*** 導師的狀態 ***
這一個課題只能用印度語來解釋(註一),(所以剛才我先用印度語講),其中我提到:這個導師的狀態(Guru Pad,state of
Guru)只能從他人(譯者:一個真正的導師)來獲得。這個給予你導師狀態的人,他本身被賦予一些大能力(powers),首先是"祥和心境的能力"(the power of peace of mind),而且他也擁有去克服所有各種世俗困難、心理問題、身體問題的能力。你(譯者:指門徙)可以經由你的內心的平衡及你的導師心智上的祝福,來解決上面提到的這些問題。
人不要想嘗試變成一個導師,這是不切實際的。假如你想去變成一個導師,那麼你絕對不可能成為一個導師。導師的狀態是自動降臨在你身上的,不必你去請求,也不是去努力就可達成。達到此狀態的唯一途逕就是經由靜坐(dhyana,即meditation),就只是靜坐、再靜坐。靜坐中也不要去要求什麼,靜坐本身會讓你成為足以承受這個導師大能的工具。之後你自然而然會將此能力再給予他人,你也不必刻意去成就這件事,只要在你出席的場合,人們就可以獲得這個完全滿足的能力。對你及他人而言,達到這種狀態(可說)是一種完全的解脫與救贖(salvation)。所有在昇進旅途所遭遇的困難都結束了,你只沉浸在天堂般的祥和及喜樂的福分之中,這就是所謂的" kaiyvalya ",即是"只是天上的喜悦"(only the bliss) 的意思。這就是指沒有任何字眼可以描述、形容它,它是一種狀態,在這種狀態下,你知道你處在那個狀態。這是一個非凡的境界,當你達到此,你不必再去追求什麼,因為一切都具足了,而且你是十分的滿足。
註一:Shri Mataji前半段先是用印度語講,後半段才用英語,講的大致是相同的課題,但是印度語的部分似乎比較深入,只可惜印度語的部分翻成英語並沒有譯得很好。本譯文是翻譯自英語談話的部分,但也參考印度文談話的部分。
註二:江瑞凱翻譯自Shri Mataji在Mahashivaratri Puja的談話2004-02-15。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
This is a subject which you can only explain in Hindi language.
Which says that this Guru pad (state of Guru) you get from somebody else.
But that somebody else is itself, is endowed with, the power, the power of
peace of mind, to begin with, and also the power to overcome all kinds of
earthly problems, mental problems, physical problems. All these problems you
can solve through your mental balance and mental blessings from your Guru.
When you become the guru, you yourself have the power, to bless
others. With your blessing power you can create a guru out of many. And once
the guru is created and there is a guru, who has this power, it’s very
satisfying and is very ennobling (enabling?).
The satisfaction is so much that you don’t want anything. This
is the power of Shiva. You have seen Shiva doesn’t have much clothes. He
doesn’t decorate Himself. He is just sitting in meditative mood, all the time.
He doesn’t want anything. He’s so satisfied with Himself that He doesn’t want
anything. And that is the power you get after the Self-realisation, if you have
a Guru, and Guru of that level and calibre.
should not try to become a
Guru: that’s very impractical. If you try to become, you will never. It has to
come to you automatically, without any asking, without any effort. So the only
way you can get to it is through dhyana. Dhyana is meditation. When you
meditate – just meditate, and meditate. Do not ask for anything. Meditation
itself gives you that instrument which can bear this great power of the Guru.
And then you, automatically, you give this power to others. You don’t have to work it out, just in your presence
people can get this power of complete satisfaction. And there (that?) is
salvation for you and for others.
So all the problems which are faced for the journey of ascent
are finished and you are drenched in the bliss of heavenly peace and joy.
That’s why it is called as kaiyvalya, means only, only the bliss. See, that
means there is no other word to translate it, there’s no other way of
explaining it. It’s a state, it’s a stithi. It’s a state. In that state you
have to rise and you know that you are in that state. It’s a very remarkable
thing that, once you reach that state, you don’t have to ask for anything; it’s
all there, and you are so satisfied.
I can go on talking about this special power but I think,
whatever I have said, please meditate on that. And you are all capable of
reaching that state. That state of complete peace and joy.