2019年3月31日 星期日


*** 濕婆神與濕婆神的崇拜者() ***

今天我們聚集在這裡來做濕婆神的普祭(Shri Shiva Puja)。只有內心潔淨的人才可以做濕婆神的普祭,那些內心不潔淨的人是不能做濕婆神普祭,這是最簡單的濕婆神原理。

動物對上天力量(Divine force) 的理解是遠比人類來的好,因為動物有一顆潔淨的心,它們原本有什麼天性,它們就繼續根據此天性來進行。在動物的心中,沒有惡意、沒有忌妒,也沒有哪些居心不良的種種想法。他們會這樣,因為它們本來就是如此。




是誰來摧毀人類所有的自我(ego)呢?正也是濕婆神!祂坐在你的頂輪,是在所有的輪穴之上。......什麼是Ekadasha?就是濕婆神十一個(毀滅的)力量,它們就在此處(譯者:Shri Mataji 手指著額輪紅點上面的前額)累積,然後給你各式各樣的疾病,其中最嚴重的就是癌症。......這十一個力量會作用在一般人,也會作用在不遵守霎哈嘉原理的霎哈嘉練習者。濕婆神看著每一件事,祂靜靜地觀看你的生命中的每一個細節,看你如何行事、你做什麼、你的正法,衪監視所有這些。(歷史上有)許多聖人已經警告過人類,許多降世神祇也已經警告過人類,我可以告訴你們假如你們不聽這些聖人、神祇(的規範指示),那麼濕婆神也不會聽(任何人或神的請求),祂是不會聽任何人的!假如祂生氣了,那就是真的生氣了,這時就非常難說服祂:"請放過這個人,應該可以原諒他(一次)"。你們或許很難想像祂最基本的特質即是原諒,但是假如祂不原諒,那麼你是徹底完蛋了!或許祂可以原諒到一個程度,但是之後就是一個非常非常困難的局面了,(我也無能為力了)

註一:Shri Mataji在此談話中談到有關濕婆神的種種,前後有一些重複,本譯文摘譯其中的片段。文長所以分成上下。請也參考另一相關譯文:"濕婆神" ( https://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2017/11/ )

註二江瑞凱摘譯自Shri MatajiShri Shivaratri Puja談話2002-03-17JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Tonight we have gathered here to do Shri Shiva Puja. Those people who have a clean heart can only do Shiva Puja. Those whose heart is not clean cannot do Shiva Puja. It’s a simple principle of Shri Shivaratri. ......

But I must say that animals understand Divine force much better than human beings, much better. Because they have a clean heart. Whatever is their lifestyle built by nature, they carry on with it. But there’s no malice, there’s no jealousy, there’s not all these mean things in their heart. They do it because it is supposed to be. ......

You see how Shiva lives. He lives in the Himalayas. See what clothes He wears, what He eats. He has no demand for anything because He is complete, He is perfect. Such a personality is Shiva’s. And if you are worshipping Him, you should find out within your heart what sort of feelings you have, what sort of malice you nurture. ......

There is such a difference between Shiva and Shakti. In their whole attitude. Because Shiva is absolutely a liberated personality, he’s not bothered. If the people are indulging into wrong things, he’ll destroy – finished! He doesn’t want to cure, He doesn’t want to improve, nothing of the kind. But for the Shakti it is important, because this is Her child, this universe is Her child. All this is created by Her, so naturally She is worried and She doesn’t like people who try to take to mean things and nonsense. ......

Another thing is that Shiva respects a person who has a good character; a person with a good character. And if anyone is a bad character or indulges into bad things, Shiva won’t spare them. So the Shakti creates, protects, looks after them, brings them up. But Shiva is sitting there, just to destroy! Very important, this destruction is very important. The Shakti doesn’t show those qualities. She may destroy some rakshasas, but He can destroy nations after nations.

