2017年3月12日 星期日



我們必須了解錫呂格涅沙(Shri Ganesha)如何帶給我們平衡(balance),錫呂格涅沙的代表符號(swastika)正是代表平衡而已。當它不動的時候就代表平衡,當它開始朝正確的方向移動,就會成就建設性的工作,且成就了所有對生命重要的事物。當它反方向移動時,破壞性的工作就開始了。建設性及破壞性兩部分會達成平衡,假如沒有,那麼生命就無法繼續。例如在大自然裡,先是花開了,當花凋謝死亡時,就產生果實。樹木的水份會蒸發到天空,假如不是這樣,那就不會引發下雨。冬天時樹木會落葉,因為這些樹葉必須死亡、掉落在大地,用它的氮元素來滋養母親大地,然後在夏天時,這些樹葉又長回來。





註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji的談話1992-02-09, JSM ! 由於文長,拆成可分開閱讀的上下,  敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

This is a place where I say resides Mahaganesha. So we have to understand how Shri Ganesh brings balance in us. It’s very important to see that his swastika represents nothing else but balance.

Balance when it is steady, when it starts moving in the right direction, then constructive work starts and also it works out all that is important for life. But when it starts the other way round it works out the destructive part. These both are in balance, if they are not life cannot go on.

The constructive and destructive both have to be in balance. See in nature, if you see in the nature for example, a flower has to come, and when the flower dies then the fruit comes out. The tree has to evaporate its water to the sky if it does not then it won’t rain, it won’t trigger the rain. But during winter season it has to drop out its leaves because these leaves have to die and fall on to the ground to nourish the mother nature with nitrogen. Then during summer time again they come back.

So the life goes on like this, that whatever is created is destroyed, something new comes up, again that new thing also comes up in a way that it becomes constructive and then what ever it has constructed, part of it is destroys. So actually if you see in the death resides the life. If there is no death, imagine if all the people who were born since long would have been living today, we would not have been here. It would have been so difficult to manage ourselves with all these people.

But so many animals have died and those animals also have become human beings. So many human beings have to die to get other people to come on this earth and that you have to take some rest and come back again. So the death is just a change of life. Without death life cannot exist, it’s a balance between the two.

So a Sahaja Yogi should never be afraid of death, he should never be afraid of death because if he is going to die it is only going to be another life where he rests for a while and comes back with greater enthusiasm, with greater energy. So there is a complete balance in nature, if you see if there was no balance we could not have existed.

Supposing the earth was moving with a greater speed, you would not have existed, the pacific ocean was deeper even by certain feet, you would not have existed. So many things are completely in balance, the distance with the sun, the distance with the moon, everything is so much in balance, if this balance breaks then we would be nowhere.

So we have to understand that all this is done by Shri Ganesha. He is the one who looks after all the material things and all the things that are created.