficult for Sahaj Yoga to spread.   .........

I have told them how I came here by chance and found somebody trying to use mesmerism on people. That was the time, I decided, we had to open the Sahasrara, and that is what I did in a very Sahaj manner. I must say that I just desired that now it would be opened. And that is all. I didn’t do anything, and once the Sahasrara was opened, I was amazed to find out how human beings can give realisation to others. Even human beings can give collective realisation. Of course, they have to use the photograph; we can say it is Niralambha, only. Niralambha means that we should not have any Alambhan, depending on anything, but it is Nira, Niralambhan. I am Nira. This is a very confusing word. But this is what it is. You have to use My photograph.

2018年4月12日 星期四


*** 錫呂瑪塔吉回憶打開頂輪的種種(二)***






So first of all, I experimented with a very old lady who had much faith in Me, and she got her Self-realisation. Then I was confident. I thought that at least one person has got realisation. In this Kali Yuga, is it easy to give realisation to anyone? When one person got realisation, I thought that it was possible that many would also get it. And it was easy to give realisation collectively. It was easy to give realisation to one person. It was easy to pay attention to one person. But for the collective realisation, whatever I had experienced about human beings, there was still some more work to be done. What should be done when I find that somebody has a bad quality, or has some trouble, or is conditioned? Because one person has one problem, another has a different problem, and a third person has a third problem. If collective work is to be done, just with one awakening, everybody should benefit. It should be helpful to everyone. Right now, because of the shortage of time, I cannot make you understand that till this time, this collective realisation work, which had not been done before by anyone, was done by Me with the help of a lot of deep meditation.

As I was rotating my Kundalini all around, using my Kundalini repeatedly to influence others, nobody knew what powers I had inside Me. Who am I? Nobody knew. Nobody in our house knew. And nobody knew in my in-laws’ house, either. In my parents’ house, too, nobody knew. And I never told anybody, because it is not easy to put it into their heads, because Man’s brain is such that it is very difficult to thrust any thought into it. Everybody is egoistic; everybody feels self-important. Now, who will tell them? As Kabir has said, ‘How shall I make the whole world understand?’ I feel it is not blindness but ignorance, absolutely a huge collection of ignorance. And how to transmit this subtle knowledge?

When the Kundalini of that lady, that Devi, got awakened, I noticed that she had subtle knowledge, and she started understanding Me with the help of that subtle knowledge. After that, twelve people got realisation, and after getting realisation, they were surprised because their eyes sparkled absolutely. And they started seeing everything. They started experiencing some strange change inside their being. In the beginning, I worked on all the chakras individually of the first twelve people, because elements give strength to its foundation and we have to struggle hard to make it strong. Although their Kundalini had awakened, you know that even after the Kundalini is awakened, we have to meditate to take it into the right direction, and it has to settle down. I worked very hard for these twelve people. As a result, I understood that if the twelve behaviors of these twelve people were somehow synchronized, how can the power of the enlightened soul be organized? Just as we thread flowers into a needle, how can that totality be obtained? How can the different behaviors of these twelve people be synchronized into one common formula? And when they got their realisation, I saw that, by and by, all of them were becoming integrated internally. I had to work even a little harder. But I realized that to tell somebody, to tell people in general about it, was not so easy. It is not for the people to understand. Then a program was organised in Jahangir Hall. There I said, ‘How many rakshasas have come, and how many rakshasnis have come? What will they do?’ Everybody got frightened. They started saying that if Mataji talked this way, how would anyone help Her? All of them advised Me not to talk in that manner; otherwise there would be great problems. I told them, ‘Till now, my killer is not born, and you should be free from worry.’

By and by, I told these small streams inside everybody and small rivers of Kundalini, ‘You concentrate on My Kundalini.’ And they became thoughtless the moment they started to meditate. And the moment they became thoughtless, they felt that they had a lot of identity with Me. By and by, there was more and more thoughtless awareness. By and by, there was more focus on collectivity. This I saw first of all in Jahangir Hall. Hindustanis, Indians, have taken birth on this land because they are very religious-minded. They must have lived a noble life, because in India we don’t have to work so hard. In no time people would get realisation. Of course, in the beginning it took a little more time. But in foreign countries, hands get tired. To raise someone’s Kundalini is just like lifting a mountain, and then it falls down with a bump. It rises up and then falls down with a bump. And there is a great difficulty with collectivity, asking weird questions, this and that, and all sorts of worldly talk. When I answered their questions, they would get surprised. How does She know all this? How does She have knowledge about all this? They examined Me a lot, because they had lots of ego.

