2018年7月29日 星期日


*** 錫呂拉希什米與金錢  ***





人們內在的拉希什米原理是非常模糊的,今日社會外在的誘惑又如此大,以至於人們看到別人開名車,就會認為:"哇!他是一個了不起的人!",他無論如何都不會給你他的車,有什麼好讚嘆呢!假如有人擁有許多豪華建築物,人們就開始欽佩仰慕,這是黑暗時代(Kali Yuga)的特色,人們仰慕那些有錢人 ,甚至也仰慕穿名牌衣服的人。

金錢對人的誘惑力是如此之大,它可以毀滅人們對崇高價值的各種寶貴感受 ,它幾乎可以毀滅任何價值。例如一個(原本)不錯、可親的人,那天他以不正當的手法獲得了一大筆錢,他可能變成一個不理會父母、兄弟姊妹的人。所以可以這麼說,拉希什米此時變成一個負面(bhoot),所有拉希什米的祝福都變成對你的品格、尊嚴的挑戰。

拉希什米普祭並非表示你來崇拜金錢,金錢(其實)是最危險的東西,它是拉希什米女神隱藏的武器。假如你誤用她所帶來的金錢,那麼拉希什米會用金錢給你一拳,假如你還未清醒,她會再給你另一拳。然後她可能(試著)扭轉你,試各種方法來說服你,告訴你目前所做的是毫無意義的。(假如你仍執迷不悟),最後她會睜著眼睛看你被徹底毀滅。所以拉希什米雖然 是恩惠的施予者,是各種財物的給與者,但是你不應當被她屬於大幻相的特質所誤導。我是你們的母親,所以我最好還是告訴你們:要非常小心。


註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在光明節普祭(Diwali Puja)的談話1997-11-02JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Lakshmi is the Goddess which gives us wealth, gives us prosperity. She is very blissful, no doubt. She gives you protection and also She is very humble because She stands on the lotus. She is very light, [which] means She does not put Her pressure on anyone. These are symbols of Shri Lakshmi.

But also She is a part of Mahamaya in the modern times only. When people get Lakshmi, the money, they don’t understand that She is their Mother firstly, and She is to be respected. When this kind of perverse idea of Shri Lakshmi comes in such countries, such people meet their last end and destruction of the worst type ever.

So this Lakshmi has to be used with a big balance, like standing on a lotus and not get into the pond, where there are all kinds of creatures to eat you all. You have to stand on the lotus: that means that you are above all the lures of this maya.

Also in Sanskrit languages, we call Lakshmi as the maya. If somebody gets lot of money, they will say, “You got a lot of maya!”

Now, this Maya plays the tricks. If money, prosperity was the salvation, then there would have been no problems in this world. Because those people who have money always get ruined. If they are not ruined, their children, their grandchildren get ruined.

This principle of Lakshmi within us is very dubious and the allurement is so much that people see somebody having a good car these days, they think, “Aaah! What a man he is!” In any case, he is not going to give you the car! If somebody is having lots of palaces or buildings people start admiring them! This is Kali Yuga. They start admiring: “See this man is so rich!” Even [with] clothes: people see you wearing clothes which are very well tailored; might be from some designers [so] they think no end of that man. For example, in England, there is another befooling place called ‘Saville Row’. So if you want to buy one suit, you have to pay sometimes £3000. Now, people are so stupid that now if they wear a suit from Saville Row, they put the brand outside: “Saville Row”!   .........

Money is such a lure for human beings that it kills all sense of decency of higher values, everything. A brother who is very nice and a good fellow, if he gets money out of proportion by doing hanky-panky, he neglects his mother, father, brothers, sisters, everyone. So I would say, then it comes to that point that Lakshmiji becomes a bhoot then and all Her blessings become a challenge to your dignity.  ........

Today is the day for us to celebrate the Lakshmi puja. But Lakshmi puja doesn’t mean that you worship money. Money as it is, is the most dangerous thing, and I think it is the hidden weapon of Lakshmi Devi. You see, if you try to misuse Her, She goes on punching with it. With one punch, if you don’t realise then She gives you another punch — like that. Then She might little bit twist you, to suggest. She’ll try everything to convince you that what you are doing is nonsense. Ultimately, She sees your destruction completely.

