2017年3月16日 星期四







註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji的談話1992-02-09, JSM ! 由於文長,拆成可分開閱讀的上下,  敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

For example, the first chakra is created by this Mother Earth and the, all this universe then is created by the second chakra. But the first chakra is the one which emits the holiness, the auspiciousness which gives balance.

Auspiciousness comes only through balance. So I find people when they have lost their balances, they go to the right or to the left.

People are very righteous, extremely righteous, very good Sahaja Yogis, nice, but there is no love. Without love righteousness has no meaning. Love doesn’t mean that you indulge into anything, but you must have detached love and responsibility. So in our life we should see if we have that balance or not. It’s very important if we have to see to Shri Ganesh.

Shri Ganesh as you know is on Mooladhara, he controls all our senses as far as the Mooladhara is concerned, especially all the excretion.

So we are not people who believe in the indulgence of it, neither we believe in the detachment of it but in the balance. That’s why you all have to be married, you have to have a proper physical life and that you should have proper children and lead a very sensible, dignified married life. That is very important.

But Love should be there, there should be love between husband and wife, between children and parents and everyone. If one person goes into imbalance the whole family goes into imbalance. To establish a family sweetly and nicely is also an art and if both of them agree and say that we’ll do this way I’m sure it’s not difficult because you are Sahaja Yogis you already know the quality of balancing.

What I find in the west now is the balance has gone really on the rocks because, see now there are all kinds of problems of homosexuality and this and that and all that, this is just because of imbalances, people have gone to that limit.

Another is asceticism where are your people are ascetic, made ascetic like in TM and all that, they have taken to these things because these are unnatural things, natural is to be in balance. If you are not in balance then things go off and you become either too much of something and nothing of the other, that’s how people suffer.

So from Ganesha’s, Ganesha’s chakra we have to learn what are we doing. So sometimes we have to, say, accumulate things, we have to consume things and then we have to throw them away also. It is not that what ever we consume is just stored up within us or in the house, so we must also learn how to throw away things and how to take inside, this is in our household, in our thought also.

In our thought also, when we receive some thoughts from anywhere we should only digest that is good for us and is digested because of Parama Chiatanya, the rest should be thrown away, you shouldn’t bother.

Like yesterday somebody met me, she said Mother I am a catholic and I cannot get out of Catholicism, she is supposed to be, she wants to do Sahaja Yoga, then I said you stay inside Catholicism because there is no question of balance. But in Sahaja Yoga what ever good of Catholicism, means that you have to worship Christ, that part is all right. The rest, whatever is nonsensical has to be thrown away.

So the whole atmosphere that you face of thoughts, of ideas, of books, whatever you read, you must develop a capacity to consume that is good for you and whatever is bad you should throw away.