2016年7月15日 星期五



今天我們是來祟拜導師(Guru),當我們對我們的導師做祟拜時,我們必須知道我們是試圖喚醒我們内在的導師原理(Guru Principle)。在每一個人的裏面都存在導師原理,這導師原理是很優美地環繞著臍輪(Nabhi chakra),這個原理的邊界正是由腹輪(Swadisthana)環繞臍輪的運動所界定出來。



得到自覺之後,你有能力去提升昆達里尼( Kundalini ),你有能力去治療病人,你有能力去解說三脈七輪的知識,但是假如你無法在你的學生身上創造出一個新的人格,那麼你仍然不是一個導師。許多人得到自覺之後,他們會來參加普祭(puja),他們也聽霎哈嘉的音樂,或許他們也學霎哈嘉的舞蹈,他們也來參加集體的活動,但是他們的導師原理仍然未被喚醒,除非他們開始創造更多的霎哈嘉練習者。


註一:creativity 中文可翻成創作力或創造力,指一種靈活的開創能力。

註二:Shri Mataji 談的導師原理包含甚多、甚深,很難在一篇譯文囊括導師原理的各個層面,所以譯者採取切割的方法,逐一來談導師原理的各個相關的要點

註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1989-07-23. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Today we have had to spend a little more time than normal to get to the stage where we could really worship the Guru. When we worship our Guru, we have to know actually we are trying to awaken the Guru Principle within ourselves. It’s not only that you are here to worship your Guru; you may worship many-a-times, maybe the vibrations would flow, maybe that you might get filled with that and you feel elevated, nourished. But this nourishment has to be retained within ourselves, so always remember then, whenever you are worshipping any principle outside, you are trying to worship your own principle within yourself.

Within us as you know, in all of us there lies the principle of Guru. It’s very interesting to notice the Guru Principle being drawn beautifully round the Nabhi chakra. We never see any chakras connected with the Guru Principle. You see Nabhi, and around is the Bhavasagara. So this Bhavasagara which is the Ocean of Illusion cannot be the Guru. So there are hidden chakras within this Bhavasagara within us, which are to be awakened and to be brought to light, to be manifested. As you can see that the limits of this principle are done by the movement of the Swadisthana chakra.

Swadisthan is the chakra which gives you, first and foremost thing, is the creativity. A person who is a guru has to be creative by nature. If you are not a creative person you cannot become a guru. For example, you are faced with disciples with whom you have to converse: you have to create a word of divine magic to impress on the disciples or the people who are attracted towards you as gurus, to show that you have much more divine magic than them.

If you are a very mundane type of a person, very ordinary, cannot create a beautiful couplet or a beautiful sentence, or a humor or a joke, or a beautiful painting or a beautiful tapestry or a beautiful house; if you lack in creativity you will lack in your Guru Principle, because a guru has to create out of ordinary people something extraordinary. He should be able to create a new personality out of an old personality which is decayed. So the first principle you have to understand within yourself, that you should be able to create a new personality in a person.

So how do we do it? Of course you have got powers to raise the kundalini, you have got powers to cure people, you have got powers to talk big or talk small. Despite all that, if you cannot create a new personality out of the persons with whom you are dealing, then you are not a guru. And the new personality has to be a special personality of very unique combination of compassion and dynamism. So it is important that in your creativity you have to use the energy of compassion. You can only mold people through compassion and never through anger, never through suppression, never through showing off your powers of gurudom. Unless and until you handle the situation and the personality very carefully, showing all the respect, showing all the concern and all the love for the person whom you are giving realization; just showing off that you are a great guru, it will only create a kind of a fear about you, and after some time people would not like to see your faces.

So the most important thing about Guru Principle is that you have to create. Many people get realization, all right, they get realization and then they stay in some ashrams maybe. They come to pujas, they listen to music, they may dance, they laugh, they’re collective; but still their Guru Principle is not awakened unless and until they have created many, many more Sahaja yogis – Sahaja yogis. So the vision of a guru should be, “How many Sahaja yogis I am going to create? How am I going to use this creativity to create more Sahaja yogis?” (1989-07-23)