2019年1月24日 星期四

享受(Joy) 與快樂(Happiness)

*** 享受(Joy) 與快樂(Happiness) ***

錫呂克里希納(Shri Krishna)談到享受( joy,註一)祂從未談到自我克制的苦行,祂從未說過你要拋棄你的家庭、抛棄你的小孩、拋棄所有的一切擁有,從未如此說過!祂說的是:你必須去享受!以抽離、無執的心來享受(enjoy with detachment)!對一般人而言,這是很難去理解,如何可以做到以抽離的心來享受呢?關鍵是:若你有種種的牽掛、執著(attachment),那你是無法想去享受的。假如你對某人某物有任何的牽掛,那麼你是無法完全來享受他。我來舉一個簡單的例子,若你對你的小孩有種種牽掛,那你就會擔心他應該如此或不應該如此,你可能會不允許他外出或和某人交談等等,會有種種的規定限制,(如此不只你無法享受小孩的相伴與成長),也不會帶給他任何的喜樂。但是假如你真正有上天的明辨力(Divine Discretion)那麼你會知道你的小孩應該和誰交談、去那邊、做什麼娛樂等等,而且你也會看到他去享受這些。任何的牽掛與執著無法讓你看到人或物的全貌,假若你可以抽離出來,你就可以從一個較高的角度來看事物。而且當你抽離時,你也會變成無思慮的靜觀狀態(thoughtless awareness)


註一:Shri Mataji用的"joy"這個字,並非慣用翻譯的"喜樂"Shri Mataji常說 joy happiness (快樂)是完全不同的,但在中文含義中,喜樂和快樂並沒有太大的差異。依譯者的理解,Shri Mataji所稱的 "joy'' 指的是:1.一種"享受的心態"(即是動名詞),或是2. 這種心態下平靜舒服的感受(即是名詞)。不論是遇到困境或是順境,不論是碰到喜歡或是不喜歡的,都可以去欣賞眼前的這一齣戲,這種心態即是所謂的 joy,翻成"享受"是比較貼切。所以"joy"是單一的,任何狀況皆可享受,但是快樂與否則是依外境的順逆而定,是兩面的。

2001-04-07談話中的這一段亦表達此概念:''來享受一切的心態(sense of enjoyment) 會使你遠離所有種種的憂慮、所有麻煩的課題、所有你看到的困苦,所以一旦你學會如何來享受一切,你的生命可以變得十分有趣。而這個享受(enjoyment)的心態就是經由你的靈(Spirit) 來到你身上的。''

註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji宇宙大我普祭(Virata Puja)的談話1999-09-05JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

But he talked of joy, and he never talked of renunciation. He never talked that you give up your family, you give up your children, you give up everything – never, never. He said, “You must enjoy – enjoy with detachment”. But for people it is very difficult to understand how can it be that it is without detachment (attachment?): with attachment you can never enjoy. If you are attached to something, you cannot enjoy anything in a full way.
Like supposing you are attached to your child. Very simple thing, you are attached to your child. If you are attached to your child then you will be bothered about things that should not be there, which will not give joy to the child either. You will not allow your child, say, to go out or to talk to people, whatever it is, all kinds of restrictions you are putting. But if you have really the Divine Discretion then you will know with whom he should talk, where he should go, what he should enjoy, and you will see that he enjoys that. Any attachment with anything doesn’t give you the full view of that person, or of that thing. If you are detached then you can see things from, let’s say, above, above the thing. If you are detached, you become thoughtlessly aware also.

As I said now see the carpets are there, they are very, very beautiful carpets. Now if they are mine I will be worried about them, I will be all the time worried because I am attached, that these carpets should not be spoiled, something may go wrong. But if I am not attached, I look at those carpets, and what do I see? The joy! The joy that was put in by the artist who made them. And that joy really tries to reflect in me also. That joy comes in me.
So to have an attachment to anything, there will be happiness but not joy. Because joy is single and happiness is double – happiness and unhappiness. So even if I try to enjoy something I will think “Oh still there is this point [possible problem] is there”. But joy is all pervading. It has no boundaries, and you just get dissolved in the ocean of joy. That was what was Shri Krishna’s idea was, that to cut out these maryadas.