*** 霎哈嘉是你的風箏 ***
( https://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2019/07/21-21.html
註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在頂輪普祭(Sahastrara
Puja) 的談話1990-05-06。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
Sahaja Yoga is not by the way. And it happens. ......
So Sahaja Yoga is a commitment, is a commitment and complete
involvement. Otherwise you are really useless for Sahaja Yoga, absolutely
useless. It’s better to have few people who are committed than to have thousands
who are just useless. So let us see what you have decided for yourself and what
you have decided for Sahaja Yoga. If you have decided to opt for Sahaja Yoga,
then just know that this is the main thing that you have to do. The whole
attention should be on that.
As I told this morning, a very good poem written by Namadeva and
was included in the Guru Granth Sahib, that, “A boy is playing with his kite
and the kite is flying in the air. He’s talking to everyone, but his attention
is on the kite. There’s a lady who’s doing all the household work. She is doing
all the cleaning, but the child is on her, on her back or on her waist. All her
attention is on the child. Then there are ladies who are taking water home.
There’s a water pitcher on their heads, sometimes two, sometimes three. They’re
carrying, balancing it. They’re talking to each other, laughing, but the whole
attention is on the balance.”
In the same way, your attention should be all the time be on
Sahaja Yoga – “What’s happening in Sahaja Yoga? Where are we? Where are we
going? Where is Mother? What part She is? What is She doing?” That is,
now, if you put your attention to, your negativity will absolutely disappear
because attention which was involved into negative things will get absolutely detached
and you start thinking about Sahaja Yoga.