2016年7月31日 星期日




這可以從相對比較(relativity)的常識來了解。假如你從精神病院找來兩個瘋子-----医生認証的精神完全失常的人,你兩個手掌朝向他們,你的指掌會有可怕的麻熱的感覺,或許你整個左手掌都會發熱(註一)。然後你(離開他們)再双掌向上問如下的問題:"真的有神存在嗎? " 或問:"神的力量是無所不在嗎?"(註二),此時你的手掌心就會有清涼的感覺。從這截然不同的涼熱,你就可以知道無所不在的力量就是以涼風來告知你什麼是真的(註三)。你可以如此來試驗你手掌上涼熱的感覺。

註一:Shri Mstaji 說精神失常的人在她的相片之前會不停地顫抖 (或說:双手朝向她或她的相片,双手會抖動)。其他如宗教狂熱分子(fanatics)、集端分子(extremist)、吸毒者(druggist)、吸食化學物品成瘾者(chemist)或癌症病患皆會有相同的反應。即我們也可以用這些人來試驗指掌的麻熱。在其他的談話中,Shri Matsji 也提到可用希特勒(或史達林) 來實驗 (1984-08-08, 1992-07-23),或也可問如下的問題:"希特勒是聖人嗎?來試驗掌心是否發熱。
註二: Shri Mataji 在其他的談話亦提過可問如下的問題:"耶穌基督是神的兒子嗎?"(1992-07-23)  "Shri Mataji 是太初之母(Adi Shakti)嗎?"
註三:譯者解釋:Shri Mataji 乃指從絕對的謬誤(即瘋子)所產生的熱,來推論出清涼所代表的正是謬誤的相對,即絕對的真理(代表""的答覆)。這即是Shri Mataji 所謂的"相對比較(relativity)的常識"

註四:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1980-07-21. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正

.........whatever I say now you can test it on your vibrations.

Now how will you know that these vibrations are telling you the Truth? It is very simple if you understand the common sense of relativity. Like, bring two mad people from lunatic asylum absolutely certified as mad, alright? And then – Paul is laughing – and then get two sane people sitting down. Now you put your hands towards the people who are mad and you will get horrible burning in here, maybe in here, maybe in the whole hand on the left side. And they themselves, before My photograph will be going on like this (shaking). Many go. Even they look sane but they [do], many like that. All fanatics, all extremists, all sorts of people, they go on like this; spiritualists again, druggists, chemists (laughing), cancer patients. It’s different frequency, different style in every way, alright? So you get 10 cases like that. Now you ask the question, “Is there God?” and you start getting cool breeze flowing into you. “Is His power all-pervading?” You start getting a cool breeze flowing. That is how you find out which is the Truth. Where, what I am saying, what vibrations are telling is the Truth or not. That is how you can test your vibrations.( 1980-07-21)