2019年7月7日 星期日


*** 最偉大的導師 ***

今天我們來慶祝導師普祭,我們所擁有的最偉大的導師(the greatest Guru)""------自然而然的愛(Sahaj love),它是我們內在的導師,它會教導我們、以各種方式來引導我們,這內在的愛會帶領我們到真正的領會與理解。這一部分我們不必到任何大學或任何學校去學習,它是我們內在非常重要的一部分,它會自行來運作及表現它自己,就像光一樣表現出來。我們可以辨識出這種(內在有愛的)人,因為他們是完全被喚醒、點亮的人。他們散發出光,且經由這光來看整個世界,在他們的眼中,這世界是非常純真且單純的。

註一江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在導師普祭(Guru Puja)談話2004-07-04JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Now today is a day when we are celebrating the Guru Puja. The greatest Guru that we have is love, Sahaj love, is the Guru within us, which teaches us, which somehow or other leads us. We are led into that great line of understanding for which we don’t have to go to any college, to any school for education. It is something so much within that it works and expresses itself, expresses like light. Such people we can make out because they are fully enlightened. They have light and through that light they see the whole world, which is very innocent and simple for them.