2019年3月12日 星期二


*** 喉輪與眼睛、舌頭、喉嚨  ***


眼睛(的能量)也是由喉輪(Vishuddhi Chakra)所供應,所以當你注視某物時,應該是要以非常純潔的目光。目光越純潔,則越能享受一切。假如你的目光不純潔,而是到處飄移,從這裡又到那裡,從那裡又轉到另一處,那麼你是違反你的正法(Dharma),也違反你的演化流程(註一)。久而久之,有一天你可能會失明,你可能會有白內障,你可能會產生多種眼疾。對此,你們是要非常注意。

喉輪也連結到舌頭(tongue),舌頭是被喉輪照顧的。有些人有一種很不好的習慣,如突然間講一些不好聽的話、用一些不好的言語、用很不好的字眼來批評他人等等,這些行為對舌頭都非常不好,這些都是錫呂克里希納(Shri Krishna)不喜歡的。假如你用你的舌頭來對別人說嚴厲的話、冷嘲熱諷、用辱罵性的字眼等等,有一天你的舌頭會有一些狀況,我也不知道它會如何,它可能會變厚、可能會無法移動、可能會往內縮等等,這只有神知道(會發生什麼後果)








說明:在此談話的後半段,Shri Mataji 談到喉輪和眼、舌、喉、鼻、耳等的關連,可能是因為時間的關係,她只對眼、舌、喉談得比較多,本譯文就翻譯這部分。

註一:譯者:Shri Mataji指這是不好的。

註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji錫呂克里希納普祭(Shri Krishna Puja)談話2001-07-29JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。


Apart from that, eyes are supplied by this Chakra also. So, when you look at something, it should be very pure glance. The purer it is, the better you will enjoy. But if the glance is not pure, is shifty, going from here to there, there to there, then you are actually going against your Dharma, against your evolutionary process. And one day will come when you might become blind. You might develop cataracts, you might develop all kinds of diseases of the eyes, which are ‘very’ important to pay attention to.

Then this connection also goes to the tongue. The tongue is looked after. But those people have a very bad habit of suddenly saying horrible things, of suddenly saying very bad words, or sometimes getting after somebody with the very bad remarks. All such things are very bad for the tongue and this is what Shri Krishna doesn’t like. In case you use your tongue for saying harsh things to others, being sarcastic, being harsh on others, using abusive word, your tongue, one day, I don’t know how it will react. It will react in different ways. God knows, it might become thick. It won’t move. God knows, it might be sucked inside.

That’s the physical side of it, but also mental side of it, that you won’t know what you are talking about. If you say something, you’ll say something else. It’s possible with your tongue. It’s quite possible that we may not be able to talk, may not be able to say anything. Anything is possible if you try to trouble your tongue like that, using it for wrong purposes. Tongue is not for being used for abusive things, as well as for… Some people try to be extra kind and gentle and this and that, to achieve some ends. This kind of thing also is very, very much—is dangerous for the tongue and you might develop blisters on your tongue, to such an extent that people who even go on saying harsh things to others and all that can develop a kind of a cancer.

Some people think that, if you bear up, everything is good. Is not. If somebody is trying to oppress you, don’t try to bear it. Throw it away, because, if you bear also, you can move to the left and you can get horrible things like cancer. You can get cancer. Those who are aggressive, they can get also diseases and those who are very much, I should say, bearing type also get into trouble.

So you should be in a balanced state, should not accept anything. Supposing anybody calls you names, just keep quiet, look at that person—that’s all. Know that he’s a stupid fool. But don’t accept it. If you accept it and go on crying about it and weeping about it, then you can get cancer. But supposing somebody says something, you should know he is a stupid fool, just keep out of it, then nothing can happen. So, both ways, one has to be careful, because Krishna is playing around and He sees how far you can go.

Now throat—throat is very important. We should look after it. Those people who shout, scream, ultimately can lose their power of speech, can become frantic with their problems of the throat. Specially throat can develop horrible disease by which you just—neck can just get swollen up. We call it snake disease and you feel suffocated.

So when you talk to someone, talk clearly, in a sweet manner, but don’t shout at the person, never! Neither you try to show peevishness in your speech. If you are peevish, then cancer can set in. So, both ways, you have to be careful. As you are Sahaja Yogis, you have to have this knowledge, that you will not do, bear anything nonsensical if somebody speaks—means, you should not accept it. One may say something to you. It’s all right. And sometimes you should tell him off that: “You were saying like this, it’s not so.” It’s best, is not to bear it up and to suffer. You’re not Christ. You don’t have His powers. Because if you do that, you’ll develop cancer.

So try to be, in a way, just in the centre, watching everything, if there’s aggression or if there’s reception—one of the two things—you must not give in to any of these attitudes, but develop an attitude of standing very firmly on your own grounds.  ........

So that’s what is the character you should have. Is not to bend to something, because somebody is aggressive and also not to aggress others, not to torture other, not to sit on somebody’s head. It’s very, very dangerous for your throat and such a throat will always, will always be in danger of getting some horrible diseases.