First of all the ego you have – who will destroy that? That too Shiva. Shiva is in your Sahastrara. He is sitting in the Sahastrara; now remember, on top of everything. ......What is Ekadasha is nothing but the eleven powers of Shiva. They build up here and give you all kinds of diseases; the worst of all is cancer. ...... Now these powers start working on people, even on Sahaja Yogis, if they do not follow the principle of Sahaja Yoga. He is, I should say, watching everything. Every part of your life He watches. How you behave, what you do, what is your dharma – He watches all that. And so many saints have warned you, so many incarnations have warned you; but I tell you if don’t listen to them, then Shiva is not going to listen. He doesn’t listen to anyone. If he’s angry, he’s angry. Whatever it is, very difficult to convince Him that ‘Please spare this person, it’s alright. Forgive.’ But his basic quality is forgiveness, can you imagine. His basic quality is forgiveness. But if He doesn’t forgive, then you are finished. Up to a point maybe He might forgive, but after that .. It’s a very, very difficult situation. ......

2019年3月24日 星期日


*** 滿足感 ***




註一: 在這個談話Shri Mataji 先用印度語講,下半場才用英語,兩部分都有談到"滿足" 這個話題。本譯文翻譯英文談話的部分,但也納入印度文談話的相關片段。

註二江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji除夕普祭(New Year's Eve Puja)談話2001-12-31JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

I’m telling them that how a Sahaja Yogi should feel. You should be satisfied people. Firstly and foremost you have to be satisfied. You just see within yourself if you are satisfied or not. You’ve got the highest that you wanted, you have got the peace, you’ve got the joy, and all the blessings of the Divine. Despite that, if you are dissatisfied, you want to do something always that is disturbing. Always some people want to show Me off, want to come forward – or they want to escape Sahaja Yoga.  ....... (English speech)

Second thing which I have seen in Sahaj Yoga is that everyone wants that I must visit their houses. Why don’t you understand that what have you done that I should come to your house? Or … whomever you see wants to come to My house. Wherever I go, you should leave Me peaceful. You have not done anything till now. You should leave this kind of desire in your mind and think that what is your aukat [status]? Why do you desire such a thing, which can give trouble to your Mother? Why to do such things like…. I come from somewhere and they stand in front of me. Not to do like this. If you don’t have samadhan [ultimate satisfaction] in Sahaj Yoga, then you are of no use. ‘Wherever I am, Mother is with me.’ Such kind of samadhan should be within you. You will grow with this.

Anything which grows in this world is all absorbed in samadhan. If you are not samadhani and keep running in front of everyone all the time, what is the gain from that? With samadhan, Mother is there where you are. When you think like this then you will be considered a Sahaj Yogi. Wherever you are sitting…coming in front of Me … coming on stage … it is not required for a Sahaj Yogi.

I know about everyone. Samadhan is such a thing that in the depth of it you can meet Me and now the time has come where you should achieve samadhan. You should see that whatever you are doing, you should get satisfaction. You should come forward to spread Sahaj Yoga and work for Sahaj Yoga, you will see that you will achieve the samadhan. You will not feel like coming in front of Me and telling Me everything. Most of the time, I have seen that all those who come too much forward and in front of Me are either dishonest or thieves…[short pause]. Those who are clean in heart and are enjoying the love are lost in the joy of love within.  ...... (translation from Hindi)

Now for example, so many girls wanted to marry. There are four times more, five times more than all the boys put together. But if they are not married, they feel very unhappy about it. Doesn’t matter! You are now connected to God! Marriage is not always a very great blessing, I tell you, it’s not. On the contrary, it can be very binding, it could be very troublesome. So better not feel bad. You should feel bad when you cannot give Realisations to others.
How many people have I given Realisation? Just think about it. All the time, like all the ordinary people, thinking about marriage, and this and that. It’s not going to help you. You are something special. And what speciality do you have? What are you doing about it? (English speech)

2019年3月17日 星期日


*** 關於純真的種種 ***


人類的最大同情心出現在(小孩子及他人的)純真(innocence)受到侵犯時,這是人類內在就有的,在人類的内裡有這個力量(power)------來自錫呂格涅沙(Shri Ganesha) 的力量,這個力量會給你這種感覺、能力來知道你必須去保護純真、純真的小孩、純真的人。而且整個世界都會挺身而出來反對那些屠殺純真人民的壞蛋,這是毫無疑問的!若有人不會反對、批評此種對純真人民的攻擊,那麼他們就是尚未進化到人類的階段。最高貴的人可以犧牲任何東西,可以放棄任何東西,但他們無法放下捨棄他們必須對純真負責的感覺,這是非常奇特的!人們並不了解人的内裡對純真的喜愛及保護心是猶如海洋之深廣。當人們看到純真的人、純真的小孩受到攻擊,是會引發最大的意志力,這就是人類的美麗之處!

















