2019年1月28日 星期一


*** 一些有趣的問答  ***



Shri Mataji 答:人類的生命的目的在於進入上帝的國,去享受全能上帝的種種禮物,在於成為一個靈   (Spirit),在靈裡有完全的平靜、和諧和純粹的喜樂。這靈的特質和上帝是完全一樣的。(1995-09-19)



Shri Mataji假如你只想到你自己,你的能量是會離你而去,能量降臨在你身上,不只為了你的好處,也為了別人的好處。假如你只擔心你自己,那麼能量是會消失的,因為能量存在你身上,是為了給別人,為了在別人身上工作。假如你沒有足夠的集體性,那麼妳無法成長。假如你無法融入霎哈嘉,那麼你會無法成長,一旦你無法成長,你就很容易往下跌、再往下跌,最終你會失去所有的能量。你已經給多少人自覺了?(問者似回答:無)你看這就是癥結所在!首先你要開始給別人自覺,如此你才可以體悟到給他人自覺是何等的喜悅。霎哈嘉不是為你一個人,它是為了每一個人。(1996-03-10)



Shri Mataji:我從未遇到一個真的導師,而他又可以給人自覺。或許那個導師是真導師,但他無法給人自覺!這是重點!這些導師大多數是脾氣很大,而且他會叫追隨者做很多事,且要十賣力。我從未見到任何其他的導師可以給人自覺,假如你碰到某導師可以給人自覺,那麼一定要告訴我,我將會十分高興讓他來替代我的工作。(1996-03-10)


註一:譯者綜合摘譯自Shri Mataji的談話1995-09-19、1996-03-10。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

“What is the purpose of human life?” The purpose of human life is to enter into the Kingdom of God. Is to enjoy the bounties of God Almighty. The purpose is to become the Spirit so that there is complete peace, harmony and pure joy. That is the role of God also. (1995-09-19)

she says that when she came first to meditation she was sleeping very well, it was effective after, and all that and then later on she started… Now see, look, if you are just thinking about yourself, vibrations will go away. It’s not given only for your benefit, it’s given for the benefit of everyone. If you’re just worried about yourself the vibrations will disappear. Because vibrations are there to give it to others, to work for others. If you’re not collective enough, you cannot grow. If you do not dissolve into Sahaja Yoga you cannot grow. And then when you don’t grow you go on falling down; you go on falling down, then you’ll lose all these things. So how many people have you given Realization? That’s it. First you start giving Realizations to others then you will understand that how joyous it is to give Realization. It’s not meant for you alone, it’s meant for everyone, all right? (1996-03-10)

“I believe that there are real gurus and false gurus in this world. If someone follows a real guru but not Sahaja Yoga does this still do any good for him?” Who’s this Christine? Now see, I haven’t met anybody who’s a real guru and who is giving Realization to others, who may be real but he cannot give Realization. That’s the point. So what will they do? You see, they’re very hot-tempered people mostly and they take you to task; they make you work very hard. I haven’t seen anybody giving Realization so far; if you meet anyone, let Me know . I’ll be very happy, pass on. (1996-03-10)