2019年3月9日 星期六

精微的能量 (Vibration)

***  精微的能量 (Vibration)  ***

昆達里尼(Kundalini)捲曲成三圏半,潛藏在被稱為薦骨(Sacrum)的三角形骨頭中,當昆達里尼從三角骨升起,往上穿過上面的輪穴,當她穿過(三角骨上面)第六個輪穴,即"頂輪"(Sahastrara),此時她把你和''無所不在的神聖的愛的力量''(All-pervading Power of Divine Love)連結起來。

什麼是這個神聖的愛呢?這力量又做什麼呢?它是母親的能量(the energy of the Mother),我們可以說它是太初之母(Adi Shakti)的能量,它無所不在,它經由vibrations來運作,vibrations又是什麼呢?它是一種非常精微的能量,(在打開頂輪之後),它開始流經你的頂輪,頂輪的一千朵花瓣都慢慢地被點亮喚醒(enlightened),它也會開始流過遍佈你的身體、你的手腳。而且當你的注意力越集中在頂輪,它就運行得越快。

當這個能量流動時,它會起作用,會在每一個方向、每一個向度(dimension) 起作用,例如它會在生理上起作用,假如你有生理的病痛,(你會得到治療)。你們都看過許多人在我出現的場合就得到醫治,單單只是因為我的在場,而且我並不需要對他們做什麼。當我看到某人,我立即知道他是什麼病痛,同樣的這也是因為我和這個神聖力量(Divine)的連結,它告訴我這個人有什麼問題、該如何去治療,而且這些毛病可以立即被治好。這些都自然而然發生,我不必去問任何問題、不必試圖去發現、不必去分析,它就直接說:''如此去做'',或是它也不說,它直接就去運作,它就自動去成就。


註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji  頂輪普祭 (Sahastrara Puja)談話2001-05-06JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

We just know about the Kundalini, that She’s coiled up in three and a half, and She’s lying in the triangular bone known as Sacrum. But we don’t know what She works, how She works, what happens to us. She rises in six centres and breaks the seventh…I should say She breaks the sixth centre, because Ganesha’s centre doesn’t play any role. So when She breaks the sixth centre, which is the Sahastrara, then She connects you to the All-pervading Power of Divine Love.

But what is this Divine Love? What does this do? It is the energy of the Mother. We can say it is the energy of Adi Shakti, which is all over, works through vibrations. But what are these vibrations? It’s a very subtle energy that starts flowing through your Sahastrara. All the thousand petals of the Sahastrara get slowly enlightened and it starts flowing throughout your body, throughout your hands, feet, throughout your body. And the more you are… I mean your attention is, on the Sahastrara, the more it works faster.  .......

Now this energy, when it flows, as you have seen yourself, it works. It works in every direction, in every dimension. For example it works physically. Supposing you have some physical ailment, you have seen many people get cured in My presence – just in My presence. I need not do anything to them. Or also, as soon as I see somebody, I know what he is suffering from. That’s also, I must say, My connection with the Divine, and that tells Me what’s wrong with what person and what should be done. And it can be cured in no time because that also comes to Me just like that. I mean, I don’t ask any questions, I don’t try to find out, I do not analyse, but it just says: “Do like this.” or, it also doesn’t say, it just does! It just works automatically. It is very difficult to explain how this energy works.

But all of you who have got Realisation can also work out your own energies. How? By releasing it, by feeling it, by giving it to others, by experimenting.