*** 你的覺知必須成為Paramchaitanya ***
說明:這是一個重要的談話,Shri Mataji 先談到人的種種意識、覺知、觀念、想法等等,之後再進入此主題,譯者試著翻譯談主題的這一部分。
你必須去覺知到(aware)你是一個自覺的靈(realised soul),你是不一樣的人,是非常特殊的。你是一個已得到自覺的靈,而不是一個普通人。而且要去覺知到你是受"無所不在的神聖力量" (Paramchaitanya)保護的,沒有任何東西可以改變你、給你麻煩、可以壓過你,因為你未覺知到這個上天的力量,所以你(常會)有一點擔憂,譬如常有練習者寫信給我:"母親,我的女兒有這個問題、那個問題......"。假如你知道如何將這些事交託給Paramchaitanya,假如你體悟到你是和Paramchaitanya一體的,你是它的一部分,那麼所有的問題都可以被Paramchaitanya改正過來。而且它是一直在照顧你的,你不必非常有意識去做任何努力。你只需去接受生命中所碰到的,原原本本去接受這些安排,不要想去報復、也不用生氣、不用感到沮喪,就去接受這一切,如此你將會去享受這個原本是會讓你十分不舒服的人生安排。你將會去看到這個人生安排中可以去享受的部分,而且你也會看到自己是如何航渡所有的困難、克服你所有的敵人,這將是何等的優美!如此你將會有一個嶄新、美麗的人生!你們都是霎哈嘉練習者,這是一個很殊勝的位置,以此身份,假如你可以謙卑地低下頭,你將會驚訝到你是完全和Paramchaitanya連結在一起,不只如此,你也已經變成Paramchaitanya。
'' ( https://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2018/06/state-of-sahaja-gita-shri-krishna.html )
'' ( https://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2018/06/state-of-sahaja-gita-shri-krishna.html )
註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji頂輪普祭(Sahastrara Puja)的談話1999-05-09。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
Now this is the stage where I would say that you have to be aware
that you are realised-souls, you are different, very unique. You are
realised-souls, you are not ordinary people. And that you are protected by this
Paramchaitanya. Nothing can change you, nothing can trouble you, nothing
can overpower you. Because you are not aware, also, of this
Paramchaitanya, that’s why you, a little bit, get worried. And people write to
me sometimes, “Mother, something wrong with my daughter, something
this thing.” Everything can be corrected by Paramchaitanya, if you know how
to leave it to That, if you understand how you are one with that
Paramchaitanya, you’re a part and parcel of that. And that Paramchaitanya is
looking after you. You don’t have [a] very conscious effort, there’s no need to
have very conscious effort. Accept life as it is. As it is, whatever life is
there, accept. Don’t retaliate, don’t get angry, don’t get upset. Just accept.
And you will enjoy the same life which was irritating you! You will see
the enjoying part of that, and it will be so beautiful the way you will
see that you will get over all your problems, you will get over all your
enemies. And a kind of a very fresh, beautiful existence you will have.
So now, as you are all Sahaja Yogis, it’s a very great position. With that, if
you humble down, humble down, then you’ll be amazed to see that, you are
absolutely in contact with this Paramchaitanya; not only that, but you
have become Paramchaitanya.
With this Paramchaitanya you can do anything. I need not tell
you what you can do, because some of you may not believe me. But that’s [what]
my own experience is, that, if you are the Paramchaitanya, if you know
you are the Paramchaitanya, then it keeps your dignity, it keeps your position,
it keeps your world and looks after you. And whatever is just said or desired,
you just get it. Your desires also change. Your desires are not for stupid
things, but for something that is very noble. Like, you want to
transform people, you want to do Sahaj Yoga work.
All these desires are fulfilled fully, when you want to
do it, you like it and you think of it. It is something, even seeing something:
if you see something and you are stunned by that! Immediately
Paramchaitanya will take over and you will have no problems, no
problems. Because the way we react to all these difficulties and to so-called
odds in life becomes a play, just a play. You are amazed! You looked at
it and finished! Look at that, and finished! That is how it is the light
which goes into the darkness and finishes the darkness. The darkness
is finished, and our problems are finished also.
So this is what our awareness has to become. Awareness
has to become Paramchaitanya. Then you get all the ideas, everything
that are Divine. But not only that, but also the help of the Divine, all
the solutions of the Divine. It’s something amazing! And
everything quietens down, everything settles down, and you are amazed, watching
all this, that you are the centre of doing all these things. You are not
aware that you are doing, and you are this, that ego
thought is missing in you, but you see it’s all happening around you,
and then you are amazed how it is happening.
The whole lifestyle changes, the whole understanding changes,
and you become a great source of happiness, joy and knowledge to others.
You don’t have to study anything, you don’t have to know much, but you
will know about everything, what is right and what is wrong. And then
only you can tell the things with complete authority that, “This is not
right!” ........
So it’s [a] kind of a turmoil in which they are jumping,
from one shore to another shore. But you are not. You watch that drama.
You see all that drama, and with your peace you can see everything, very