*** 鬥爭期的祝福 ***
(人類歷史上有很多因宗教而來的仇恨、殺戮,不同的國家種族之間也有許多戰爭、屠殺)(註一),但霎哈嘉的理念是:你愛所有的人,因為他們是人類。他們和你生在同一個時代,大家都必須互相幫助、彼此相愛。這是最重要的事!假如你可以發展出這一點,那你將會是非常非常強大的霎哈嘉瑜伽士,而且你會得到上天(Divine)的支持與祝福。假如你是擁有愛的特質,上天會幫助你來脫離所有的麻煩、災難與各種困難的處境,這是在鬥爭期(Kali Yuga,註二)特有的祝福,以前並不存在像這樣的祝福。
註一:在談此譯文的課題之前,Shri Mataji 先談到這些仇恨、戰爭。
註二:照Shri Mataji的說法,現代是鬥爭期(Kali Yuga)的尾端,之後將進入完滿期(Satya Yuga),這兩個時期之間是過渡期(Krita Yuga, 或譯 "成就期"),所以也可以說這是過渡期的祝福,請見譯文:"過渡期" ( https://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2017/01/kritayuga-shri-mataji-yogis-kritayuga.html )
註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在復活節普祭(Easter Puja)的談話2002-04-21。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
The other side of it is Sahaja
Yoga, in which you love all human beings because they’re human beings. They’re
born with you in this time. You have to help each other and love each other.
This is the main thing. If you can develop this, you’ll be very, very strong
Sahaja Yogis and you will be supported and blessed by the Divine. Divine will
help you and take you out of all troubles and tribulations and all kinds of
difficulties, if you are a loving personality. This is what the blessing of
Kali Yuga. It didn’t exist like this before.
Now, if you are a loving
person, the Divine will go out of the way to help you, to sort out your
problems, to punish those who are troubling you. I mean, it’s My own experience
like that. I never do anything. I never curse anybody. I don’t fight. I don’t
shout. Automatically, it works. I don’t even tell the Divine to do anything.
The Divine is at the greatest, just personality, I should say. That is the one
who does all the justice. Nobody can suffer under the guidance and love of
Divine, take it from Me. This is the blessing of Kali Yuga. I agree Kali Yuga
is horrible. People are horrible. This is that. But there’s one thing that this
Divine has become very alert. It was never that alert. If Christ was born at
this time, He could not have been crucified. It’s only because He was not born
during Kali Yuga. That’s a very big blessing for us. Nobody can be tortured.
Nobody can be troubled. Only thing, you have to be a humble person. You have to
have a good character and you have to have a very loving personality. That’s
all. You’ll enjoy the loving personality. You’ll get the blessings because [of]
you’re loving personality. I mean, the way the Divine looks after you, there
are so many miracles people tell Me. I’m not surprised because I know the
Divine has become extremely alert towards human beings who are good and nice.
It will look after. It will support. It will do everything. It’s very
surprising that it has become so alert. Like Muahmmed-sahib suffered so much.
Everybody suffered so much, but not now. Now the Sahaja Yogis won’t suffer.
Take it from Me. They’re looked after by the Divine itself. Everything is
looked after.