註一江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji錫呂格涅沙普祭(Shri Ganesha Puja)談話2001-09-22JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

The greatest sympathy comes when innocence is being challenged. That’s what human beings have. Within themselves they have the power, power of Shri Ganesha, which gives you that feeling, that capacity, that understanding that you have to protect innocent (the innocent/innocence), innocent children, innocent people. And the whole world can rise against all such people who are trying to kill the innocent. There cannot be any doubt. If they cannot oppose such an attack, or criticise such a thing, then they are not yet human beings, I would say.

The highest personality can sacrifice anything and can give up anything, but they cannot give up the feeling they have for innocence. It’s very remarkable. We don’t realise how much there is this ocean of protection and love for the innocent. What attracts the greatest strength is when we see an innocent person, innocent children, are under attack. That’s the beauty of human beings.  .......

If you cannot love children, you cannot love anything. I have not come across anyone so far who says that they don’t love children – luckily! But maybe some might say “We love flowers”. Why? Why do you love flowers? Because they are innocent. Because that beauty of innocence is within them. You love nature – why? Because it is innocent.   .......

Nations after nations can be destroyed, but the power of innocence cannot be destroyed. Have faith in that. You have to have complete faith in yourself, and that ‘yourself’ is nothing but innocence. You may say that ‘innocent people get cheated’. Nobody can cheat innocence, because that is something of very eternal value.

They might cheat you in money, might cheat you in something, but the thing that is the most eternal is your innocence. And you will be the most successful person in life when you are absolutely innocent and your are looking after your innocence.
As I have told you, that innocence never gets destroyed. It can be covered by your ill thoughts, by ill doing, it might be covered for the time being. But if you can take out the clouds away from the sky of innocence, the whole thing becomes so obvious that you have won the whole world.   ......

To be innocent – (child crying and Shri Mataji says: “What’s the matter?) – so to be innocent, what do you do? People will say, “Mother, what do we do to be innocent?” Firstly, you can see for yourself how your mind works. What does it do? How it reacts. This is what one has to watch, which I call as ‘introspection’. What sort of plans your mind takes to? What does it think is the best? In that thinking, thought process, what is the most important way to look at yourself? The first and the foremost is that you should know how you react to someone. Is it an innocent reaction? Or it is a vindictive reaction.

It is very easy to see yourself, because now you are all Sahaja Yogi. You can see for yourself how is your reaction to any aggression on you, or any kind of a trouble coming on you. How do you react to that? What is your behaviour? If you are a very powerful person, then your behaviour is – for that you are not bothered. You see for yourself its just a stupid thing people are doing to you. Absolutely stupid. And when they are doing stupid things, why should we bother about them?   .......

In this way we should know that we have to worship our innocence. I know sometimes one feels that you are dominated because of that. Sometimes one feels sad that ‘Why you are put to this kind of a treatment by others’. All kinds of things come to your mind. But if you worship your innocence, then you will be always a happy person, always a kind person, always be humble person. So, one has to be careful. You are your own destroyer! You are the one who kills, you see (? – the sense seems to be this). What do you say to Hitler? Hitler destroyed himself; who has destroyed him? I mean in any way, everybody has to die so he would have been dead. But who has destroyed it forever is himself. So, you kill yourself – through this you can save yourself and become very glorified if you are innocent. Have faith in the power of innocence.

What is important is, how you show in your own life the power of innocence, how you behave towards each other, and that is what is what, is what I call ‘the love’. You cannot be compassionate unless and until you have this attitude towards yourself. You cannot be kind. Temporarily you might feel this, but a permanently compassionate temperament comes only through the permanent flowing of innocence through your character.

