2017年3月2日 星期四



喉輪的明辨力是非常重要的。有一天有一個人來看我,她的右手都僵固了。我問她:"你從事什麼工作?",她答道:"我做秘書的工作,我需要打字,要打很多字!",我說妳用霎哈嘉的方法,在妳打字之前,妳對妳的工作說 "Namaskar"(註一),然後就好像妳並未工作一般,妳開始來工作。妳只是打字而已,就這樣,其實妳没有做什麼。










註二:江瑞凱綜合整摘譯自Shri Mataji明善輪普祭(Hamsa Puja的談話1991-04-28. JSM !這是一篇很長的談話,Shri Mataji 逐一談各個輪穴應該有什麼明辨力,譯者將之分成數篇。敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹指正。

So now the discretion of the Visshuddhi is another very important thing. The other day somebody came, and his right hand was frozen. I asked him: “What do you do?”

He says: “I am working as a secretary.” That lady.

So I said: “What do you do?”

She said: “I type. I type a lot.”

I said: “You take to Sahaja Yoga, and before typing you just say ‘Namaskar’ to that work that you have to do, just like that, and then you start doing the work, as if you are not doing it.

You are just doing it, typing, you are just typing, that’s all. You are not doing it, you are not doing anything.”

Some people say, “Mother, You travel so much.” I never travel. I’m sitting or I’m walking. Where do I travel? It’s the plane that travels, I’m just sitting in the plane. I never travel like a Superman. I’m sitting very nicely. Where do I travel?

If I start thinking: “I travel very much, I do this work, I do that work”, somebody would say: “Mother, you do so much work.” I mean I don’t do anything. I tell you, really, I don’t do anything.

Now I’m speaking. All right. So, just I’m speaking, that’s all; and this speech also I’m not doing it. It’s just coming out, like a radio. Would you say that the radio is doing any work? It’s just a radio.

Actually, I don’t do anything whatsoever. So when I’m not doing anything, why should I feel tired? Why should I wear out?

So this feeling of: “I am doing this and I am doing that”, is responsible for creating your problems of ego within you. So, to use the discretion over this ego, to put it down in its proper place, are these strands of Ida and Pingala sitting on top of them, bring it down. And it’s like a brake and an accelerator.

So, if somebody has too much of ego then the discretion, see, is missing from that person. He does something, thinks: “I have done this, I have done that”; as they say, Humpty Dumpty sort. And then he suddenly finds that’s finished. “I was very stupid to have such a, such an ego.” So, what does he say? “All right, Mother, You do for me. You work it out.”

Finished. It’s done. Of course I don’t do anything, nor you do anything. If you just say, “Mother, please do this for me”, it’s done.

If you say, “Mother, come in my head”, I come in your head; “Come in my eyes”, I come in your eyes. Say what you like, I don’t do anything at all. Neither you do anything. It just works! Somebody else is doing – all right? Need not bother about that. Somebody’s doing it, but as long as I am not doing it, I am relaxed and I am not worried. I am not upset.

So Visshuddhi is a very, very important center, and for you Americans, especially, American Sahaja Yogis, you have to know that to be in the Visshuddhi means you’re “in charge”. Not doing anything, but in charge.

Like these two hands are there, and you should know that it’s the Visshuddhi Chakra which controls the two most important chakras, are Lalita Chakra and Shri Chakra. Just think about it. How important is Visshuddhi? How important is America? Just think of it.

But nobody’s aware of it. I mean America means Las Vegas, then all these horrible beaches – horrible, horrible, horrible! Nobody knows what is America is, what does it mean to be in America, what’s our responsibility.

All this comes to you when you allow your Kundalini to be up there, so you’re absolutely detached, you’re connected with the mains, like this one, and the whole work is done by the mains.

You don’t have to do anything. So when you are detached of doing anything, of appreciating anything or debasing anything, or judging anything, when you are not at all doing all this nonsense, that means you are absolutely detached in the real sense of the word.