2018年4月16日 星期一


*** 錫呂瑪塔吉回憶打開頂輪的種種(三)***

當頂輪打開之後,我没有想到我可以在這一生看到這些工作(譯者:指很多人得到自覺及轉變)完成,其實這是昆達里尼及無所不在的神聖力量(Paramchaitanya)的偉大成就。我本身對這神聖力量的工作亦感到十分訝異,雖然它是我的力量(My Shakti),我也不知道它做了什麼。你們都見証到這力量在我的相片創造了許多異相(註三),及展現各式各樣的奇蹟。






註四:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 光明節普祭 (Diwali Puja Puja)的談話1995-10-29JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

All the work is going on so smoothly, and when Sahasrara was opened, I had not thought that I would be able to see all this work done in My lifetime, but it is the work of the greatness of this Kundalini and Paramchaitanya. I am Myself surprised by this Paramchaitanya and don’t know what it is doing, although it is My Shakti, but you are witnessing that this Paramchaitanya is creating My photographs of various types and is showing varieties of miracles, almost fifty types of miracles.  .......

So many experiences are still felt because this Paramchaitanya comes in the form of blessings. Everywhere it will bless you, will give you love, will take care of you in every way. Everything is there, but it has moved fast. I Myself can’t understand how it does so much work in a place like America, where people don’t have any sensibility at all in the field of spirituality. One time, there was a big program in such a big hall, people had no place to sit, and people got their realisation in five minutes, just in five minutes. Then the same thing happened in Los Angeles. I was so surprised that the people there are such fools, but it happened with them. Then in Canada, there also they got their realisation in five minutes. Then we went further. There also people got realisation in five minutes. I could not understand what it is and why it is so. The forms of Paramchaitanya have extended so far, its varieties are so many, that no one can understand what the matter is and how it takes place. If somebody asks Me, I won’t be able to say.   ..............

It is that very Paramchaitanya. Now, let us say it is My Shakti only, but I don’t know My Shakti. It happened in this way. It is happening so fast that I can’t understand what it will do next and what its next move will be. I mean to say, this power is so eager that in this world, whatever the changes, it is a global transformation. There is no delay in doing that, but those who will join it, and those who will work for it, only they will get it.  ......

And all of you should fully understand this Shakti, its mode of working, and understand it and utilise it accordingly. If you start utilising this power, you can do all kinds of work. If anyone is bothering you, you can give a bandhan to him. For doing any work, you can give a bandhan. Only a bandhan. What do you do in a bandhan is that the Shakti that is flowing inside your being, you wind up that Shakti. And if you have any question, or any problem, you can give a bandhan to that. That Shakti will work out the problem. You have got this Shakti. You are so powerful. If you utilise it, your success will be limitless. But a human being is lost. Even after getting realisation, unless a human being considers it something special, it will be difficult for Sahaj Yoga to spread.   .........

I have told them how I came here by chance and found somebody trying to use mesmerism on people. That was the time, I decided, we had to open the Sahasrara, and that is what I did in a very Sahaj manner. I must say that I just desired that now it would be opened. And that is all. I didn’t do anything, and once the Sahasrara was opened, I was amazed to find out how human beings can give realisation to others. Even human beings can give collective realisation. Of course, they have to use the photograph; we can say it is Niralambha, only. Niralambha means that we should not have any Alambhan, depending on anything, but it is Nira, Niralambhan. I am Nira. This is a very confusing word. But this is what it is. You have to use My photograph.