2019年3月12日 星期二


*** 喉輪與眼睛、舌頭、喉嚨  ***


眼睛(的能量)也是由喉輪(Vishuddhi Chakra)所供應,所以當你注視某物時,應該是要以非常純潔的目光。目光越純潔,則越能享受一切。假如你的目光不純潔,而是到處飄移,從這裡又到那裡,從那裡又轉到另一處,那麼你是違反你的正法(Dharma),也違反你的演化流程(註一)。久而久之,有一天你可能會失明,你可能會有白內障,你可能會產生多種眼疾。對此,你們是要非常注意。

喉輪也連結到舌頭(tongue),舌頭是被喉輪照顧的。有些人有一種很不好的習慣,如突然間講一些不好聽的話、用一些不好的言語、用很不好的字眼來批評他人等等,這些行為對舌頭都非常不好,這些都是錫呂克里希納(Shri Krishna)不喜歡的。假如你用你的舌頭來對別人說嚴厲的話、冷嘲熱諷、用辱罵性的字眼等等,有一天你的舌頭會有一些狀況,我也不知道它會如何,它可能會變厚、可能會無法移動、可能會往內縮等等,這只有神知道(會發生什麼後果)








說明:在此談話的後半段,Shri Mataji 談到喉輪和眼、舌、喉、鼻、耳等的關連,可能是因為時間的關係,她只對眼、舌、喉談得比較多,本譯文就翻譯這部分。

註一:譯者:Shri Mataji指這是不好的。

註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji錫呂克里希納普祭(Shri Krishna Puja)談話2001-07-29JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。


Apart from that, eyes are supplied by this Chakra also. So, when you look at something, it should be very pure glance. The purer it is, the better you will enjoy. But if the glance is not pure, is shifty, going from here to there, there to there, then you are actually going against your Dharma, against your evolutionary process. And one day will come when you might become blind. You might develop cataracts, you might develop all kinds of diseases of the eyes, which are ‘very’ important to pay attention to.

Then this connection also goes to the tongue. The tongue is looked after. But those people have a very bad habit of suddenly saying horrible things, of suddenly saying very bad words, or sometimes getting after somebody with the very bad remarks. All such things are very bad for the tongue and this is what Shri Krishna doesn’t like. In case you use your tongue for saying harsh things to others, being sarcastic, being harsh on others, using abusive word, your tongue, one day, I don’t know how it will react. It will react in different ways. God knows, it might become thick. It won’t move. God knows, it might be sucked inside.

That’s the physical side of it, but also mental side of it, that you won’t know what you are talking about. If you say something, you’ll say something else. It’s possible with your tongue. It’s quite possible that we may not be able to talk, may not be able to say anything. Anything is possible if you try to trouble your tongue like that, using it for wrong purposes. Tongue is not for being used for abusive things, as well as for… Some people try to be extra kind and gentle and this and that, to achieve some ends. This kind of thing also is very, very much—is dangerous for the tongue and you might develop blisters on your tongue, to such an extent that people who even go on saying harsh things to others and all that can develop a kind of a cancer.

Some people think that, if you bear up, everything is good. Is not. If somebody is trying to oppress you, don’t try to bear it. Throw it away, because, if you bear also, you can move to the left and you can get horrible things like cancer. You can get cancer. Those who are aggressive, they can get also diseases and those who are very much, I should say, bearing type also get into trouble.

So you should be in a balanced state, should not accept anything. Supposing anybody calls you names, just keep quiet, look at that person—that’s all. Know that he’s a stupid fool. But don’t accept it. If you accept it and go on crying about it and weeping about it, then you can get cancer. But supposing somebody says something, you should know he is a stupid fool, just keep out of it, then nothing can happen. So, both ways, one has to be careful, because Krishna is playing around and He sees how far you can go.

Now throat—throat is very important. We should look after it. Those people who shout, scream, ultimately can lose their power of speech, can become frantic with their problems of the throat. Specially throat can develop horrible disease by which you just—neck can just get swollen up. We call it snake disease and you feel suffocated.