2018年7月22日 星期日


*** 在霎哈嘉的殿堂,你的願望不應是:請給我五毛錢   ***  

我是你們的母親,所以你們有任何問題,當然都可以告訴我,(請求我幫忙)但是有時候,人們訴說他們問題的方式,會讓我覺得他們的層次怎麼這麼低!他們顯露出來的心靈層次是如此的低,他們希望我幫他們什麼呢?打個比喻,假如你去見某個國王,然後對國王請求說:"請給我五毛錢",那麼國王會怎麼想呢?   "這個人出了什麼問題?他連他可以(對我)請求什麼都不知道!"

同樣的,當你對你的母親請求某些東西時,應該是某些有價值、有很高價值的東西才對,應該是可以讓你完全滿足(complete satisfaction)的東西!但是我看到的事實卻是他們()要求這個、要求那個,這些東西是如此沒意義、不重要(註一),有時會讓我不禁感嘆:"喔!上帝!為什麼我只找到這些人!他們祈求的東西是如此低下、沒價值,又乏味無趣!"

註一:諸如註二另一譯文中舉的例子:"我的兒子應該取什麼名字?" "母親,我們錯過了火車,現在該怎麼辦呢?" "我的父親病了,他有心臟的問題,但他不是霎哈嘉練習者,能否請母親幫忙?" "我的孩子應該上那一所學校?" "我們要搬家,是否應一併帶走椅子?"

註二:這談話的主要內容是有關完全打開頂輪的種種。請也參考"從現實的牽掛走出來" ( https://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2017/10/materialism-detachment-materialism-shri.html )

註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 頂輪普祭(Sahastrara Puja)的談話1998-05-10JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Whether I talk to you, whether I meet you or whatever it is, you have to know that I’m your Mother and any problem you have, you can always tell Me. But sometimes the way people tell Me problems also, I feel how low they are. Their mentality is so low. What are they asking Me? Supposing you go to some king and ask him for, say, half a dollar, then what will the king say? “What is the matter with this person? He doesn’t know what he should ask for!”

In the same way, one feels that way that when you are asking anything to your Mother, it should be of some value, some great value. It should have the value of complete satisfaction. When you ask for something, it should give you complete satisfaction. But I have seen people asking for this thing, for that thing. I mean it’s to such an extent that I sometimes feel, “Oh God, how am I getting all these people around Me who are desiring something very low, very mean, insipid!”

2018年7月19日 星期四


*** 笨的妻子才會宰制丈夫  ***


有些婦女很會宰制丈夫,說穿了就是愚笨。婚姻應該是(如你們所說的)蜜月(honeymoon),甜蜜(honey)應是婚姻的核心本質,而moon代表的是安祥與和諧(peace)假如妻子是愛爭吵、愛爭鬥、喜歡冷言冷語諷刺 ,這種婚姻對男人而言就如同地獄一般。相反來說,假如妻子了解婚姻的核心本質是甜蜜,她應該知道如何去讓她的丈夫高興,知道如何將祥和帶到家庭裡。

如何去取悅丈夫呢?對自覺的靈而言,這只需要一點小技巧。首先要去發掘妳的丈夫喜歡什麼,以我為例,我的先生(婚後)告訴我:"你頭髮上不應當插花,我不喜歡女人在頭上插花",雖然在這個Maharashtra地區所有已婚的婦女都在頭上插花,但是從他講的那一天開始,我從未在頭上插花,這有什麼關係呢,插不插花一點都不重要。然後他又說:"你應該掛手環",因為他來自一個非常傳統的家庭,(婦女都穿戴許多手環),從此之後我都一直戴著手環。戴手環會讓他高興那就戴手環,這有什麼關係呢? 當你在小事上取悅丈夫,他就會開始想我應當為我太太做什麼,所以這種良性循環應該從妻子開始,而不是等妳的丈夫來開始,因為婦女的責任就是在社會(及在家庭 ),但西方文化並沒有告訴人你的責任是什麼。男人的責任是在經濟、政治、賺錢等,雖然他們將這些都弄得一蹋糊塗,但女人的工作與責任是在社會,所以首先你必須知道如何讓小孩子高興、讓丈夫高興、如何幫助他們、接近他們。假如妳不是這樣做,而是隨時去掌控宰制,那就不對了,因為妳的工作不是去掌控,妳的工作是要去中和男人的掌控,用小小的技巧去中和他。



