2019年10月20日 星期日


***  錫呂瑪塔吉談到她的工作 *** 



這是一件非常非常辛苦的工作,我必須夜夜來工作,同時我也必須表現得像一個很普通人,過很正常的生活......。我也發覺人類的一個很大的問題即是家庭生活,這就是為什麼我也結婚,我想來(親身)研究家庭生活中的種種問題。當我親身來面對這些問題,我逐漸明瞭為什麼人類會有這樣子、那樣子的行為......。其他像政治、經濟等各種問題,這些也是我試圖去研究的,因為它們已變成人類很重要的一部分,雖然它們究竟只有人為的價值,(而沒有真實的價值),但是它們確實影響人類很多,所以我必須去深入了解,去了解為什麼人類會做這個、做那個。可以說我必須研究人類行為科學很多年。就這樣我如同逐步釐清纏在一起的一團線,並解開各種結,直到剩下最後一個結,那就在197055日被解開了。當頂輪打開之後,這集體的現象開始運作,這最偉大的集體現象就是Shri Chakra 在地球上,即你從手指上可以感覺到。在這之前從未如此,從未有人的手指是被啟發,從未有人可以從手指如此感覺到能量。但是以前的修行者是可以在他們體內感覺到能量,這是來自昆達里尼的上升,及他們在内裡所做的種種修行與發展。古代的修行者是比較關注他們自己,他們修煉他們個人的內在遠比集體存有來得多。



註一江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在頂輪普祭(Sahastrara Puja)的談話1980-05-05JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

I took my birth at a point where these confusions had started showing its results even on the physical plane. All imbalances of life react – physically, mentally, emotionally, also spiritually. When I started looking around I was amazed how ignorance had made people naïve, like a cloud of ignorance which came on them. Formerly people had this much understanding, this much sensitivity to know what is right and what is wrong. Even if they were wrong they knew that wrong was wrong and right was right. But in this [world’s] confused state I was born, and I knew I was to open the Sahastrara. So I started my work after my first shocks. I decided not to talk about it to anyone and lead a very, very normal life of a very ordinary person, not to be very striking. ...... If you are born with any striking signs the negativity immediately finds you out. ......

I had to really, really work, very, very, very hard to enter into your being to find out the different permutations and combination. First of all I had to find out your basic problems, what are your basic problems are. Once you handle the basics then you can handle the permutations and combinations. After finding the basic problems I started finding out your permutations and combinations and I was amazed how human beings were placed to their outside world and how they reacted to their outside world. And I identified that these permutations and combinations which formed within themselves were also capped by their other identifications, like the society in which they were born, like the nation in which they were born, like the ideas that were there. All these things became much more important than the Original Being, which is Universal, within you. And every individual had taken a very odd, funny, awkward type of a shape which I didn’t know how to reduce and how to bring it to proper growth level by which they start their growth.

It was a very, very hard work and the nights after nights I used to work, while leading a very, very ordinary life of a very normal person.  ......

Then this working started and one of the biggest major problems of human beings I found was the family life and that’s why I married. I wanted to study what are the problems of family life. And then I started facing these problems as if they were my own and started understanding why people behave in this manner and that manner. ......

Then other problems like political, economic and all these problems also I tried to study because they became so important for human beings, which are of absolutely artificial value, but they did. So I had to see to that, what makes them do this and what makes them do that. Sort of a Human Behaviour Science I had to study for years. And then as you start unfolding or you can say unentangling or disentangling, or taking out the knots of a bundle, you reach a point where all the knots are opened out and one knot is still left, you see, which is to be opened out. And that was done on the 5th of May 1970. And once that had [been] done, the collective phenomena started working. And the greatest collective phenomena was that the Shri Chakra being on this Earth, could be felt through your fingers. This was never before so, nobody felt the fingers enlightened, nobody felt the vibrations on the fingers as such, but they felt it within themselves because the rising of the Kundalini and everything and the way they developed themselves inside, they were more concerned about one individual. They developed their inner being much more than their collective being.

But now because the Sahastrara of the Universe was opened out, everybody started feeling the vibrations around them with their own hands. That means the chakras themselves were feeling before [but] now the fingers, which are manifested from the power of a particular chakra or chakras, could feel the vibrations. That means the sensitivity of the Divine, which was in the chakras, spread out to peripheries to such an extent that the human being could feel it on the fingers. This was fantastic!

So my job was to move from the centre to the periphery. While moving that, whatever are the obstacles I met, I had to clear them out, one after another. And then, once all the obstacles are cleared out and all the network is properly done,