2019年9月8日 星期日


*** 集體內宰制的問題 ***


錫呂瑪塔吉回答:假如有人藉著對我的虔誠與奉獻來壓制其他人,那麼你要明瞭,沒有任何人可以被壓制,因為你的靈(Spirit)是無法被壓制的!譬如有一個人Y,他想壓制X,他(Y)能做什麼呢?Y無法壓制X的靈,Y可以嗎?所以這樣子應該很清楚了。假如X要和我有連結,沒有人可以阻止他。你們每一個人都和我有直接的關係,不需要經過任何人。假如你要接受一個中間代理人,那麼我也無法幫你,否則你們都可以有直接的通道連結到我。你們都可以在你的靈性中成長,沒有人可以宰制你。每一個人都有完全的自由來使靈性成長、來認識他的靈。(你內在的)靈是無法被其他人所宰制的。假如某人想壓制你,他可以壓制你什麼呢?他會用什麼方法呢?(他們最多只能在一些世俗的事務來排擠壓制你),如:" 我們不要用這個地毯,我們要選那一個",你可以大方的回覆:"那很好啊 !就用你們選的那一個"。那些想跳海的人,你就說:" 跳啊!現在就跳啊!"。他們可以在什麼領域來壓制你呢?絕對無法在你靈性成長的領域,他們做得到嗎?



註一江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在倫敦靜室的談話1982-08-06JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Djamel: Mother, may I ask you something? How can we deal with, You see, there is one problem, one big problem in Sahaja Yoga, You know. It’s those who are devoted to You at the expense of others.
Shri Mataji: Those who are devoted to Me?
Djamel: All those who use the excuse of their devoting to You, Mother, sometimes to oppress others.
Shri Mataji: They are what?
Djamel: Sometimes people use their devotion to You as, at the expense of others or-
Shri Mataji: Then again the same thing, Djamel. It’s the same thing is. You see it is: you have to do it. All those who are doing that way, I am just pointing out to all those.
It you are using, say, your devotion to Me for the oppressing of others, all right? So it is for you to see.

There is nobody who can be oppressed, because your Spirit cannot be oppressed. Say, there is X and Y. Now, Y is a person who’s trying to oppress X, all right? What will you oppress? He can’t oppress his Spirit, can he? First point. Clear. Now, this fellow, if he has to have attachment to Me, nobody can stop him.
There is all… you all have direct relationship with Me. Not through anyone. If you want to accept somebody’s agency, then I can’t help you. But, otherwise, you all have a direct access to Me. You all can grow your Spirits; nobody can dominate you. Everyone has complete freedom to grow their Spirit – to know their Spirit, I mean to say. And the Spirit is something… cannot be dominated by anyone. Now, supposing somebody tries to oppress you. What will they oppress you, in which way? They’ll say, “All right, we’ll not have this carpet, we’ll have that carpet.” Have it!
Somebody will say, “I’ll jump in the sea.” Jump! Just now you jump! What will they oppress you in? You see, just see that. Not in your spiritual growth. Can they? And that’s how the problem starts. You see, in material things… say, in an ashram now somebody says, “All right, we would like to have a photograph of Mother put there.” The other will say, “No, we are going to have it there.” Whether you put it here or there makes no difference. My photograph is going to work it out.

First of all, you cannot be dominated. This is one fact, is a truth. You can grow in your spirituality, whatever people may try to dominate in the worldly things. Thank God we don’t have any organization. Thank God we don’t have secretaries, assistant secretaries, under-secretaries, by-secretaries, upper secretaries, lower secretaries – we don’t have any nonsense. Otherwise, even that would have been dominating to people. Then they would have fought that. So we don’t have that problem. We don’t have any money problem, because we don’t have all these nonsensical ideas. I’ve solved this problem by having no institutions, no positions. Everybody has position.But the greatest position is of your Spirit, which you establish.