2019年3月31日 星期日


*** 濕婆神與濕婆神的崇拜者() ***

今天我們聚集在這裡來做濕婆神的普祭(Shri Shiva Puja)。只有內心潔淨的人才可以做濕婆神的普祭,那些內心不潔淨的人是不能做濕婆神普祭,這是最簡單的濕婆神原理。

動物對上天力量(Divine force) 的理解是遠比人類來的好,因為動物有一顆潔淨的心,它們原本有什麼天性,它們就繼續根據此天性來進行。在動物的心中,沒有惡意、沒有忌妒,也沒有哪些居心不良的種種想法。他們會這樣,因為它們本來就是如此。




是誰來摧毀人類所有的自我(ego)呢?正也是濕婆神!祂坐在你的頂輪,是在所有的輪穴之上。......什麼是Ekadasha?就是濕婆神十一個(毀滅的)力量,它們就在此處(譯者:Shri Mataji 手指著額輪紅點上面的前額)累積,然後給你各式各樣的疾病,其中最嚴重的就是癌症。......這十一個力量會作用在一般人,也會作用在不遵守霎哈嘉原理的霎哈嘉練習者。濕婆神看著每一件事,祂靜靜地觀看你的生命中的每一個細節,看你如何行事、你做什麼、你的正法,衪監視所有這些。(歷史上有)許多聖人已經警告過人類,許多降世神祇也已經警告過人類,我可以告訴你們假如你們不聽這些聖人、神祇(的規範指示),那麼濕婆神也不會聽(任何人或神的請求),祂是不會聽任何人的!假如祂生氣了,那就是真的生氣了,這時就非常難說服祂:"請放過這個人,應該可以原諒他(一次)"。你們或許很難想像祂最基本的特質即是原諒,但是假如祂不原諒,那麼你是徹底完蛋了!或許祂可以原諒到一個程度,但是之後就是一個非常非常困難的局面了,(我也無能為力了)

註一:Shri Mataji在此談話中談到有關濕婆神的種種,前後有一些重複,本譯文摘譯其中的片段。文長所以分成上下。請也參考另一相關譯文:"濕婆神" ( https://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2017/11/ )

註二江瑞凱摘譯自Shri MatajiShri Shivaratri Puja談話2002-03-17JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Tonight we have gathered here to do Shri Shiva Puja. Those people who have a clean heart can only do Shiva Puja. Those whose heart is not clean cannot do Shiva Puja. It’s a simple principle of Shri Shivaratri. ......

But I must say that animals understand Divine force much better than human beings, much better. Because they have a clean heart. Whatever is their lifestyle built by nature, they carry on with it. But there’s no malice, there’s no jealousy, there’s not all these mean things in their heart. They do it because it is supposed to be. ......

You see how Shiva lives. He lives in the Himalayas. See what clothes He wears, what He eats. He has no demand for anything because He is complete, He is perfect. Such a personality is Shiva’s. And if you are worshipping Him, you should find out within your heart what sort of feelings you have, what sort of malice you nurture. ......

There is such a difference between Shiva and Shakti. In their whole attitude. Because Shiva is absolutely a liberated personality, he’s not bothered. If the people are indulging into wrong things, he’ll destroy – finished! He doesn’t want to cure, He doesn’t want to improve, nothing of the kind. But for the Shakti it is important, because this is Her child, this universe is Her child. All this is created by Her, so naturally She is worried and She doesn’t like people who try to take to mean things and nonsense. ......

Another thing is that Shiva respects a person who has a good character; a person with a good character. And if anyone is a bad character or indulges into bad things, Shiva won’t spare them. So the Shakti creates, protects, looks after them, brings them up. But Shiva is sitting there, just to destroy! Very important, this destruction is very important. The Shakti doesn’t show those qualities. She may destroy some rakshasas, but He can destroy nations after nations.

First of all the ego you have – who will destroy that? That too Shiva. Shiva is in your Sahastrara. He is sitting in the Sahastrara; now remember, on top of everything. ......What is Ekadasha is nothing but the eleven powers of Shiva. They build up here and give you all kinds of diseases; the worst of all is cancer. ...... Now these powers start working on people, even on Sahaja Yogis, if they do not follow the principle of Sahaja Yoga. He is, I should say, watching everything. Every part of your life He watches. How you behave, what you do, what is your dharma – He watches all that. And so many saints have warned you, so many incarnations have warned you; but I tell you if don’t listen to them, then Shiva is not going to listen. He doesn’t listen to anyone. If he’s angry, he’s angry. Whatever it is, very difficult to convince Him that ‘Please spare this person, it’s alright. Forgive.’ But his basic quality is forgiveness, can you imagine. His basic quality is forgiveness. But if He doesn’t forgive, then you are finished. Up to a point maybe He might forgive, but after that .. It’s a very, very difficult situation. ......