2018年8月13日 星期一


***** 霎哈加練習者的問題  *****

說明:在此談話中,Shri Mataji也談了許多霎哈嘉練習者的問題,本譯文特別將此部分集中起來成為一篇。


當霎哈嘉瑜伽開始開展時,霎哈嘉練習者就直接接受到太初之母的祝福,但是我必須說,在我們這些練習者中,並沒有人達到讓我可以稱他們是非常完美成熟的 。有些人是霎哈嘉練習者,只是因為他們覺得這是一種流行(fashion) 即從他們的角度,或可說從他們自私的角度,他們覺得當霎哈嘉練習者可能比較好。這是非常錯誤的。假如你在霎哈嘉裡,你必須知道你現在對全世界是有責任的,(因為)你是唯一走在前端、唯一已獲得極可貴的覺醒的人,你的行為應該像一個聖人或自覺的靈。

但是有時候你發覺他們的行為令人驚訝,他們對自己或他人沒有任何尊重 ,他們的整個態度十分可笑。這當中有些人是金錢取向,有些人是權力取向,權力取向的人是比金錢取向的人來得更危險,因為那些權力取向的人會給霎哈嘉帶來很不好的名聲。這種人會羞辱人、非常有控制慾,是非常可怕的人 。他們的所有作為只為了在霎哈嘉獲取權力,而且他們會玩各式各樣的把戲來取得權力。

或許在短期間,他們似乎都很順利,但是一段時間之後,你就會發覺他們都從霎哈嘉領域中消失了,這是一個很大的清洗過程,它持續在進行中 。你必須了解你是來到了一個非常高意識的領域,在這裡你接觸到上天的力量(Divine),在這裡如果你的行為像普通人,其內在沒有神聖的靈性(divinity),那麼你可以繼續如此(胡作非為)多久呢?





註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 太初之母普祭(Adi Shakti Puja)的談話1998-06-21 JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Once Sahaja Yoga has started, we have Sahaja Yogis who are now receiving the blessings of the Adi Shakti directly. But still, I must say, amongst Sahaja Yogis also, we don’t have people whom I would call as very well matured. They are Sahaja Yogis, some of them, are just because it’s a fashion, maybe it should be better from their angle, or from their selfish angle, or whatever it is. It is a very wrong thing. If you are in Sahaja Yoga, you must know now you are responsible for the whole world. You are the only people who have come forward, you are the only people who have achieved something and then, at this juncture, you should behave in a manner that behoves a big saint or a realized soul.
But sometimes you find they are behaving in such a manner, it is shocking sometimes. They have no respect for themselves or for others and their whole attitude is very funny. Some of them are money oriented, some of them are power oriented and those who are power oriented are more dangerous I think than money oriented. Because those who are power oriented try to bring such a bad name to Sahaja Yoga. They are very insulting, dominating and horrible people. Their whole attitude is to achieve power in Sahaja Yoga and they try all tricks to achieve that power.

But for sometime they look alright, but after some time you’ll find, they’ll all disappear from the field of Sahaja Yoga. It’s a very big cleansing process going on. You must understand that you have come in the field of very high consciousness where you are in contact with the divine. Now here if you behave like ordinary people who have no divinity within them, how long will you continue like this?   ...........

But in Sahaja Yoga, I have seen, people are rather shy. They don’t want to talk about Sahaja Yoga openly to others. Which is a very wrong thing you are doing, because you are responsible for this. You have been given Realization, of course you were seeking, everything is alright, but all of you must try to give Realization to others. 

I must say that, somehow, men have been more dynamic in working it out. The women in Sahaja Yoga are not yet coming up to that level as they should. They have to be more sensible about it and they have to work it out. They can do it, but the only trouble is I think they have certain minor problems about which they are worried.   ..........

But I would say that also, in Sahaja Yoga, I have found, there are all kinds of funny ideas growing here. Like certain rituals they’ll take up. Then they prescribe certain rituals, they’ll talk about it – a kind of a power orientation is there. They want to oppress others and they want to take over and frighten people and behave in such a manner that, as if they are very good. Some of them start saying that “Mataji said so, this is Mataji’s ideas”. By their own power-orientation they manufacture things and talk like that.  .........

We should not be lagging behind. For example, if you ask some Sahaja Yogis, especially Sahaja Yoginis, they don’t know much about Sahaja Yoga. They don’t know about chakras, they don’t know anything about the deities, nothing they know, how can they be Sahaja Yogis? You have to know all about it.  .........

But what I find about Sahaja Yogis, that once they start spreading Sahaja Yoga also, their ego comes up and they think they are great Sahaja Yogis, they are great leaders, all these kind of stupid ideas walk into their heads, which is wrong. You have to just think in a very humble manner. The more you have, the more you become humble. Like a tree, when it is laden with fruit, it bends down.