Now, by and by in London, the first time, seven Sahaj yogis came. All of them were like hippies and drug addicts. They transformed into Sahaj yogis. It meant that I got some support, in a way, and I was confident that in Sahaj Yoga people were denouncing drugs.

 It is not so easy to help a drug addict. Out of this, one good experience was gained that even the most difficult person must get connected and must have the knowledge of his own Self, when he desires it. He gets his Self-realisation simply by desiring it. Then I would tell everyone to desire for Self-realisation in their hearts. That helped them to get their Self-realisation.

2018年4月8日 星期日


*** 錫呂瑪塔吉回憶打開頂輪的種種(一)***



54日那一天,我坐在樹下看那群人的活動。我很訝異那位假導師給參加者一些咒語,並催眠他們,很多人開始嘶吼、狂叫,有人就像狗一樣吠,有人如獅子般吼叫,我知道那位假導師將那些參加者帶到他們的前世,他是在喚醒他們的潛意識的心智。之前我已經看過許多假導師在玩弄這些技倆,他們從求道者騙取無數的錢財,但是他們内心也充滿恐懼,他們甚至需要僱用帶槍的保鏢來保護自己,假如這些假導師做的是神的工作,他們爲何需要保鏢呢?至於這些可憐的求道者的遭遇,我想這是由於目前是黑暗期(Kali Yuga, 或稱"迦利時期"),唯一的解決方法是打開人類的意識(註一),人類才有純粹的知識,才可以了解假導師講的並不是真理,去追隨假導師是完全無法得道的。


當時我面對的是,應該做什麼來解決前述的問題。來到那戈爾之後,我看到這些惡魔在催眠求道者,我了解到除非打開(人類的)頂輪,否則人類不知會沉淪到什麼境地。到了隔天(55)的清晨,我已經在海邊待了一整個晚上,我是自己一個人,但我感覺很好,没有人干擾我。然後在我的靜坐中,我再次想到:"讓頂輪打開吧!",當我有此願望時,我立即看到我的昆達里尼像一個望遠鏡一般向上射出,還發出"喀喀喀"的聲音,然後我看到外層的昆達里尼一直上升再上升,那顏色就像煉鐵爐中的熔鐵的顏色(譯者:亮橘黃紅色)。它經過每一個輪穴都發出喀喀喀的聲音,然後穿過頭頂的囟門。穿過我的頂輪並不重要,而是我知道從此全世界(人類)的頂輪都會更容易打開了。而且在那時我感到有一種能量降臨我身上,也有一股清涼的風(Cool Breeze)從各方向吹來。至此,我知道我可以開始我的工作,帶著完全的信心,我想開始工作的時機已經來到了。
畢竟没有什麼好害怕的,人們最多不過是笑我、打我,或殺我而已,無論如何這工作必須進行,這是我來到這世上的唯一目的。我必須祈求集體意識(collective consciousness, 註二 ),因為除非人們獲得他們的自覺(Self-realization),知道他們的真我(Self),否則不可能達成我的終極目標。

