*** 發揮右脈的力量全力來推廣霎哈嘉 ***
說明:Shri Mataji對內的談話有一個特色,即在某一段時間會常談某一課題,可能在持續的三個月或半年內,不論什麼普祭皆會重複附帶提到此話題。而在2001年前後兩三年的談話中,Shri
註一:譯者:Shri Mataji 的意思可能並非指年輕的練習者,而是指所有的霎哈嘉練習者。相對於過去的聖人、善人,霎哈嘉是新的一代。
註二:譯者:Shri Mataji 的意思是只顧自己享受霎哈嘉的人是沒有集體性,要為世界上仍未得到自覺的人設想才是有集體性。
註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在太初之母普祭(Adi
Shakti Puja)的談話2002-06-23。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
Collectively we have, if you see around now today, everywhere
there’s war going on, fights going on, killing going on, destruction going on.
How is it? There are so many spiritual people now on this world. So the reason
is, the spiritual people have become very quiet, very much enjoying their
spiritual life, have become very quiet and very peaceful people. But that
doesn’t bring peace! You have to be dynamic and you have to bring peace in the
world. You have to do something about it. And we are very much satisfied with
our progress, but we are not bothered as to see what is the progress others
have done, how far they have gone, where can we meet them, what can we change
them. At My level I can change many things, but at your level how many people
have you changed? What have you done? That has to be seen.
Still you live with your ego, on the Agnya, and you are very
happy with your peace, with everything you have got through Sahaja Yoga. This
is the biggest calamity that the world is facing today, that those who are all
so spiritual, those who have achieved great heights are least bothered as to
what good has to be done. What they are doing is to enjoy their own
spirituality, come to the puja, have more and more of it. But they have done no
collective work to change people. ......
So now you should take to the Right Side. And when you take to
the Right Side we’ll create dynamic people, not just some useless, patient,
very quiet, peaceful people. This was not the aim of Sahaja Yoga. The aim of
Sahaja Yoga is to change, change so many. And those who are doing that, all My
blessings are with them. But those who are just keeping to themselves, it is
not a very good thing. In your country how many people have got to Sahaja Yoga?
Just find out. With how many people you have worked it out?
So yours is not a complete yoga, yours is a partial yoga of the
Left Side, where you are very loving, you are very kind, very this thing. I am
not saying that you should become aggressive in any way. But even I have seen
people want to be leaders, they want to be something great, but how many people
have they given realisation? How many people have they talked about Sahaja
I have said even in the aeroplane also you go, you walk in the
street, anywhere people talk about Sahaja Yoga. But here we are using Sahaja
Yoga for our greatness, for our understanding of ourselves. This is not why
Sahaja Yoga has been brought to you. It has been brought to you for giving
realisations to many people.
I request all the younger people, younger generation, not to
waste their Sahaj energies on nonsense as the old people have done. You better
go ahead and talk to people about Sahaja Yoga, and spread the Sahaja Yoga. They
are more interested in running schools, in looking after the destitutes, doing
this, doing that. That’s not your job. Your job is to create more sahaja yogis,
more sahaja yoginis. But that is not there, what I find is it’s not there. The
Right Side is missing. You should come to the Right Side. Go all ahead. Nothing
will happen to you. Nobody can kill you, nobody can disturb you, nobody can
arrest you. Take it from Me! You have powers but if you don’t use them, you are
like this. ......
Now you cannot become left-sided whatever you may try. So you
use your Right Side in the right direction with the right understanding. Not as
some sort of, I should say, very arbitrary or very dominating, like Hitlers. We
have had also Hitlers among sahaja yogis! But now (laughing) the time has come
for you to do something more than what the saints have done before. To work it
out that way. Not to keep to yourself that you have a family, you have very
nice children, having, enjoying, all that. That’s not [what] the Sahaja Yoga
[is] for. Sahaja Yoga is for transforming the whole world. You have to think
about it: What are you doing? Where are you? And what have you achieved out of
Sahaja Yoga? ......
At Agnya Chakra many sahaja yogis falter, I don’t know what
happens to them. At Agnya I have told that you must forgive but that doesn’t
mean that you allow people to do wrong things. Because you want to forgive it’s
very easy not to fight, not to say anything, just keep out, just forgive – no!
You go and talk to that person and tell him it is wrong. You have to face it.
If you cannot face it then you are useless, just like any other people. What’s
the use of you people getting your realisation?
So now we have to understand that it’s not only that we have
vibrations, that we are all right, that you can cure some people is the last
word – no! You have to spread it, you have to go in the public, you have to be
collective on this point and you have to spread Sahaja Yoga. With so many
sahaja yogis all over the world we have not progressed much. So now it is you
have to plan what you want to do, how you want to do it, and how you want to spread
Sahaja Yoga. It’s very important. Because you people are good at, say, talking
about Sahaja Yoga, singing about Sahaja Yoga; all these things are useless
unless and until you have concrete proof of getting many more people in Sahaja