男人並不期望妻子是揮著馬鞭,騎在他頭上來指揮他。男人為什麼要結婚呢?是為了享受來自女人的快樂、喜悦及甜蜜!我為什麼要特別談這個話題呢?因為現在有許多女人認為她們很了不起,她們有錢、有工作。但她們的首要工作應該是讓社會家庭快樂、讓丈夫快樂。假如一個妻子無法讓她的丈夫快樂,那麼她不是一個好的霎哈嘉練習者,她對我們沒有任何好處。假如她無法為她的丈夫設想,那麼她就不應該結婚。她可以不結婚,而去做她喜歡的事。我當然也看了那些電影,那些羅曼蒂克的電影,那些情節從未在現實發生,沒有人會像那樣子,那些都是荒謬(不存在)的,難道你要期待妳的丈夫是克拉克蓋博(Clark Gable,譯者:美國知名影星),婚姻不是那樣子。妳必須去愛,妳首先必須將妳的丈夫放入妳的心,這是妳的職責,不然妳的責任是什麼?



註一:這個話題是Shri Mataji常講到的,Shri Mataji基本上認為妻子是先生的力量(Shakti),也是維持一個家庭的核心力量,唯有有母愛呵護、管教的小孩才能成為正常、有道德的好公民,這是男人做不到的,因為男人天生沒有這些特質。這也是婦女的天職與神聖的使命,若女人放棄此責任,只忙和男人爭平等、比高下,整個社會將會衰敗。請也參閱另一譯文:明辨力與臍輪(Nabhi Chakra)(之三)(  http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2017/02/nabhi-chakra-gruha-lakshmi-alertness.html  )

註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1997-10-04JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

I wanted to talk to people who are married in Sahaja Yoga, especially to the ladies.
I think some of them are extremely dominating and stupid. What is marriage? Marriage is honeymoon as they call it.
Honey is the essence and moon is the peace.
Now if the women are quarrelsome, fighting, sarcastic, it is absolutely a hell for man.
Instead of that, if woman knows the essence, the honey, she should know how to please the husband, to bring peace in the family. Now some of the husbands are drunkards or anything – not in Sahaja Yoga. What pleases the husband? You see, in a way, it’s a trick. It’s a trick of a realized soul, how to please others. What do we do to our husbands?
Do we try to please? First of all find out what he likes. My husband, I would say – he’s gone away, thank God – he used to say, “You shouldn’t wear any flower in your head.” But in Maharashtra all the married women are supposed to wear flowers.
Since that day I have never worn any flower in My head. It’s all right, doesn’t matter, he didn’t know what I was, so he said, “Don’t wear any flowers, I don’t like”
Then he said, “You must wear bangles” because he comes from a very traditional family. All My life I have worn bangles. It pleases him, what’s the matter?
Little, little things you do just to please him, then he also starts thinking, “See, what should I do for My wife?”. But first it must start from woman, not from man, because women are responsible for the society.
In the western culture they had not told what is their job is.
Man’s job is economics, politics, money earning. They have made a mess out of it, I agree with you (Laughter). It’s quite a big mess (Shri Mataji laughs). But your job is to make the society. And to make the society, first you must know how to keep children pleased, how to keep your husband pleased, how to help and be close to them (Unclear).
On the contrary, if you try all the time to dominate, that’s not your job to dominate at all. Your job is to make neutralize his domination by simple, simple things.
I’ll give you an example. Thank God he is not here! (Laughter, Shri Mataji laughs)
He knows, he knows I’m very, I am very clever in certain things. In his office he had a gentleman. I never used to interfere with his office. But there was one gentleman, good one, who gave up his organization and joined another one because it was a private one, he was getting more money, so he joined that. But there he found it was horrible, so he wanted to come back to Shipping Corporation. But My husband is very particular about rules and regulations. He said, “No, no, no, now I won’t have you, I don’t want to see your face, get out”, this thing, that (thing).
So he came to Me. Normally, I never interfere. He came to Me and he said, “If You tell him he might listen.” I said, “No, if I tell him he will never listen. But I know how to do it.”
So I told him that this gentleman came to see Me. “Ha, so he’s come to the right person, now are you going to trouble me about it?”
I said, “No, no, no, not Me, but just think why he came to Me.”
He said, “Why?” “Because he thinks I’m more generous than you are.” Immediately this competition. (Laughter, Shri Mataji laughs) And that fellow got the job, he was a great friend of his, even in London he was helping him a lot.
So, when we think that we have to control our husband, it’s better to do it in a very simple way. Only on fundamentals you can put down your foot. Otherwise for small, small things, if you go on dominating your husband I tell you, you will miss the point. You have married for stupidity or for honeymoon?
And in the West, especially in Italy, we have had very bad experiences of women.
English also, I must say. English girls also have given Me lot of trouble.
I mean, they are banned now, because I can’t help it.  ..........
Man doesn’t want a wife to be on the horse and beating with a whip. Why has he married? For the happiness, for the joy, for the sweetness of a woman. It’s a very important thing I wanted to talk because so many of women are thinking that they are something great. Some of them have some money, some of them have some jobs, but first job is to keep the society very happy and to keep your husband happy – is the first job. If a woman cannot keep the husband happy, she is no good for us.
She is no good Sahaja Yogini.    ............
In the same way a woman has to think about the husband, in a very kindly manner, because this is her job, this is why she is marrying.
Otherwise she should not marry, she can do what she likes.    .........
I’ve seen also in the films, you see all romantic scenes going on – it never happens, there’s nobody is like that, you see, it’s all absurd things you see, so you expect them to be Clark Gable or somebody, it’s not so. (Laughter)
You have to love, you have to take your husband into your heart first. This is your duty, otherwise what else are you doing?    .........
I tell you, men are very simple, but you have to understand. Sometimes they get angry, doesn’t matter. Actually, if they are angry with somebody else, they will come and put it on you. It’s better, because if they do anything to others, they’ll beat them. You are not going to beat (them).
If you understand few things about men, it can work out. Of course, some are very miserable husbands, I know, and some miserable wives – for them we have divorce allowed in our Sahaja Yoga, we have divorce for them.
So that is the thing I wanted to tell you, that you should make a very good housewife, a very good Gruha Laxmi.
Now, why I am telling you this, that I am suffering from Gruha Laxmi’s chakra, and all the doctors have told Me it is because in the collective Gruha Laxmis are not all right, because they are not good housewives.

