2019年3月17日 星期日


*** 關於純真的種種 ***


人類的最大同情心出現在(小孩子及他人的)純真(innocence)受到侵犯時,這是人類內在就有的,在人類的内裡有這個力量(power)------來自錫呂格涅沙(Shri Ganesha) 的力量,這個力量會給你這種感覺、能力來知道你必須去保護純真、純真的小孩、純真的人。而且整個世界都會挺身而出來反對那些屠殺純真人民的壞蛋,這是毫無疑問的!若有人不會反對、批評此種對純真人民的攻擊,那麼他們就是尚未進化到人類的階段。最高貴的人可以犧牲任何東西,可以放棄任何東西,但他們無法放下捨棄他們必須對純真負責的感覺,這是非常奇特的!人們並不了解人的内裡對純真的喜愛及保護心是猶如海洋之深廣。當人們看到純真的人、純真的小孩受到攻擊,是會引發最大的意志力,這就是人類的美麗之處!

















註一江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji錫呂格涅沙普祭(Shri Ganesha Puja)談話2001-09-22JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

The greatest sympathy comes when innocence is being challenged. That’s what human beings have. Within themselves they have the power, power of Shri Ganesha, which gives you that feeling, that capacity, that understanding that you have to protect innocent (the innocent/innocence), innocent children, innocent people. And the whole world can rise against all such people who are trying to kill the innocent. There cannot be any doubt. If they cannot oppose such an attack, or criticise such a thing, then they are not yet human beings, I would say.

The highest personality can sacrifice anything and can give up anything, but they cannot give up the feeling they have for innocence. It’s very remarkable. We don’t realise how much there is this ocean of protection and love for the innocent. What attracts the greatest strength is when we see an innocent person, innocent children, are under attack. That’s the beauty of human beings.  .......

If you cannot love children, you cannot love anything. I have not come across anyone so far who says that they don’t love children – luckily! But maybe some might say “We love flowers”. Why? Why do you love flowers? Because they are innocent. Because that beauty of innocence is within them. You love nature – why? Because it is innocent.   .......

Nations after nations can be destroyed, but the power of innocence cannot be destroyed. Have faith in that. You have to have complete faith in yourself, and that ‘yourself’ is nothing but innocence. You may say that ‘innocent people get cheated’. Nobody can cheat innocence, because that is something of very eternal value.

They might cheat you in money, might cheat you in something, but the thing that is the most eternal is your innocence. And you will be the most successful person in life when you are absolutely innocent and your are looking after your innocence.
As I have told you, that innocence never gets destroyed. It can be covered by your ill thoughts, by ill doing, it might be covered for the time being. But if you can take out the clouds away from the sky of innocence, the whole thing becomes so obvious that you have won the whole world.   ......

To be innocent – (child crying and Shri Mataji says: “What’s the matter?) – so to be innocent, what do you do? People will say, “Mother, what do we do to be innocent?” Firstly, you can see for yourself how your mind works. What does it do? How it reacts. This is what one has to watch, which I call as ‘introspection’. What sort of plans your mind takes to? What does it think is the best? In that thinking, thought process, what is the most important way to look at yourself? The first and the foremost is that you should know how you react to someone. Is it an innocent reaction? Or it is a vindictive reaction.

It is very easy to see yourself, because now you are all Sahaja Yogi. You can see for yourself how is your reaction to any aggression on you, or any kind of a trouble coming on you. How do you react to that? What is your behaviour? If you are a very powerful person, then your behaviour is – for that you are not bothered. You see for yourself its just a stupid thing people are doing to you. Absolutely stupid. And when they are doing stupid things, why should we bother about them?   .......

In this way we should know that we have to worship our innocence. I know sometimes one feels that you are dominated because of that. Sometimes one feels sad that ‘Why you are put to this kind of a treatment by others’. All kinds of things come to your mind. But if you worship your innocence, then you will be always a happy person, always a kind person, always be humble person. So, one has to be careful. You are your own destroyer! You are the one who kills, you see (? – the sense seems to be this). What do you say to Hitler? Hitler destroyed himself; who has destroyed him? I mean in any way, everybody has to die so he would have been dead. But who has destroyed it forever is himself. So, you kill yourself – through this you can save yourself and become very glorified if you are innocent. Have faith in the power of innocence.

What is important is, how you show in your own life the power of innocence, how you behave towards each other, and that is what is what, is what I call ‘the love’. You cannot be compassionate unless and until you have this attitude towards yourself. You cannot be kind. Temporarily you might feel this, but a permanently compassionate temperament comes only through the permanent flowing of innocence through your character.