*** 如何對付自我(Ego)及非我(Superego) ***
練習者問:您剛才所說的也可以同樣用在 "非我" (superego,或譯"超我")嗎?
註一: 從其他的談話,譯者整理出如下:Ham 的意思是 "I am"(我是),或 "To know Thyself" (知道真我),或 "To know you are a Spirit" (知道你是一個靈)。
Ksham 的意思就是 "forgive"(原諒),或 "I forgive"(我原諒)。
註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在倫敦靜室的談話1982-08-06。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
Sahaja Yogini: Mother, would You please tell a little bit how…
how we fight our ego with the Spirit? How would you do…
Shri Mataji: How do we fight the ego…
Sahaja Yogini: … ego with the Spirit.
Shri Mataji: You see, you should never fight ego. If you try to fight, it will sit more on your head. That’s not the way to fight it, that there is ego and you fight your ego: “Oh, I’m going to box you” – then it will grow more, you see. The more you box it, the more it will grow. Never fight your ego. Only way is to see it. Your attention is very important, your attention is now enlightened. Whatever you see, it comes to its right size. It comes to its right side… size. Say, ego – if it is overgrown, you just watch your ego. That is, it is to watch yourself in the mirror, and you say, “Oh, Mr. Ego, how do you do?” Then it will come down. But don’t fight it. Just to be seen. All kinds of egos could be there. If you are overeducated, you are egoistical. If you are uneducated, you are egoistical – because you must try to show that you are something. All sorts of egos are there. So best thing is to see for yourself; that’s why I say, “Face yourself.” “Yourself” means your Spirit.
Shri Mataji: How do we fight the ego…
Sahaja Yogini: … ego with the Spirit.
Shri Mataji: You see, you should never fight ego. If you try to fight, it will sit more on your head. That’s not the way to fight it, that there is ego and you fight your ego: “Oh, I’m going to box you” – then it will grow more, you see. The more you box it, the more it will grow. Never fight your ego. Only way is to see it. Your attention is very important, your attention is now enlightened. Whatever you see, it comes to its right size. It comes to its right side… size. Say, ego – if it is overgrown, you just watch your ego. That is, it is to watch yourself in the mirror, and you say, “Oh, Mr. Ego, how do you do?” Then it will come down. But don’t fight it. Just to be seen. All kinds of egos could be there. If you are overeducated, you are egoistical. If you are uneducated, you are egoistical – because you must try to show that you are something. All sorts of egos are there. So best thing is to see for yourself; that’s why I say, “Face yourself.” “Yourself” means your Spirit.
Sahaja Yogi: Mother, that goes the same for the superego?
Shri Mataji: Yes, very much so. For superego also – not to be
frightened. You should just say, “Get out! I can see you very clearly, you are
there. You get out from here! How dare you frighten me? I am the Spirit. I am
the Spirit, how dare you can do that?” That’s how. You see, ego makes you
idiotic. Absolutely. Ego makes you idiotic, makes an idiot out of you,
absolutely. And the superego makes you a coward. It makes you a coward. Now,
how to fight it? “I’m not going to be an idiot” – if you say that, ego will go
away. If you want to be an idiot, then he’ll be there to help you. If you want
to be an idiot, all right, call Mr. Ego. You’ll become an idiot,
Is the easiest way. Easiest way. If you want to become an idiot,
simple thing is to call the ego. “You come, Mr. Ego, and settle down in me” –
and immediately… this is a very simple composition. And superego… if you are a
coward, then it sits on your head. Say, “I am not going to be…” Ham Ksham, as I
told you, the mantra on the Agnya is. Either you have to say, “I am”; the
other, I say, “I forgive you.”