2017年3月8日 星期三



Shri Mataji
提到一個故事:有一位年輕的親戚來她家住,家中並無僕人,都是Shri Mataji在煮飯。有一天Shri Mataji必須出門,她吩咐這女孩:"妳煮一些雞蛋魚片飯,我回來後,我們就有東西吃"。當Shri Mataji回家時,發現什麼也没煮。Shri Mataji就問:"爲什麼沒煮?",那女孩回答道:"我想妳說不定不會回來,或許妳不會餓,或許妳不想吃.......。"

但是火、水、土等這些基本元素就不是如此,它們是完全在神聖的力量(Divine)的控制之下。例如我只要接觸這大地,我說:"請吸走他們的負面能量"。大地就會將這些負面吸走,它没有任何的自我,它不會去想任何的藉口,而是直接去做。它們是有百分之百的神聖意識(Divine awareness),上帝要它們做什麼,它們就照辦,它們是完全與上帝合一(oneness with God)。人類因為可以思考、可以自己決定,所以人類往往在人類意識(human awareness)及神聖意識之間徘徊。

但是首先你們必須先決定停止使用你們的腦袋(譯者:指自我及非我)太多,你們可以說:"母親,請在我們的腦袋裏" (Mother You be in our brain)。這對你們而言應不難,因為這一世我親自出現在你們面前。這頭腦是由五個元素所支持,它們都在頭腦裏。假如你可以把我放在頭腦内,或告訴你自己的頭腦不要再打攪你,你會驚訝到這整個系統立即如發電機開始運作。它將變成一部敏鋭的工具,你不用再去擔心什麼、去想什麼,事情就會順利地進行,好像你有神奇的本事,一觸摸就能點石成金。但是要達到這種境地,對人類而言是有些困難,因為要變成完全的没有自我(egoless)是有點難。



註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji的談話1983-03-04, JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

The reason is they are completely under the control of the Divine. They are under the control of the powers of God, absolutely, hundred percent. Whatever God wants, they do it, once they are enlightened. But human beings are still, you see, dwindling between his own human awareness and the Divine awareness and the oneness with God. So it is the sensitivity in a person grows very, very, slowly – doesn’t matter makes no difference – and when it grows, it comes you see it moves sometimes, two steps forwards and five steps backwards, you see again like that. When the time is about two years, you’ll find a gentleman at the same spot where he started. You get quite upset at how it has happened, despite Sahaja Yoga. But this is the thing is, that human beings can think, and they can decide, and they have ultimate freedom to give up this sensitivity at any time. So you have to be under complete obedience of the Divine, which is, one cannot understand sometimes how to be like that because we have not been brought up that way. We don’t know how to do it and it’s very difficult.


So the best thing is to say that, “Mother come in my brain. Please reside in my brain. Please make Your room in this brain. You be the controller of this brain. Let this brain be guided by Your divine wisdom.” And you don’t think for yourself, and this word ‘I think’ should be dropped completely from Sahaja Yogis. ‘I think’ means, goes on you see, in funny ways; it can be anything, you see. Like once we went out and we had one of my very stupid relations staying with us, a girl. And as I was going out – we had no servants that day, so I was cooking – but that day when we were going out I said to her, “I’m going in the morning, so can you make a little bit of kedgeree for us and when we come back we’ll have it.” That’s the only cooking she did in her lifetime, maybe she did not do also. So when we came back she told Me that she has not cooked. So I said, “Why? Why didn’t you cook, because we were supposed to take our food here.” She said, “I thought that maybe you may not come. Maybe you’re not hungry, maybe you may not like to eat. Maybe I may not cook well,” you see, all these four alternatives not to do the cooking. But I said, “Why didn’t you think that we may be hungry, that we will eat. Why didn’t you think this way?”


