2016年7月21日 星期四





註一:Shri Mataji 在一生的談話中談及此問題可謂是無數多次!這是每一個 yogi不可不了解的議題。了解此問題則更能知悉Sahaja Yoga 和其他宗教的差異.
註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1989-09-01. JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

Crucial and dangerous problem we must face is surely that of religious fundamentalism and we cannot point the finger at any religion in particular. Wherever you see or look you find that the concept of religion has strayed far from the original ideas of its founder. I have said many times before and I say it again now, on the tree of spirituality many beautiful flowers have appeared as seers, saints, prophets and Divine incarnations at different times. Those flowers were nourished by the same sap of Divinity that manifests the fragrance of love for the whole world. But they were plucked from the tree of life by human beings and now these dead flowers have become so many dead religions without any fragrance or vitality.

Religion is meant to make human beings worthy, to transform them from their state of subjection to their original animal instincts and after that wean them from their tribal instincts, which are based on insecurity, fear and conflict, balancing them to prepare them for their final transformation into enlightened and complete human beings, conscious of Divine laws through their connection to God, God Almighty. This was the original intention at the awakening of the various religions in different parts of the world and the message of God to make human beings aware of his power of love, beauty and [unclear: could be grace].

Unfortunately, in the course of time, religion has become a point of the most tremendous conflict. They preach love and blind faith, while they themselves have become money- or power-oriented and those in the highest position of these so-called religion and religions do not themselves know God. They have no knowledge of reality. In these days these man-made religions have twisted or rationalized the words of pure scriptures. For in their pure form all religions are created from one universal principle: seek ye first the kingdom of heaven, that is, seek the eternal which is unlimited and use the transitory only with a clear understanding of its limitations. But on the contrary, in practice, man-made religions are organized for the contempt and hatred of others on the assumption that we are the chosen ones and yet no matter what field they may profess these staunch believers are capable of committing any number of sins. This is because they do not have the consciousness of the guiding principle of the spirit which spontaneously acts in our attention, only after self realization, which leads eventually to total enlightenment. Then the good or higher self controls the lower or baser self. This is realized within our being on the pathway to ascent in this Kali Yuga or Dark Age [unclear].

Now, what I have found is that instead of uniting people, instead of making human beings good and loving, religions actually turn people into self-opinionated mental acrobats and fearsome defenders of truth. Of course, the truth in fact defends everyone and is in need of no defense. In the end all one can say about man-made religions is that the tree is known by the fruit it bears. Of course, as a result many people do not believe in God. They do not believe in God at all. They believe only what can be scientifically proved, what can be demonstrated to give results. (1989-09-01)