So when you talk to someone, talk clearly, in a sweet manner, but don’t shout at the person, never! Neither you try to show peevishness in your speech. If you are peevish, then cancer can set in. So, both ways, you have to be careful. As you are Sahaja Yogis, you have to have this knowledge, that you will not do, bear anything nonsensical if somebody speaks—means, you should not accept it. One may say something to you. It’s all right. And sometimes you should tell him off that: “You were saying like this, it’s not so.” It’s best, is not to bear it up and to suffer. You’re not Christ. You don’t have His powers. Because if you do that, you’ll develop cancer.

So try to be, in a way, just in the centre, watching everything, if there’s aggression or if there’s reception—one of the two things—you must not give in to any of these attitudes, but develop an attitude of standing very firmly on your own grounds.  ........

So that’s what is the character you should have. Is not to bend to something, because somebody is aggressive and also not to aggress others, not to torture other, not to sit on somebody’s head. It’s very, very dangerous for your throat and such a throat will always, will always be in danger of getting some horrible diseases.

2019年3月9日 星期六

精微的能量 (Vibration)

***  精微的能量 (Vibration)  ***

昆達里尼(Kundalini)捲曲成三圏半,潛藏在被稱為薦骨(Sacrum)的三角形骨頭中,當昆達里尼從三角骨升起,往上穿過上面的輪穴,當她穿過(三角骨上面)第六個輪穴,即"頂輪"(Sahastrara),此時她把你和''無所不在的神聖的愛的力量''(All-pervading Power of Divine Love)連結起來。

什麼是這個神聖的愛呢?這力量又做什麼呢?它是母親的能量(the energy of the Mother),我們可以說它是太初之母(Adi Shakti)的能量,它無所不在,它經由vibrations來運作,vibrations又是什麼呢?它是一種非常精微的能量,(在打開頂輪之後),它開始流經你的頂輪,頂輪的一千朵花瓣都慢慢地被點亮喚醒(enlightened),它也會開始流過遍佈你的身體、你的手腳。而且當你的注意力越集中在頂輪,它就運行得越快。

當這個能量流動時,它會起作用,會在每一個方向、每一個向度(dimension) 起作用,例如它會在生理上起作用,假如你有生理的病痛,(你會得到治療)。你們都看過許多人在我出現的場合就得到醫治,單單只是因為我的在場,而且我並不需要對他們做什麼。當我看到某人,我立即知道他是什麼病痛,同樣的這也是因為我和這個神聖力量(Divine)的連結,它告訴我這個人有什麼問題、該如何去治療,而且這些毛病可以立即被治好。這些都自然而然發生,我不必去問任何問題、不必試圖去發現、不必去分析,它就直接說:''如此去做'',或是它也不說,它直接就去運作,它就自動去成就。


註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji  頂輪普祭 (Sahastrara Puja)談話2001-05-06JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

We just know about the Kundalini, that She’s coiled up in three and a half, and She’s lying in the triangular bone known as Sacrum. But we don’t know what She works, how She works, what happens to us. She rises in six centres and breaks the seventh…I should say She breaks the sixth centre, because Ganesha’s centre doesn’t play any role. So when She breaks the sixth centre, which is the Sahastrara, then She connects you to the All-pervading Power of Divine Love.

But what is this Divine Love? What does this do? It is the energy of the Mother. We can say it is the energy of Adi Shakti, which is all over, works through vibrations. But what are these vibrations? It’s a very subtle energy that starts flowing through your Sahastrara. All the thousand petals of the Sahastrara get slowly enlightened and it starts flowing throughout your body, throughout your hands, feet, throughout your body. And the more you are… I mean your attention is, on the Sahastrara, the more it works faster.  .......

Now this energy, when it flows, as you have seen yourself, it works. It works in every direction, in every dimension. For example it works physically. Supposing you have some physical ailment, you have seen many people get cured in My presence – just in My presence. I need not do anything to them. Or also, as soon as I see somebody, I know what he is suffering from. That’s also, I must say, My connection with the Divine, and that tells Me what’s wrong with what person and what should be done. And it can be cured in no time because that also comes to Me just like that. I mean, I don’t ask any questions, I don’t try to find out, I do not analyse, but it just says: “Do like this.” or, it also doesn’t say, it just does! It just works automatically. It is very difficult to explain how this energy works.

