2019年2月10日 星期日

慈悲 (Compassion)

*** 慈悲 (Compassion) ***

有一個故事是有關住在印度Maharashtra 的一個聖人。在那個時代人們用一種叫Kavad的容器來裝水,然後一路千里迢迢將水帶到Gujarat這地方,將水獻給供奉錫呂克里希納(Shri Krishna)的寺廟。這種(像朝山的)儀式被視為對錫呂克里希納很大的尊敬與順服(surrendering)。那個聖人也和一般人一樣用Kavad裝水,從Maharashtra 他住的村莊走了一個月才抵達寺廟的山腳下。在山腳下他看到一隻非常口渴、快要渴死的驢子,他就將水給驢子喝。

旁人都說:" 哇!你帶著水走了許多天,走了這麼多里路,就是為了將水獻給這山上的神祇,而現在你卻將水給的這隻驢子喝。"



註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji錫呂克里希納普祭(Shri Krishna Puja)談話2000-08-20,也參考1995-07-16的談話JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。 

There is a story about a saint in India, in Maharashtra. So they all used to take water in a container, called as `Kavad’ and would take it all the way to Gujarat to a temple of Shri Krishna. That was regarded as a great, I can say, surrendering to Shri Krishna. So that saint also carried the water in the container called `Kavad’. All the way he carried it, from his village in Maharashtra and when he reached the temple at the foothill of that temple, he saw a donkey very thirsty, dying out of thirst. So he gave that water to that donkey. Everybody said, “Imagine, you have brought this water from miles together, for days together to be poured on the deity here and now you have given it to this donkey?” He said: “you don’t know God has come all the way down here to take the water”.
See the attitude of that he took. So for a self-realized person the compassion should be like this, of very generous nature. If you are not generous, if you are miserly, always worried about your money and saving of it, then firstly, you are not a matured Sahaja Yogi. You are not. Apart from that, this kind of money will never give you any happiness. Miserliness is against the Spirit. Spirit is extremely generous, extremely generous. It never strives to save something or cheat people or steal something. It is out of question. Because there is no greed left in him. There is no greed at all and that is why such a person, who is a realized soul, cannot be greedy. Has to be extremely generous.(2000-08-20)

I had told you a story about a saint who was to take to… water for the Deity in Gujarat and he walked one month to go there with a pitcher of water. And then at the… because it was a very high mountain on which this Deity was, and he reached at the foothill. There he found a little donkey dying of thirst so he poured all the water for that donkey. So those who were with him, they asked, “What are you doing? You brought it all the way, and why are you putting (pouring?) it for this donkey?” He said, “You don’t know? The God has come all the way down, just to meet me here. He doesn’t want me to climb up.” (1995-07-16)