2018年7月15日 星期日


*** 自由與智慧談到美國  ***

錫呂羅摩(Shri Rama)規定了許多紀律,讓人類在昇進的道路上有所依循。這在當時是有功效的,但人們也變得太過有紀律、太僵化,以至於人們後來喪失了和真理的連結。這些修行人可能會離棄他們的妻子,或對妻子不好,或以錫呂羅摩之名做種種(不對)的事情,因為人類往往就是如此走到錯誤的途徑。

這就是為什麼在錫呂羅摩2000年之後,錫呂克里希納(Shri Krishna)降世了(註一)。降世神祇往往再度來到人間,只為了糾正祂先前在人間造成的問題,錫呂克里希納的來世也是如此。所以祂帶來一種新的轉向,即一種新的生活態度。祂談到自由,談到縱情奔放(abandonment),祂談到生命是為了享受等概念。在祂的觀念中,享受生命才是最好的生活方式,這就為什麼祂說人們應該去玩粉彩遊戲(Holi),應該要盡情享受,應該去跳團體舞蹈的Raas等等。所以人們開始認為這才是活著的正確方式,要有完全的自由,要過你所喜歡的生活。人們認為要享受生命就應該完全的縱情奔放、沒有任何紀律、沒有任何約束,你可以任意休妻八次、休夫十次等等。這種想法其實在歷史上早已有之,但是在今日的美國才正式發揚光大。

在這種想法之下,人們忘記了另一件事:太初之母是先創造了錫呂格涅沙(Shri Ganesha),祂是智慧的來源,也是吉祥的來源。經由祂,人類才能了解什麼是吉祥。假如沒有智慧,這種縱情奔放的行為是非常帶有毀滅性的。所以人必須先建立內裡的智慧,但是這些人在過這種生活之前並未先思考過:自己是否有足夠的智慧?是否有能力在未發展出智慧之前過這種生活呢?

當自由成為生活中的唯一標準,最糟糕的情況即是人們變得極端的霸道及有很大的自我,最常聽到的直接回嗆即是:"這有什麼不對?"(What's wrong?)











