*** 第21個頂輪紀念日的宣言 ***
這些年來我一直在等待這一天,我們現在是第21個頂輪(紀念日) ,這是一個非常重要的轉折點......。截至目前為止(譯者:指1990年),我一直告訴你們不要太公開、太大聲來宣揚霎哈嘉,但是現在這個時機到了。我們過去已等了許久,現在你們大家必須開始來談霎哈嘉,對外宣告它,對每一個人來談它。
首先不要缺乏信心,"我怎麼可能(做這些工作)呢?我並不完美,我有這些問題,我有那些問題",有多少信是告訴我這些,我都將它們丟掉或燒掉。沒有必要再做這些告解了,只有一樣你需要宣告承認的:"我是一個霎哈嘉瑜伽士,經過21個頂輪紀念日,我現在是一個大瑜伽士(Maha Yogi)"。這才是你需要做的宣告!不要再講那些過去告訴母親的家庭瑣事、俗事、毫無意義的事,你們已經是決定放下這些來霎哈嘉追求你的昇進,(現在)你已獲得自覺的成就,這目的是要做什麼?獲得你的自覺與昇進就是為了要解放人類,為了要幫助他們走出無明及黑暗的幻象。
註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在頂輪普祭(Sahastrara Puja) 的談話1990-05-06。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
All these years I have been waiting for this day.We have now, on
the twenty-first Sahastrara, so is a very important turning point. ......
So far I had told you not to talk about Sahaja Yoga very openly,
blatantly, but now the time has come. We waited long for these days. Now you
have to all start talking about it, announcing about it and telling about it to
everyone. ......
So far we had kept Sahaja Yoga at a low ebb because I wanted
you, first of all, to develop into really very beautiful sahaja yogis, so that
from your life, from your lifestyle, from your behaviour, from your
understanding, from your thoughts, people will realise that these people are
very unique and very different type of people. Now that assumption has to be
You have to understand that all these powers are bubbling in you
and just out of formality or maybe out of shyness or maybe little cowardice,
you are hiding them.
The other day there was a sahaja yogi who came to My house and
he saw some flowers which were fading away. I said, “They are not fading. You
can give them life.” He said , “How?” I said, “You cut the bottom of all of
them and put your hand underneath.” And he just put his hands under the
base of the stem and he said, “Mother, they are still drooping.” I said, “All
right, now leave them in the water.” His attention was here and there. Within
fifteen days (minutes?) they all stood up. All right. Started growing,
they became bigger flowers and lasted for five days more after that. Then he
was convinced.
You can do so many things to convince yourself that you have
these powers. I have seen people who have certain problems. They have a
headache, they have this, that. They come to Me, write big letters, “Mother, I
get my headache. I can’t get rid of it.” Now those days are gone when Mother
has to cure a headache, look after your wife, look after your children. Is all
finished now. Now you are responsible, not only for yourself, but for your
ashrams, for your cities, for your countries and for the whole world.
Now, assume your powers.
...... Take up your responsibilities! Everybody has to feel responsible.
And assume what you are. Know your powers, what you can do. Sit down.
Now, the days are gone when you had to sit down and count your
blessings. Now you have to count your powers. “How many powers I have and what
I can use and how I can use.”
No use counting your miracles. You have had enough miracles to
prove that you are sahaja yogis and that you are helped by the Paramchaitanya.
But now know how much of that Paramchaitanya you are going to use yourself, how
you are going to manoeuvre it and how you are going to work out.
This is the new era we are starting from today. And this is the
day I was waiting for all of you to realise that you are not sahaja yogis for
only your selfish ends, nor for your families, nor for your communities, nor
for your country, but for the whole world. Expand yourself. You must have that
vision before you, that I have put many a times before you people, that – you
have to emancipate the humanity.
Now don’t have diffidence. First of all, you should not think
that “We are very ordinary people. We are very ordinary. We haven’t got
something special about it.” This work isn’t going to be done by special people
because they are suffering from ego. It is going to be done by people who don’t
have that ego of great success or of great achievements or riches or anything. ......
So, first is the diffidence. “How can I be? I am not all right.
I was like this. I was doing like this. I had done like this.” So many letters
of confessions come to Me, pages after pages, which I throw away or burn them
There is no need to confess any more. There’s only one
confession, that “I am a sahaja yogi and now, after twenty-first of Sahastrara,
I am a Maha Yogi.” This is the confession you have to make. And no more of
these out of date things that people tell Me about your family’s life and all
mundane, nonsensical things. We have given them up and we have come to Sahaja
Yoga for our ascent. We have achieved our ascent and now for what? For what?
Have achieved our ascent is to emancipate human beings, to help them out of the
Maya of ignorance, of darkness.
The main target, I feel today, should not be so much political,
as fundamentalism. So we have to openly say to these fundamentalists that “You
are nonsensical. You don’t know the truth. You don’t know anything about truth.
You don’t know that you are the Spirit. You don’t know that there is a power
that is working.” You have to tell very clearly, “You are all stupid people
running after something that is a mirage and all of you will end up into hell
described by all the scriptures.” We have to openly say it, this thing.
Whichever way you like, you may write books. You may publish it. You may tell
people about it.
But now the new announcement has to come to say that running
after falsehood is not going to take you to God. And, in that, they have used
the power of hatred. So you have to say that “We believe in the power of love
and not in the power of hatred that you believe in”. For us, everybody is
capable of finding the Truth and is capable of getting to the heaven of that
paradise, which is promised to us, the Kingdom of God.