2019年5月26日 星期日


 *** 從左脈的完成到發揮右脈的力量  ***

什麼是右脈的力量呢?右脈的力量是經由左脈的完美而獲致的!在印度歷史上有這樣偉大的導師,其中之一即是拿迦(Raja Janaka,註一),他是一個國家的統治者,而且他是一個廣為人知的統治者。雖然他是如此一個慷慨仁慈的好人,且擁有許多好的特質,但是他同時也是一個好君主、偉大的國王,以他的公正、政治家風範、為他的百姓做許多好事等而為眾人所稱道。
這就是說明霎哈嘉練習者也可以如同基督一般,變成右脈的力量。我(以前)一直要你們避免走向右脈,因為許多人偏向右脈,就開始組織、開始做各種的事情,然後產生許多右脈帶來的問題。但是一旦你擁有霎哈嘉瑜伽的左脈的許多特質,那麼你非常需要成為一個有完整靈性的人格,即你應該去發揮右脈的力量、從事右脈的行動。而右脈的行動就是所謂的"集體性"(collectivity) 即不應該滿足於你目前在霎哈嘉的成就,人可以很容易去想:"我們已經獲得自覺,已經在世界的頂峰",這是不正確的!你必須走出去,去和人們談霎哈嘉......。這也是一種慈悲,即你沒有將你的自覺侷限於你自己,你希望推廣到他人,讓他們也獲得自覺。

說明:請同時參考另一譯文:"右脈修行途徑的危險" (https://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2019/05/possessed-agni-compassion-love.html),它可說是本譯文主題的前言。此外亦請參見相關譯文:"發揮右脈的力量全力來推廣霎哈嘉" ( https://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2019/04/blog-post_21.html )
註二江瑞凱摘譯Shri Mataji導師普祭(Guru Puja)談話2002-07-21JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Now you all have the powers of the left side. Some of you do have little bit right side also, doesn’t matter. Now I would say that you have achieved your left side mastery: Kundalini awakening is there, you are one with the Divine. Now you can come to the right side and know about right side, and try to express your right side. ......
So all these qualities you must first develop within yourself: is the left-side problem, that – you should be very peaceful, you should give love to others, you should be generous, you should be kind, ......
So the introspection should work first of all, “Where are we wrong? What wrong things we are doing? What is our style?” Once you discover that your style is already left-side, then you should take to right side and possess the power of right side.
What are the powers of right side now, which are achieved through the left-side perfection? We have some very great Gurus on this line. One of them was Raja Janaka. He was a ruler of a country, and a very well-known ruler and everything; but still, still, though He was so generous and good and everything, but at the same time He was a great monarch, great king of those days, very much known for His impartiality, for His statesmanship and all kinds of beautiful things He did for His subjects. That is there, is Raja Janaka. ......
This is a complete emancipation of human beings, that you are realised soul. You should be fully equipped with compassion, love and understanding. But at the same time, it should be expressed in the right way. For example, we can say Christ, He’s another example. Though He was an Incarnation, still the amount of forgiveness and love He has for people is tremendous. But at the same time, He used to go on the mountains and preach about spirituality. Those were not very safe times, because people didn’t like anybody talking like that. They hated Him because He talked about God. And what they did to Him you know very well. ...... He went all over the places, He had no facilities, but still He went out to many people and tried to save them. This was the right-side movement.
That means Sahaja Yogis can also become right-sided, but like Christ. Otherwise if they are right-sided they’ll organise, they’ll do all kinds of things, and have problems of the right side. That’s why I want you to avoid the right side. But once you are fully a left-sided master of Sahaja Yoga, then it’s very, very much needed to be a complete personality of spirituality, that you should take to right-side movement. And what is the right-side movement is the collectivity.
Should not be satisfied with what you have got. It’s very easy to feel, “Oh, now we have got realisation, now what is there? We are on top of the world!” That’s not so. You have to go out, talk to people. ...... This is also a compassion, that you don’t want to keep your realisation to yourself, but you want to do it for others also so that they also get realisation, it’s very important.
So now, it’s not that if you have got realisation you settle down with it – no, that’s not the way; but you should go all out to see that you give realisation to others, and save them. You all have got realisation not for your sake, it’s not limited for you, but it is meant for others, that you have to give it to others. And as soon as you’ll start giving it to others you’ll be amazed, so many qualities in you will come up; because when you see others, you find that what is lacking in them, what do they need, what you have to give, how you have to give. You can become anything, you can become a poet, you can become a writer, you can, anything can you become, in case you face others. Then it comes as a reaction within you, all these qualities develop, and you become a very good, I should say, artist. This is only possible if you meet other people and talk to them about Sahaja Yoga, and tell them about your Self-realisation. ......
But what is the main thing is that he has compassion. His compassion that he had before from the left side is now expanded, and he wants to save the people. ......
they say that a guru cannot give anything to you. But I can give you the advice, and the advice that you enlarge your heart, you become humble, and try to spread Sahaja Yoga with humility, not with aggressiveness. That is extremely important. If you can do that, then you’ll do full justice to this life, which is a spiritual life. Without that you cannot achieve, you cannot achieve, the strength of spirituality. For that you have to understand that it’s very, very important that you should give Sahaja Yoga a full chance, through your wisdom. ......
But if you start on proper lines you will be amazed, you’ll meet so many people who want peace of mind, peace of heart and a complete oneness with the Divine.