註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji紐約的錫呂克里希納普祭(Shri Krishna Puja)談話1997-06-08JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Shri Krishna’s time was, as you know, at least two thousand after Shri Rama. And Shri Rama created lots of disciplines for human beings to follow in the path of their ascent. According to the time everything works out. So people were extremely rigid, disciplined, and it so happened that people lost the touch with the truth. They would leave their wives, ill-treat their wives, do all kinds of things in the name of Shri Rama; because always human beings take to something which is not right. The another side they never saw, how Rama went after Sitaji to find Her, and He fought the horrible rakshasa Ravana to get back His wife. So the other side people never see. Only this side they saw that He was very strict with His wife, and if the wife stayed over in some function He got so angry, and He shouted at Her and He threw Her out, and all those things.

That is how Shri Krishna came in. Always incarnations come one after another to correct themselves only. When Shri Krishna found that it is on the other side, of ego – that men thought they were very powerful people and they could do whatever they liked, and they had all the power to judge their wives – so Shri Krishna came with a new diversion, or I should say, from a new idea about life. He talked of freedom, He talked of abandonment, and He talked that life is for enjoyment. Radha was the source of joy. “Ra” is energy, “dha” means the one who sustains energy. She was the source of joy, and His idea was, to enjoy life is the best way to live. And that’s why He said that you should play Holi, you should enjoy yourselves, you must have Raas, by which you enjoy group dancing and freedom.

So people thought that’s the way one has to live – is to be absolutely free, live as you like, specially in America. They thought that to enjoy life is complete abandonment: no discipline, no bindings, you can divorce your wife eight times and husbands ten times. That sort of a life started long time back, but it really prospered in America. The prosperity of this kind of a culture came to such a level that now we don’t know what’s going to happen to the family system, to the joy part of it.

Again here people forgot the other side of it. Adi Shakti first created Shri Ganesh. Shri Ganesh is the source of wisdom, He’s the source of auspiciousness. Through Him we understand auspiciousness, and He is a child. He is an eternal child. And this behavior of abandonment is very destructive if there is no wisdom. First thing was to establish wisdom within ourselves. But we start a theory or a kind of a pattern of life without thinking, have we got the wisdom or not? Are we capable of following that pattern of life without any development of our wisdom?

But the worst was when the freedom became the criteria of life, people became extremely dominating and egoistical. The first answer always you will get it, “What’s wrong?”

You ask them, “Why are you doing this?”

“What’s wrong?”

“I mean, it’s wrong because it is not auspicious.”

“What’s auspiciousness?” is there – absolutely like you can call them, people without any brains, brainless people. “Brainless” means there is no wisdom. What is the power of brain is wisdom. So life started drifting into a destructive bourn, we should say, of no return. And every kind of filth was accepted as a blessing, and nobody would think that this is wrong, this is not for human life. Even the animals are all not like that.

Added to that came the stupidity of drinking alcohol.    ........

Another thing they created were prostitutes.    ........

So this freedom without any wisdom at all growing, starts creating a terrible ego. When auspiciousness is given up then Shri Ganesha sleeps and as Christ, who is the incarnation of Shri Ganesha, also doesn’t bother. So the rule of Christ is finished. So what rules is the ego, this ego which thinks it is free. It doesn’t know it is bound by all kinds of enemies of very horrible types. At the time of Shri Krishna He said that the worst enemy human beings have is anger, but I think in modern times the worst enemy human beings have is greed and jealousy. Greed has no meaning these days. I mean, what do you say to a person who has three thousand shoes – I mean, pairs of shoes? Must be mad!

There are all sorts of things, you know, in greed you see these days. You don’t know how people are really behaving. No one can explain.   ......

Now the mind starts working with ego. Ego takes over like a computer, and it starts suggesting ways and methods by which how much money you can earn. So when you start earning money, then again the same Ego Mister tells you how to destroy yourself with this money. They do all kinds of things when they have money. I mean, that money is not a lakshmi prasad; it is some sort of a money that becomes like a rakshasa or a devil and which devours you. It takes you to all kinds of wrong places. It takes you to such horrible theories that nobody would accept such theories. This ego makes you feel that – ah, yes, you are perfect, you know everything, whatever you are doing is the best.   .......

because Shri Krishna is Kubera. He is the Deity, or we can say He is the God of wealth. But at the same time, He is a very mischievous God. You can see clearly: this is supposed to be Shri Krishna’s country which is overflowing with money. At the same time you find horrible things happening, worst in the whole world. I mean, no one can beat Americans, they say, in stupidity, in vulgarity, indecency, exploitation.

