*** 你們都在我裡面
例如上一次在德里有一個負責人來看我,我的一隻腳就開始扭轉,讓我疼痛不已。我不知道如何告訴他請他立即出去,因為我不想傷害他,所以我說:"發生了什麼事?你之前去過哪些地方呢?你做了什麼事呢 ?",然後他才理解到,才離開,之後我的疼痛就大幅改善。你們靠近我有時候也會有一些影響,例如一個有許多問題的人非常接近我,引起我的注意,那我就不得不忍受苦難了,往往就是如此。
註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在太初之母普祭(Adi Shakti Puja)的談話1997-05-25 。JSM
! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
Now the
problem of this Adi Shakti is this, that I decided that I will have all of you
enter into My body, absorb all of you. It’s a very dangerous game I know, but I
did play, because I’m supposed to do at this stage of time, that I should
absorb you all in My body.
So with you, all your problems are also gone into Me, all your
troubles also have gone into Me. But by absorbing it, see, it’s like ocean into
which you are put and you are cleansed. But what about the ocean? Ocean has got
still your problems and things lingering and they are very troublesome.
So the best thing would be for you to cleanse yourself.
Cleansing is very important through introspection. But doesn’t mean thinking,
never means thinking.
But introspection means meditation and that you all should
I must tell you, we had a meeting of the leaders and they came
out and sat in the drawing room. As soon as they assembled I had such a severe
pain in the stomach and I had such a bad diarrhea that you can’t believe. Now,
who has got those problems, I don’t know. Who has brought these problems, I
don’t know. But as a Mother, as a Mother, I don’t mind anything, as long as you
all get well and purified.
Just like as the Mother Earth cares for you, I also care for
you. And just like as the Mother Earth loves you, I also love you, whether you
are bad or good is not the point.
But to be kind to Me if you could try to be really good Sahaja
Yogis, not a showoffs, not business-like, not only thinking type, not
argumentative, not criticizing others; if you just try to meditate every day
ten to fifteen minutes, I tell you, My health will be first class.
Because I have taken your injections inside and they start
torturing My life for nothing at all.
See so, now, it’s a risk I have run, and I am sure you are all
very sensible people, and you will understand that your Mother shouldn’t
suffer. This is every-day crucifixion for Me sometimes you know, and I don’t
know what to say.
For example, the other day in Delhi, one gentleman who is a
leader, came to Me, to see Me, and My one foot started going like that and
paining so much.
I mean I didn’t know what to tell him that, “You get out now,”
because I just can’t hurt him, you know. But I said, “What’s the matter, where
have you been, what did you do?” And so he realized and he went out, and really
it improved.
Nearness also, I think, has an effect, because if a man like
that is, or a lady like that is full of problems and she comes very much closer
to My attention, then I have to take up the cross, it’s like this.