But all of you who have got Realisation can also work out your own energies. How? By releasing it, by feeling it, by giving it to others, by experimenting.

2019年3月3日 星期日


*** 純真與無思慮的靜觀  ***

純真(innocence)是一種特質,這種特質是天生的,人無法強制來變得純真,也不能經訓練而獲得它,它是人內在的一種原本的特質。當人變成錫呂格涅沙(Shri Ganesha) 的門徒時,他就變成一個純真的人。



假如你說:"我可以來發展出(我的)純真",那是無法做到的!那麼要用什麼方法來變得純真呢?在霎哈嘉中我們有一個好的方法來達到,就是經由我們的無思慮的靜觀(thoughtless awareness)來達成。當你處在無思慮靜觀的狀態時,什麼會發生呢?此時你不會(對外物)有反應,你不會陷入任何的錯誤之中,你不會陷入任何的討論、爭論等等,你只是靜觀著外在的一切,此時你內在的純真將油然而生,如同蓮花一般從汚泥中優美地伸展出來。



許多人說:"母親,我們無法做到無思慮的靜觀!",為什麼你無法達到無思慮的靜觀呢?因為平常無論你看到什麼,你總是想去反應。假如經由你自己的反省,及自己去觀察自己,你逐漸開始去停止你的反應行為, (如此你將逐步可以做到)。如果你仍是常常會有反應,則你要告訴你的頭腦好好自我約束一下。一旦仍有一些反應,則(試著)不要講任何話,就保持安靜,如此慢慢地你會驚訝地發現你自己已變成可以無思慮的靜觀,你會驚訝這是何等優美的事!任何接觸到你的人會發覺你是有特殊之處,是和一般人不太一樣!

註一 :江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji  錫呂格涅沙普祭(Shri Ganesha Puja)談話2000-09-16JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Innocence is a quality, which is innate, which cannot be forced, which cannot be trained into. It’s just a quality, innate quality, within a human being. When he becomes Shri Ganesha’s disciple, he becomes a innocent person.

Maybe you say that innocent persons are attacked by the cunning, by the aggressive, but innocence is such a great thing that it cannot be destroyed. It’s the quality of the Spirit. Innocence is the quality of the Spirit; and when this Spirit within you is awakened, you get the power of innocence, by which you overcome all that is negative, all that is wrong, all that is detrimental to your growth, spiritual understanding.

So to be innocent is not possible. You have to be innocent, in the sense that you are innately innocent. This happens after Sahaja Yoga, after Realisation.   ......

Now, if you say, “We can develop innocence, Mother”, you cannot. Which is the way to become innocent? In Sahaja Yoga we have a proper method how we can become innocent. It happens through our thoughtless awareness. If you are in the state of thoughtless awareness then, what happens [is], you do not react, you do not get involved into wrong things, you do not get involved into any discussions, arguments, but you just watch and the innocence within you rises beautifully, like a lotus rises out of a dirty pond.

So whatever may be the circumstances, when you are in thoughtless awareness, you do not react. That is the sign of innocence. And people who do not react keep young. They will never show their age, they keep young. Because to react is not a very good thing, which makes you get involved into another person. But if you don’t react, if you are just watching, and you are a witness, then you don’t get involved into anything, you are away from it. And that’s how your innocence grows and you get very confident of it.  ......

If anybody says anything to you, you should just be innocent. At that time your power of innocence will show that this person, who is trying to dominate you, to trouble you, is very much in the wrong. And the person himself might realise that, “I am doing all these things and this fellow, the one on whom I am trying to dominate is not taking any note of it!” So he feels very weak. He thinks he has no power to dominate a person.  ......

Many people say, “Mother, we cannot become thoughtless!” Why? Why can’t you become thoughtless? Because all the time, whatever you see, you want to react. If you gradually start stopping reaction – introspect yourself. See for yourself. If you are all the time trying to react tell your mind to behave itself. If there’s any reaction you just don’t say anything. Keep quiet. Gradually, you will be amazed and surprised how you become thoughtlessly aware, how beautiful you become. And everybody who sees you will know that you are something different, you are not like the normal person.