註一:譯者:錫呂瑪塔吉指的應該是打開頂輪後可以連上的無意識(unconscious),或超越意識(super conscious),即無所不在的神聖力量。


But when I came to Nargol, due to some strange reasons, a very wicked rakshasa who had set up his camp there sent word to My husband that I should visit his camp. I didn’t like him at all. Even so, I obeyed My husband and went there, and most probably the bungalow I am staying in right now is the same one we were staying in then.
On the previous day, I was sitting under a tree watching their drama, and was so surprised that this person was giving them mantras and mesmerising them. Many people were screaming and shouting; some were barking, and growling like lions. I understood that he was shifting them into their previous lives, and I was nervous to see that he was awakening their subconscious mind. I had seen also these false gurus earlier and observed what they did. People should know what they do and how they do this business. And I noticed one thing, that these people were very frightened. They would have their guns with them and their guards with them. I thought, if they are doing God’s work, why do they need such things? And they were charging limitless money. They looted crores of rupees from people by telling lies. These two things were in my mind. I thought that it was a result of Kali Yuga that such people were still thriving. But the only solution was that when Man’s consciousness awakened, he would have pure knowledge and he would understand that all this was untruth and it was useless to follow such things. The third thing I saw was that in the society I was living in, all the time people were doing all sorts of things that would lead to their destruction; for example, drinking, running after women, and things like that. And they hankered after money. And they didn’t seem to be talking in a natural way. They would talk in a strange manner. They would pose and talk dramatically. I would think, what has happened to Man? Why is he entangled in this drama business and doing wrong things? But whom could I tell? I was all alone.
That time when I came here, the only problem was what should be done. After coming here, when I saw that these rakshasas were mesmerising people, then I understood that if Sahasrara was not somehow opened, God knows where the people would drift to. As a consequence, the followers, the seekers of God, the seekers of truth, God knows where they might go. Then after noticing this, the next day, early in the morning, I was at the sea coast for the full night. I was alone and I felt very good. There was nobody to disturb Me. Then in My meditation, I thought again, ‘Let Sahasrara be opened.’ And as soon as I desired it, that let the Bramharandra of Sahasrara be opened. I saw my Kundalini in My own being, shooting up like a telescope: khat, khat, khat. Its colour was like the combination of all the colours of Diyas (earthen pots) that you have lit here. Then I saw the outer yantra of that Kundalini was rising up and up and up, looking just like the colour of iron when it gets hot in furnace. At every chakra there was a noise ‒ khat, khat, khat ‒ and the Kundalini pierced Bramharandra. My piercing didn’t matter. But I saw that it would now be easier in the universe. And at that time I felt that some power, whatever it was, dawned into My inner being, and a Cool Breeze came from all around Me. Now I understood that there was no harm in starting My work, because whatever complications were there, were over. With full confidence, I thought that now the time had come.
After all, what would happen? At best, the people would kill Me, beat Me; at best they would laugh at Me, make fun of Me, and after that they would kill everybody. There is nothing to be scared of. This has to be done. I have come to this world for this purpose only. Because I have to invoke collective consciousness, I thought that unless people get their Self-realisation and know their own Self, it is impossible to achieve My goal. We may do other things, but it is all useless.

2018年4月1日 星期日


*** 儍瓜還是瘋子  ***

前言:這是1995 Shri Mataji 在紐約對美國練習者的談話。美國一直有領導人紛爭的戲碼,Shri Mataji 甚至說美國在這方面是全球所屈一指的。本譯文特別摘譯談話中關於這部分的片段,此談話有一些十分精彩、發人深省的說詞。





後記:其實這也是全球集體普遍的問題請也參考 : ''蓋起你的耳朶,也遠離講你的導師壞話的那個''http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/01/hugo-maha-mataji-ashram-thomas-yogi.html )及 "歷史上誤闖霎哈嘉的三隻狐狸"   (  http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/03/blog-post.html  )

註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji Devi Shakti Puja的談話1995-10-08JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Now the pettiness with which we suffer can come in many categories but is nothing but stupidity. One of them is that, this idea of leadership; which is the greatest stupidity you could ever think of. I am just befooling you by saying “You are a leader. You are a leader”. Nothing it’s just a myth, you don’t believe Me in that. If I call you the leader, you must know that Mother is trying to test me and others also those who are trying this power game of becoming leaders, nothing at the back. There is no one who you can really say is the leader of Sahaja Yoga except that I had to have some people to communicate so we got them leaders. It doesn’t mean that if they become leaders, they go to heaven; they will get a right royal reception, nothing like that. All will be going in the same manner. See this is all created by Maya. Now people are striving to become leader, and I really feel like laughing. Those who will try are climbing a mountain, which doesn’t exist. Where are you climbing? Where are you going? It doesn’t exist. There’s no mountain, it’s all straightforward road. So this is also a sign of complete stupidity.  ........

So now, the attention if it is on food, attention if it is on money, attention if it is on so called power of leadership and all that know that it will make you stupid. Anybody who boasts, “I am the leader of this”. All right, all right, very good! You’ve known one like him you see? That what you have to react because if you say that I am the leader of this and this, itself shows that you are a stupid fool, isn’t it? Because if you know it’s stupidity, all this Mother is making a fool out of us, why should you say, “I am the greatest fool?” Why should you yourself boast of yourself? Even any boasting is a sign of a stupid fool you know? Or a mad lunatic person.

Once our Prime Minister went to one lunatic asylum and he met one who was sane to talk to. So he asked him, “Who are you?”

He said, “I am Jawaharlal Nehru”

He said, “Who is Jawaharlal Nehru?”

He said, “I am the one who was the, who is the Prime Minister of India”

“Aahh! You’ll be all right. I used to say the same. You stay here for five-six months you’ll be all right”.

So all such bombastic talking those people who do, you should just know I am telling you certified lunatics or certified fools. And once this goes, this stupidity into your head you will be no more a Sahaja Yogi, no more. Whole spirituality will come out and you’ll be left high and dry. Anyone who boasts like that is worse but even if you think like that is no good, not on the proper lines.