But for fire, or for water, or for Mother Earth there is no alternative, no more alternative. If I just touch the Mother Earth and I say, “Suck in their problems please,” She just sucks them in. If I tell the fire, “Now come along you have been ignited.” I don’t even tell, I don’t even tell, they immediately suck in. Their Kundalini rises you can say. You put a fire in front of My photograph it’s vibrated, you put a light it’s vibrated, it has no alternatives. It doesn’t think it has no alternatives, it’s just enlightened, it has its own quality of enlightenment in the purest sense, because thinking makes it impure. Your enlightenment becomes impure by your thinking, by giving explanations, by giving all these nonsensical alternatives. So one should know with the Divine there is no alternative. In Sanskrit the word is pariyai (Spelling?), there is no pariyai for Divine instrument. There’s nothing like that. Supposing you don’t want to accept it, you’ll have problems and then you’ll say that, “Mother how did we have problems?”

You are the highest epitome of all the creatures. Even the thing that comes out of the Mother Earth cannot do the work that you can. It cannot raise the Kundalini, it cannot, no maybe a little bit, effects might be, but it won’t work out with that force with that maneuvering I mean you are like a very advanced machinery of God’s work, very advanced, extremely sharp, and extremely effective. And the problem is this brain of yours, you see, when it comes in between, which is nothing compared to that big brain, you see. Your brain is nothing but like a little mosquito, it comes up, comes here and there, says, “Oh, this, this, this, this, this” and then the problem starts. But if you really start using this power with in you, God has made you as the best instrument that you could think. And as you start using your instrument with that wisdom and surrender or humility, gradually it evolves more and more and more, and you start developing more sensitive sides, or we can say evolving a new method in this and getting a better and better understanding of the working of Sahaja Yoga.

So it is important that first of all you must decide to stop the brain working too much and say that “Mother You be in our brain.” Thank God I’m before you in person, it’s not difficult. Just say that “Mother, You have to be in our brain.” Now this brain is as you know, is supported by the five elements, they all are in this brain and if you can somehow or other bring Me in that brain, somehow or other, by telling your brain, now, not to disturb you any more, you’ll be amazed that immediately the whole system will start working like a dynamo. It will be such a sensitive thing, you don’t have worry about anything, don’t have to think about anything. You touch anything it becomes gold sort of thing, you see becomes Midas’ touch, becomes such a great thing. But that, to achieve, is difficult for human beings. They find it difficult to achieve that kind of a perfection where you lose completely your ego and you become egoless.

Like the fire, the Mother Earth, like all other elements – they have no ego. It’s only human beings who have built the ego. And the ego is such a big myth. Because when you don’t do anything, why should you think you are doing something, and why should you be responsible for doing anything? But the thing is, we think that, “No it’s not God, we have to do this thing,” and “I have to decide.” You see it’s just we play tricks with ourselves morning till evening spoiling our brain, absolutely becoming mad. Best thing is to surrender and see the things will come before you, you’ll be amazed, oh, how it has happened, how it has worked out.

The other day I told just Kerry, “You better go and register yourself.” She said, “Mother the university has closed down these days, I can’t get into it, it’s very difficult.” I said, “All right I’ve said it, you go.” Then she telephoned, they said, “It’s impossible, you just can’t do it but if you want you can come and see.” And as she walked into the university in the office they said, “All right, come along you are registered.” It is, so many times it will happen to you people. But it took about ten minutes for Me to convince her that you just try it. But I must say still she was not so adamant she was thinking, ” If Mother is saying, I may get it this thing, it will work out.”

But if you suppose, “It’s all right, Mother You are saying, I’m just going to register, finished.” Then what happens even if you do not get registered doesn’t matter. That’s not important. Your brain improves. That’s important, that your brain improves, it becomes more sensitive. It’s not important that the work should be done, that’s not important. What is important that in you brain you must get this idea that “Let me be enlightened, truly.” All right? This is what one has to understand, in a very subtle way that we all are very sensitive instruments made by God and all our energies are not yet working. So we have to supply energy to all our nerves and that’s only possible if we remove our blockages created by our ego and by our conditioning. If you can remove the blockages, all our nerves will become very sensitive. And that’s why, tell your mind that, “Now any further, you better put Mother down there.”
