*** 太初之母和母親大地 ***
太初之母(Adi Shakti)如何開始作用在這母親大地(Mother Earth)呢?首先她創造了一個昆達里尼(Kundalini)在母親大地之內,然後她從母親大地創造出錫呂格涅沙(Shri Ganesha)。太初之母在你之內的表現即是昆達里尼,即昆達里尼是太初之母在你内裡的反映,而太初之母的反映亦在母親大地的諸多地方表現出來,如在不同的地方、不同的國家、不同的城市,以各種輪穴及太初之母創造的萬物顯現出來。在母親大地內部,昆達里尼先儘量冷卻母親大地的內裡,然後再從地球表面顯化出不同的輪穴。昆達里尼穿越地球內部不同的中心(centers,譯者:有可能指輪穴中心),也創造出不同的中心,最後才從Kailasha(註一)穿出來,所以你可以在Kailasha這個地方感受到巨大的能量(vibration)流出來。
所以宇宙大我(Virata)、母親大地、人類三者有很大的相似性,三者(的內在)都有太初昆達里尼(Adi Kundalini)的反映,因此三者有很密切的連結。
母親大地是知道聖人的,他知道誰是聖人,他可以感知聖人的腳。這也為什麼摩西(Moses,註二)走入海中,母親大地會隆起來讓他從紅海走過去,假如只是猶太人想穿越紅海,那是不會出現奇蹟的。正是摩西及其神聖的特質使得母親大地隆起來幫忙。同樣的,當年羅摩(Shri Rama)要在斯里蘭卡及印度之間建立一座橋樑,母親大地就隆起來形成一座橋(註三)。所以我們不應當因為任何地球上的災難,就來詛咒母親大地。假如人們是聖潔的,那麼母親大地總是會保護他們,她總是儘力試著給予他們想要的東西。
註三:羅摩橋(Rama's Bridge)是位於斯里蘭卡及印度之間一連串的石灰岩沙洲。這座天然橋共綿延48公里長。羅摩橋名稱源自於印度信仰,根據印度史詩羅摩耶那(Ramayana),羅摩王子為救被魔王拉伐(Ravana)擄走的愛妻媳妲(Sita),得到神猴哈紐曼幫助,由猴軍花了5天築出羅摩橋,終得深入斯里蘭卡與魔王拉伐大戰救回愛妻。(譯者摘自維基百科全書)
註四:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在太初之母普祭(Adi Shakti Puja)的談話1997-05-25 。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
But we’ll come to the point when Adi Shakti started working on
this Mother Earth.
The first thing is we must know, that She created a Kundalini in
the Mother Earth itself and She created Shri Ganesha out of the Mother Earth,
it’s very interesting. .........
The expression of Adi Shakti within you is the Kundalini, no
doubt. That is the reflection of Adi Shakti in you. But the reflection in the
Mother Earth is also expressed, as you all know, in different places, different
countries, different cities, as the manifestation of chakras and Adi Shakti’s
creations. ..........
Inside the Mother Earth, the Kundalini came up in such a way
that it cooled down the inner part of the Mother Earth as much as it could, and
then it manifested on the surface of the earth as different chakras.
So it’s tremendous similarity that we have with Virata, the
Mother Earth and the human beings. If all of them are being reflected by the
Adi Kundalini so there has to be a great connection between them. ....
It is not understood by human beings how they are connected to
this Mother Earth. This Kundalini passed through different centers, creating
different centers in the Mother Earth and ultimately broke through Kailasha.
And I don’t know how many have you been to Kailash you’ll see
tremendous vibrations flowing out of Kailash.
All the movements of Mother Earth are controlled by this inner
Kundalini, which is the reflection of Adi Shakti. The gravity that it has also
is the manifestation of the Kundalini of the Mother Earth.
Now, why we are suffering in this beautiful planet, because we
do not respect what we have to respect the most. Mother Earth is to be
respected, meaning what? Meaning that whatever is created on this earth, by the
movement of the earth, by the sea, by all the elements, has to be respected.
Today’s problem is pollution, all kinds of things people talk
of. The reason behind it, people never understood the importance of all these
five elements which are supportive of our life. ........
So the understanding of Mother Earth about saints is very great.
She knows who is a saint, She knows the feet of a saint and that’s why, you
know so many things were created, like Moses, He went to the sea and the Mother
Earth came up, for them to walk through. If all the Jews had walked, it would
not have worked, but it was Moses and His saintliness that the Mother Earth
Herself came up and helped.
In the same way when Rama was building a big bridge between
Lanka and India, the Mother Earth came up as a bridge.
So we should not try to curse the Mother Earth for any mishaps
on this Earth. If people are saintly they will be always protected by Mother
Earth. She will always try to give them whatever they want. ......
So before us is the best reflection of the Adi Shakti and that
is this Mother Earth.
So first we must respect the Mother Earth.
I like you people because you are sitting on the ground, it’s
very good. For meditation if you can sit on the Mother Earth it will be
extremely good because the special quality of the Mother Earth, which also I
have unfortunately, that I suck your problems.
She too sucks your problem and when She sucks your problem you
get rid of them without any difficulties.
So, if you cannot, say, sit on the ground, then you take a
stone, better is, or you can have a marble, or something which is natural on
which you should try to sit.
But if you sit on the plastic and do your meditation, I don’t
know what is going to help you, the plastic? That’s why I request you always,
that use natural things, because natural things can absorb your problems very