So this is the curse of money on human beings, which is to be understood, that freedom without wisdom is the most dangerous thing to use. It is better not to be free if you have no wisdom, because God knows what you will do if you have freedom and no wisdom.

2018年7月12日 星期四


*** 穆罕默德就是摩西  ***

十大宗師都是一體的,他們有相同的人格特質,他們都是原始宗師(Adi Guru)達陀陀哩耶(Dattatreya)一再的轉世,不論是摩西、亞伯拉罕、蘇格拉底等(註一)都是相同的人。

他回到旅館後,他太太勸他:"你都這麼嚴重了,醫生也說你已無法醫治了。為什麼你不要試試看?"。於是八天後他又再回來找我,說:"好!母親,我接受,假如你如此說。",我說:"現在你要一再說你的口訣 " 穆罕默德,我知道你是摩西。",你就只須說這個相同的口訣。"。結果他的胃癌被治好了,他現在(譯者:1982)仍活得好好的,還住在伊朗。


註二Shri Mataji在許多談話都提過這個故事,內容大同小異。
註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1982-10-29, 1982-06-22, 1982-09-28JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Like Mohammed Sahib said that, “Now I will not come anymore; is the last prophet,” because He thought He’s done the job. But then he found [Shri Mataji laughs] that they are fighting and they are not at all bothered about their ascent, or their balancing, but they are going to the other extremes. So He incarnated again as Nanaka, and then as Shirdhi Sainath. So, these incarnations exist within us. They exist within us.
Now if you have to take the case of a person who suffers say, from stomach cancer. I had exactly this case, from Iran who suffered from cancer of the stomach. So I told him: “Will you believe that Mohammed Sahib was the same as Moses?” Imagine, what a great challenge for a Muslim to say Moses and Mohamed Sahib were the same. He said: “No, never, I can’t believe it. How can that be?” I said: “But Mohammed Sahib Himself said that they are the same. They are all ten in number. So why don’t you believe it?” He said: “But they were not the same. I cannot believe.” I said: “I cannot cure your cancer. Because you are a fanatic, that’s why you have got this stomach cancer. So you have to accept that they were the same.”
And he woke up, you know. So he went back home and, and another time they went to the hotel again. They had come all the way from Iran. So the wife said: “Now, will you please get alright?” He was very sick. He was dying. Doctors said he was going to die. He came to Me and said: “All right, Mother, I’ll do it.” I said: “Now you say that again and again. And that is the mantra for it, that: ‘Mohammed, I know that you were Moses.’ This is the simple mantra you have to say.” And he got cured; you’ll be amazed. He went back to Iran. He’s still there, living, existing. So this is what it is.(1982-10-29)
But they are one! They are one personality, born again and again. Moses, Abraham, Socrates: all of them are the same. Now if a Muslim is a fanatic, he gets a cancer. Normally he should, or he becomes a dry personality. Imagine Khomeini. They become a dry personality. They can be very violent people. But supposing they get into trouble, like cancer. I had one Muslim coming from Iran, who was a fanatic, he got cancer. I said, “You think that Mohammed Sahib is the only person?” “Yes,” he said. “But if I say, Guru Nanak was the same.” “I can’t believe it.” I said, “Then I can’t cure you. You have to accept, because Mohammed Sahib himself is against you, because he came in ten forms.” And he wouldn’t accept it. But his wife prevailed upon him because he was very sick. And he got cured. That’s how you have to prove. Human beings cannot easily understand.(1982-06-22)
Now for your information, those who are fanatics develop the trouble of the stomach. I met a doctor from Iran long time back about 1974, who had cancer of the stomach. And I told him, “Do you believe that Moses and Mohammed were the same persons?” He said, “How dare You say such a thing? How can they be the same person? Mohammed was absolutely different and He has nothing to do with anyone of them.” But I said, “Mohammed said He was a prophet, didn’t He?” But still he would not accept. So I said, “All right, I cannot cure you, Sir. You are suffering from fanaticism, not from cancer.” He went home, he had still trouble for about eight days, then his wife put some wisdom into his head. (Shri Mataji laughing) And then he came to Me. He said, “All right, I accept, Mother, if you say, I accept that Moses and Mohammed are the same.” And you’ll be amazed, his cancer was cured.(1982-09-28)