2017年12月31日 星期日


*** 對家人的愛 ***


Shri Mataji




: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 公開演講之後的後續工作坊(Workshop)的談話1985-03-17. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Any other question? [UNCLEAR – WHAT?] I also [UNCLEAR] your lecture on Friday night [UNCLEAR] sometime – All right [UNCLEAR] – since Friday [UNCLEAR] question to my family [UNCLEAR] I had heard a lot but it’s also [UNCLEAR] and I’m worried about this [UNCLEAR] Good, I’m glad you raised that question. She came to your program, she felt tremendous [UNCLEAR] awareness and growth and she felt a great deal of love for her family but she’s also aware that maybe she’s going to feel apart from them – or they perhaps apart from her.

– No, you don’t get involved into them, that’s the point. You’re not apart, you’re part and parcel but you’re not involved. Say, supposing your child is sick, take it like this, and if you’re involved with the child then you cannot treat the child. You get so upset, you see, if you have to go to the hospital that side you’ll take your car the other side because you’re so upset. But when you’re detached you see the whole thing very well and you enjoy their love much more because you are in a position to see that love otherwise you don’t see love. When you’re involved you don’t see anything. – Maybe we feel as though we may drift away from… – No, no, not at all, not at all, not at all. on the contrary so many families have come round, so many. You see, we had some people in England they were mostly hippies and had left their parents, this, that – they all went back to their parents – they brought their parents to sahaja yoga also. Yes, it’s not like that but you do not take unnecessary burdens.

Now supposing, somebody’s father is a drunkard – we had one hippy who got alright and then he became very good. Now he’s doing very well in life, he’s very good fellow – so he went home and his father used to drink, drink, drink and he was worried this fellow is going to die after about alcoholism – so he didn’t know what to do. So he told him, “Don’t drink better take to sahaja yoga, if your Kundalini is raised you will not drink.” “But I like it,” he said. “All right.” So next he went he broke all his glasses and bottles. So when he came home he got very angry. He just kept quiet,this… just laughed. He said, ” You go and get some bottle from outside.” Then, he was already so drunk he couldn’t go out anywhere, you see, and gradually he found that there’s a kind of a protest from the family, they don’t like it.

the way he’s drinking – he gave up and he himself is a sahaja yogi today. So you correct. When we’re involved we don’t even want to correct because we’re frightened we’ll lose our children, lose our love and all that. This is no love. Love must prune a person, love must correct a person but in a way that is not so aggressive – in a simple way. And the fellow is saved, he would have been dead with alcoholism, he was about to die. So the real love comes, is not indulgences by seeing the person as he is. Then you enjoy all the beauties, little, little things that are done how it’s bubbling with joy and happiness – you see the other person better. But if you’re involved then you can be also selfish, it could be some sort of a possessiveness, can be anything but if you’re not, you see yourself and you see them – the love is much more. There should be some distance for the love to work out, isn’t it.

If you’re involved, they are doomed and you are doomed – sort of a position is there. So, it’s very good that has happened to you – now you can love them better, much better, in a much more sensible way. Love has to be nourishing not destroying. Mostly you find when you love your children, so called those who love, spoil them. If you love your wife beyond certain limits she becomes a shrew, if you love your husband he becomes alcoholic – like that. Love always, in the right sense, means correction. But if not, some people say, “All right my husband likes this, doesn’t matter.” Even in England some women say, “All right if he wants to have a keep let him have, I love him.” Can you imagine? “Because I love him let him do what he likes.”

Losing all your self respect, everything, in the name of love, is nonsense.