2019年5月6日 星期一


*** 邪惡的魔鬼  ***




 他們可能以各種身份出現,如一個好人、一個非常和善的人、一個宣稱知道上帝的人,或說他們可以給你自覺。他們可以講各種謊言,因為他們有邪惡的本質,有能力做(各種)邪惡的事,所以他們會假冒種種的角色,如宣稱自己是什麼或什麼,宣稱可以給人這個那個。事實上他們來到地球就是要毀滅人們,世界各地出現過許多的假導師,也有許多愚蠢的人跟隨他們。這些假導師從來不會彼此攻訐,耶穌基督就說過:''魔鬼不會說他們自己家族的壞話''。這些惡魔好似都來自同一個家庭,在此家庭内他們不會去講破壞他們集體或兄弟之情的話。他們彼此的兄弟之情是如此的強大,無論在何處他們都知道他們是一夥的。他們這種行為及彼此的連結,是令人十分訝異的,可以說他們是非常有集體性。假如一個人佔據、獨霸某一個領域,另一個人則會攻佔另外一個區域,並不會相互競爭。他們最終的目標就是要摧毀上帝的所有創造,摧毀世界上原本最終將獲得自覺、知道實相的善良人類。這種情形在黑暗期(Kali Yuga)是最糟糕的。


註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji Navaratri Puja的談話1999-10-17JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

The evil people have a capacity to hate and to express their hate in every way that is possible. They are really born evil and there are also who ‘become’ evil. When they are born evil, you can make them out: that their whole style is so aggressive and so vindictive about things. But hatred has no limit, no limits at all. Because, if they hate, if they hate someone, then – just to justify that hatred – they’ll say all kinds of things. Just to justify. But sometimes they don’t even want to justify. They just feel that they ‘hate’ and it’s a fundamental right they have got to hate.
But these forces join together sometimes to form a joint personality of evil, which tries to torture the human beings and trouble them. They might take any name. They might call them by anything, but they are absolutely hundred per cent evil and for such persons there’s no pity or compassion from the God Almighty. These are to be destroyed. And that is the job of the Goddess –to destroy them—who is a Mother, full of compassion and love.

It’s a very contradictory work the Goddess has to do – to kill these people- because, in the larger interest, it is important that all such evil people should be destroyed, completely. But they do not. They… like they go to jail for some time. Like that, they go to hell for some time, suffer and, again, they come back much more strong and then again try to trouble good saintly people. It’s a common style they are all over the world.
They can come in the form of a very good man, of a very gentle man or of a man who “knows a lot about God” or they can also say that they can “give you Realisation”. All kinds of lies they are capable of, because they have that power –evil—, power of doing evil. So they take to all kinds of falsehood and they proclaim that: “We are this and we are that” and “We can give you this or that.”
Actually, they have come on this Earth to ruin people. We’ve had many of these false people and many stupid people followed them. They never talked against each other. Christ has said that: “The devil won’t talk against its own house.” As if they are in ‘one’ house. And in ‘one’ house they live and they cannot talk, they cannot talk of something that may disturb their collectivity or their fraternity. The fraternity is so great that, wherever they are, they ‘know’ that they are together. Just imagine: all the evil people should join together and behave in this manner is very surprising. That way, they are very collective.
Supposing one has taken a particular part of the land, then he dominates there. Another takes up in another way. Third one takes. There’s no competition as such. Ultimate effort is, somehow or other, to destroy all the creation of God, all the good people of the world, who will ultimately get their Self-Realisation and who will have the Knowledge about Reality.

This kind of atmosphere is the worst during Kali Yuga