*** 真誠與內外的整合 ***
如何做到呢?首先就是要真誠(sincerity),要完全的真誠!你對你自己真誠嗎? ......你的真誠必須是完全的,任何的不真誠的想法對你都是有極大的傷害。如同你的母親是真誠的對待你,你也必須真誠對待你自己,如此你就可以開始享受霎哈嘉。這對你內在的整合是非常重要的,因為假如你是真誠的,那麼這是來自你的心,假如來自你的心,那麼你的身體、腦袋、智力及所有一切都會努力來完成它;但假如不是來自你的心,那麼將只是一件表面的作為而已。所以你必須試著從你的心來感覺一下,這就是所謂的真誠。你不能靠任何人,不論是你的妻子、丈夫、小孩、母親、父親都不行,這是你自己的事,所以你必須如此來做,才能達成你內在的整合。而達到整合狀態的原動力就是非常簡單的一樣:真誠。若是如此,你將會自動達到(內在的)整合。
我們更進一步來談真誠。如何來維持你的真誠呢?首先你必須下定決心,即要發誓來當一個真誠的人,然後你必須去發掘你在何時、因何事而變得不真誠。你是很會分析的,你可以發現你如何變得不真誠?在那個情況下你變得不真誠?如何來矯正自己呢 ?你要監看控制你的頭腦心智,看它如何變得不真誠。
"外在的整合" (outside integration) ,如此這個社會就會得到整合。不同宗教的人都會來到霎哈嘉,因為它就是所有宗教的成果。政治、經濟、各種意識形態也將整合在一起,因為它們的本源其實是同一個。只是因為人為(錯誤)的認同,它們才變成今天分離的局面。這就是我們如何來整合全世界成為一個美麗、統合的文明,讓其中的每一個人都可以來享受。
註一:就是譯文 "古代的聖人" 最末段中提到的當代的兩種人。
註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在頂輪普祭(Sahastrara
Puja)的談話1980-05-05。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
The second very important point is of complete integration
within and without. Within, unless and until there is integration, we cannot
bring forth the outside integration. The complete integration within, comes by
dedicating yourself to your own improvement. First and foremost is: time must
be given for your development. Not to show me or not to show anyone! It is
between you and yourself. You have to work hard to cleanse yourself. Easy to
live comfortably with all the horrible chakras within us, but it is easier also
and the best, most enjoyable is, to have very clean chakras.
And it comes [by], first of all, is sincerity. First of all is
complete sincerity. Are we sincere to ourselves? ...... and the sincerity must be full, must
be complete. Any kind of insincerity which comes into you is extremely detrimental.
So you must know that, as your Mother has sincerity about you, you must also
have sincerity about yourself. Then you will start enjoying Sahaj Yoga. That is
very important to create integration within you because if it is sincerity, it
comes from your heart. If it is coming from your heart then your body, your
mind, your intelligence, everything will work hard to fulfil it. But if it is
not coming from your heart it is going to be a superficial thing.
So you try to feel it from your heart. That’s what it means:
sincerity. Do not depend on anyone – your wife, husband, children – nothing –
mother, father. It’s your own. So you have to work in such a way that you get
complete integration and the driving force towards integration is a very simple
one: is sincerity. Thus you will know that automatically you are getting
The another factor [which] is important is patience. You must
have patience with others, because if you do not have patience your sincerity
will start doubting itself. So you must have patience and to get patience you
must know what you have been so far and where are you. When you will know what
you were, you will have patience with others, tremendous patience. And by
having patience with others your sincerity will be all the time complete. By
your sincerity you will be completely integrated.
So we come to the point of sincerity. Now let us go deeper into
it: how the sincerity is to be maintained. First of all we have to make some
determinations, sankalpas (vows), of being sincere. Then we have to act by
finding out how do we get insincere on what points. You are good at analysing
[so] you can find it out: how do you get insincere, on what points you get
insincere, what are the correcting points. Keep a control on your mind to see
how does it become insincere.
You’ll be amazed that it’s simple to be sincere than to be
insincere. Is the easiest thing is to be sincere than to be deceiving because
you don’t have to think. To be sincere you don’t have to think. If you have to
be insincere you have to think, plan out and to find out methods, all the
loopholes and escapes, by which you have to run away. If you have to be captive
of your sincerity you don’t have to worry about anything and that sincerity
itself is rewarding. This principle must be written down in your hearts that
sincerity itself is rewarding. You don’t have to go to anybody else to ask for
the reward of sincerity, sincerity itself rewards you. And that’s why you start
enjoying your own sincerity. If you start seeing all these things as a witness,
that how your sincerity has made you so beautiful, so dignified and how you
have started rising in your self-esteem, you’ll be amazed how sincerity itself
is a big force which will manifest its living dynamism in you and you’ll be a
transformed person.
This transformation within you is going to change the whole
world. People are going to see that you are no more a confused person, you are
not a person who is doubting and neither you are a person who is a fanatic. You
are not a blind person and you are a person who is alert and aware and who can
see things better than others. So, Divine is only interested in such people. As
I have told you before that Divine is more interested in a little worm which is
alert and aware than in a palace of a king which is dead. The more alert you
become the more Divine takes interest in you. But this alertness is nothing but
the enlightenment of your sincerity. You’ll be amazed how sincerity is the
thing. That means you are loyal to yourself. You have to be loyal and not
disloyal. The loyalty to yourself is sincerity and that is how I have managed
Sahaj Yoga. But sincerity is my nature, I don’t have to strive for it. I cannot
get out of it. While, if I am your ideal you should try to imbibe my nature,
within yourself. And then you will be amazed how you are connected with me.
Then we all move like one wave, one being, one personality. That is the
achievement of this Sahastrar Day.
Once your transformation starts working out, if human beings
start getting transformed, tomorrow you will be placed at the helm of affairs
everywhere in the society. Try to contact other people at your own level.
Whatever may be the category of life you are leading please try to contact
them. By doing so you create an atmosphere which starts another circle of evolution
which is the outside integration where the societies get integrated. All the
people who profess different religions come to this Sahaj Yoga which is today
the fruit of all the religions. The integration between political and economic
situations, complete ideologies, will integrate because the source of all these
is the same. It has gone into disintegration because of its artificial
identifications. That’s how we’ll integrate the whole world into a beautiful
integrated Creation, with the purpose of blissful existence for all of us to