2018年8月2日 星期四


*** 額輪的問題  ***

今天雖然你的額輪打開了,但是你仍會有許多額輪的問題,即霎哈嘉練習者仍然會在額輪出狀況。我們應如何經由反省來看看自己有什麼問題呢? 舉例來說,有些人來到霎哈嘉,就認為他們應該來掌控一切、負責這個、負責那個、掌控所有的練習者,此時他們的行為就開始不像一個霎哈嘉練習者應有的樣子。我看過這種人,我很訝異他們那種相信自己的情狀、那種炫耀他們是總管一切的負責人的樣子。



註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji復活節普祭(Easter Puja)談話1998-04-19JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Today, you will find that even though your Agnya is opened out and still you’ll be amazed that people get involved in the Agnya Chakra. In Sahaja Yoga, people do get involved in Agnya Chakra.
Now, how do we see through introspection what happens to us? For example, once people come to Sahaja Yoga they think they are in charge; in charge of this, in charge of that, in charge of all the Sahaja Yogis. And they start behaving in a manner which doesn’t behove a Sahaja Yogi. It doesn’t. I have seen them and I am amused the way they start trusting themselves and showing off that they are very much in charge. This is nothing modern. This used to be there with human beings, but if it was so, it was before Sahaja Yoga. Even now, people get into the mood of dominating others by saying that we are in charge.
Sahaja Yoga is not simple as you think because there is a lot of temptations. Supposing you make somebody a leader. Now, leader becomes some sort of in charge, you see and he gets the drunkenness of power. When he is like that, he starts dominating all the rest of the people and also starts showing off that he is something very great and he has to dominate all the rest of the people. Then he creates an atmosphere of fear. Firstly I have seen what happens with them is that they start saying falsely that: “Mother has told this, Mother has said so. This is Mother’s idea.” I have nothing to do with that gentleman but he goes on talking like that and people get very frightened. Then also he can also frighten you by saying: “I will tell Mother. Mother will listen to me and She’ll punish you.” I’m sometimes very surprised at such people because I have never said that I will punish somebody or I will take him out of Sahaja Yoga. Nothing of the kind. So, this man who thinks no end of himself, he may be a leader, may not be a leader, may be nothing in Sahaja Yoga and then he starts talking like this, in such a funny manner that it doesn’t look that the person is a Sahaja Yogi. Then he goes even further. He goes himself describing as something very great as if he is the one who is chosen specially for the rising higher and higher.

When I hear about these things, I’m really amazed how can people befool themselves all the time and behave in such a manner. First thing in Sahaja Yoga is humility. If you are not a humble person, you cannot be a Sahaja Yogi. The person who orders about, the person who talks in a manner as if he is Hitler, any person who tries to control and being in charge of the thing, all these capacities only show that that person has achieved nothing in Sahaja Yoga. First thing is to enjoy the humility. I have seen people like this. They’ll always sit in the first row. They will be always sitting in a place where you just see them all the time there . I just smile. I know they are just show-offs. They think no end of themselves, and that’s why they are there, but they themselves are loosing, they themselves are not very happy. That’s why they try to do all these tricks and do all this kind of domination. (註:譯者已根據影帶的英文字幕更正上面英文檔的一些錯誤)