今日的世界是處在非常混亂的狀況,但在這個時代,一種寧靜(silence)會在你的内裏出現。當有任何危機混亂發生時,立即地,你變成十分的寧靜,這是一種我講的"狀態"(state)。所以試著訓練自己,當你碰到令人不快或沮喪的事,試著回到這一點,回到這個軸心(axis),回到這個寧靜當中。此時,這份寧靜會讓人擁有很強的能力(powerful),因為這個寧靜並不是你的寧靜而已,當你處在寧靜之中,你同時是處在宇宙的寧靜之中(silence of the cosmos),這個宇宙的寧靜就會幫助你、為你工作。可以說此時你是聯結到宇宙的大能(Cosmos Power),其實不止這樣,應該說是上天的大能(Divine Power),這上天的大能是作用在所有的宇宙。所以假如你回到你内在的寧靜,你會知道你正坐在上帝的國度(Kingdom of God)裏。
當有任何騷動混亂發生,或遭遇了一些問題,突然間你的注意力會跳到那寧靜,一旦你跳入那寧靜,你就聯結到無所不在的力量(All-pervading Power)。這無所不在的力量就是愛,它不只像一種到處流動的能量,不只像河流一樣,也不只像虛空(ether),它是完整的全部實相(totality of Reality)。相對於它,其他的都不是真實的。這個實相是如此地有效率,它從未失敗。它是如此巨大、相互糾纏的流程,人們的理解力是無法了解它如何來控制、如何來運作。
一旦你了解你的自尊,接著你就需要領受(assume)你的大能(powers),如此才是一個導師。假如你不領受你的大能,依舊在想:"我是否有這些能力?" 那表示你仍是一個初階者而已。一旦你開始領受這些大能,所有的負面力量及阻礙(badhas)都會跑光光,因為没有任何人或負面力量可以對抗這個人----他是一個聖人,也是一位導師,而且他自己知道他是導師!
註一: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在導師普祭(Guru Puja)的談話1992-07-19. JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.
So what is
needed for a Guru is self-esteem. This is a very important point [which] people
don’t realise: the self-esteem. To achieve the self-esteem we have to
introspect and know that, “Today I am not what I was before. I am a realised
soul. I have got powers. Of course I have powers. Powers of love, powers of
compassion, powers of grasping things, powers of creativity, powers of giving
realisations to others.” Nobody had these powers! But somehow or other in
Sahaja Yoga we are not self-conscious. And we should not be self-conscious
because that can give you ego, but we should have self-esteem. “I am a Guru.
I’m a Guru. I am not an ordinary person. I am not on the street. I am something
special. I am on the shores of Truth. I have to salvage the people who are
blind, who are mad,” all kinds of things.
In the most
chaotic conditions this world is today. So at that time a kind of a silence
will come within you. When there will be any such crisis, immediately you will
become extremely silent. But this is again a state I am telling you
[about]. So now, if there is something that makes you upset or makes you unhappy,
try to reach that point, that axis, which is just silence. And this silence
will make you really powerful because this silence is not only yours. When you
are in that silence you are in the silence of the cosmos, silence of the
cosmos. And the silence of the cosmos works for you. You are in connection with
that Cosmic Power we can call it. But it’s more than that, is Divine Power I
should say: Divine power which is working all the cosmos.
So, if you just
become silent within yourself, know that you are sitting in the Kingdom
of God.
It’s like this:
when, say, you get the great honour of becoming a king then you walk up to your
throne and you sit down and look around and you feel the silence of the state
that, now, you are the king. This silence is the sign that you are definitely,
definitely, you are now in contact with the Divine. You are silent because the
Divine is going to look after everything. You don’t have to do anything: just
keep silent. But not forcibly. It’s, again, a state.
You see, if any
turmoil takes place, any problem takes place, suddenly your attention will jump
on to that silence and once you jump onto that silence you [are] being in
contact with this whole All-pervading Power. And when I talk about
All-pervading Power we still don’t understand what it is, what it means, this
All-pervading Power of love. Is it some sort of an energy floating around? Or
is it some sort of a river? Or some sort of a ether? It is the complete, the
totality of Reality. Complete totality of Reality, is this All-pervading Power.
Other things are unreal.
And the Reality
is so efficient (The electricity stops working and Mother touches the mic to
check it’s working), It is so efficient, It never fails, like this mic
(microphone). It’s such a tremendous, we can call – the intertwined process;
which we cannot even imagine with this human understanding, how It
controls, how It works. ...........
Now all the
miracles you have described I have seen. I mean, there are so many still to be
recorded: is just a play of this Power which thinks, understands, co-operates,
co-ordinates and loves and looks after you. [It] is at your disposal, at your
disposal. Wherever you go the connection is maintained. It’s like a governor
travelling, you see, the security travels with him. So they are all around. Not
only with Me but with you also. You are already booked there. And They know you
are the one they have to look after, They won’t look after anybody else, They
won’t do anything for anybody else but for you people. Now try to
understand the self esteem part! You are Sahaja Yogis, means you are such
special people that this Divine Power, wherever you may be, whether you are
sleeping, you are walking or you are sitting under the tree or in your house,
wherever you are, that connection is maintained. Like a talkie-walkie you can
call it, at the most. But you don’t have to talk, you don’t have to say
anything you don’t have to command, you don’t have to request. Nothing! It is
at your disposal. Because already you are one of the governors in the Realm of
God. ...........
So the
self-esteem and then assumption. Assume your powers. If you are a guru then assume
your power. You do not assume you power. You still think, “God knows if I have
the powers or not.” This, that. That means you are just the beginner still.
Once you start
assuming all badhas will run away, everything will run away and you’ll
be surprised. Who can stand a person who’s a saint, who is a guru and who knows
he’s a guru? Nobody can stand. They’ll run away. But you have to have
introspection to see that your self-esteem is completely correct. It’s not just
[that] you are thinking you are a guru.