*** 錫呂格涅沙和喜樂 ***
錫呂格涅沙(Shri Ganesha)最大的特質就是喜樂(joy)。在甚至還不會講話的階段,小小孩就會帶給我們許多喜樂,這個給人喜樂的特質就是來自錫呂格涅沙。我看到有些人來到霎哈嘉之後,並未充滿喜樂,他們非常嚴肅,他們不知道如何笑,不知道如何享受每一件事,這就是他們能缺乏純真(innocence)的表癥。做為一個霎哈嘉練習者,你必須了解到你應該是(隨時都是)喜樂的,而且可以帶給他人喜樂的,就如同小孩子一般。小孩子是給人何等甜美的感覺!或許他們只是剛出生,但是他們就可以給予人十足的喜樂。假如你無法來享受小孩子的純真,那麼恐怕是無可救藥了,錫呂格涅沙也無法幫你了。因為這應該是人類與生俱來的能力,假如你沒有這種能力,那麼你其他的感官能力都沒有什麼用處。譬如有人喜歡食物、顏色和其他種種,但是假如你沒有錫呂格涅沙(的喜樂),那麼你無法單純地來享受任何事物。只有在錫呂格涅沙的祝福之下,人們才能真正的完全來享受所有的事物。否則人們只會開始論斷、開始批評,只會對外物提出種種的質疑,......就如現代社會有許多批評家,他們無時不刻都在批評......。他們就猶如身體中的瘡、膿。假如你無法有欣賞的態度、無法來享受外在的一切,正表示你的内裡缺乏錫呂格涅沙。你應該要能享受每一件事物,要能享受你的小孩及他人的小孩,如此才表示你有錫呂格涅沙完全的祝福。
像這種快樂的人才是一個真正的霎哈嘉瑜伽士,這種人才是大家喜歡與之共處的練習者。這種人對他人沒有恨意,沒有任何惡意,也不會去找他人的缺失,而只會看他人的優點及特點。這種人是不會在乎他人是白皮膚或黑皮膚,是高或是矮。對他而言,這都沒有差別,因為他是(處在)完全的享受與喜樂(absolute joy)之中,在這享受之中,你不會去批評,不會去找尋他人的過錯。
註一:江瑞凱摘譯Shri Mataji在錫呂格涅沙普祭(Shri Ganesha Puja)的談話2002-09-14。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
The greatest quality of Shri Ganesha is joy. It gives you joy,
as small children, they may not speak even, but they give us so much joy. Joy
giving quality comes from Shri Ganesha. Even after coming to Sahaja Yoga I’ve
seen people are not full of joy. Are very serious, they don’t know how to
laugh, how to enjoy anything. That’s the sign that they are still lacking in
innocence. So it’s important to understand that, if you are sahaja yogis, you
should be joyous and give joy to others, just like children, how sweet they
are. They may be newly born, but how much joy they give you. But supposing you
do not have that capacity to enjoy the innocence of children, then nobody can
help you. Ganesha cannot help you. Because that’s the innate quality human
beings have and if you don’t have that quality, no use having any other sense.
Like some people like food, they like colours, they like all other things. But
if you don’t have Shri Ganesh you cannot purely enjoy anything.
So it is only [with] Shri Ganesha’s blessings that we really enjoy everything in its full measure. Otherwise, we start judging it, we start criticizing it, people raise so many things, questions. ...... As we have many critics in this world, and they are all the time criticizing one another. ...... It’s like having some sort of a boil, or some sort of a septic thing in your body, in your being. So, if you cannot appreciate it, and if you cannot enjoy it, then Shri Ganesha is missing from you.
You should be able to enjoy everything, and to enjoy your children, enjoy children of other people. That’s the sign of your being completely blessed by Shri Ganesh. ......
So it is only [with] Shri Ganesha’s blessings that we really enjoy everything in its full measure. Otherwise, we start judging it, we start criticizing it, people raise so many things, questions. ...... As we have many critics in this world, and they are all the time criticizing one another. ...... It’s like having some sort of a boil, or some sort of a septic thing in your body, in your being. So, if you cannot appreciate it, and if you cannot enjoy it, then Shri Ganesha is missing from you.
You should be able to enjoy everything, and to enjoy your children, enjoy children of other people. That’s the sign of your being completely blessed by Shri Ganesh. ......
If you don’t have the blessings of Shri Ganesh, you’ll be
completely useless fellow as a sahaja yogi, because all the time you are seeing
the bad points of others, all the time you are devoiding, I should say, you are
getting into a problem, by which you cannot enjoy anything. By temperament you
think you are very serious, you are very mature, you are very developed, but
you are not innocent. Such a person gives such a headache to everyone. You
know, if there’s one like that, in the family, people want to get rid of him.
So you should have the quality of Shri Ganesha which is of
giving joy to others.
Depends on how much joy you can give it to others. It doesn’t
want anything. Such a person won’t say that “I must get this, I must have this
position, I should be leader, I should be this and that”, no. He just enjoys
giving joy, joy to others, and being humorous, and kind, and never, never tries
to insult anyone and hurt anyone. If such a person hurts, by mistake also, he
goes on repenting about it. And hundred times he’ll beg your pardon if he has
hurt you.
Such a happy person is a real sahaja yogi. That’s the one we
want to have all around. Those who have no hatred for anyone, no malice for
anyone, and not finding faults with another, but trying to find what is the
good point of that person, what is so special about that person. He’s not
bothered as to what colour you are, whether you are black or white, whether you
are tall or short, it makes no difference. Because it is absolute. Absolute
joy. And for this absolute joy, you don’t criticize, and you don’t try to find
faults with others.