2019年4月14日 星期日


*** 錫呂瑪塔吉對西方醫學的看法 ***




左脈是屬於人的過去,換言之那些未來取向的人是不會有來自左脈的感染,但是那些活在左脈世界的人、有種種左脈擔憂的人、時常為自己難過的人,他們都容易有來自左脈的感染。或許你會驚訝到我如下所說的:那些偏左脈的人其實是被附身的(possessed),被一些死去的亡魂(dead spirit)所附身。這可能發生在任何悲傷的人,或陷入左脈情緒狀態的人。此外,去找假導師(false gurus)的人亦可能如此,那些假導師會用所控制的亡魂來催眠人。左脈的毛病是和西方醫藥無關,但若西方醫生沒有這方面的知識,則是無法做任何治療的,或許他可以診斷,但他無法治癒那些身心病的患者。當代西方醫療的問題,即是他們無法治療身心病。


註一:譯者:Shri Mataji的意思應是指後文中提到的:人是和"外界"有關連。

註二:譯者:Shri Mataji的意思可能指左脈。

註三:請也參考相關譯文:"血癌(Leukemia)的形成---霎哈嘉瑜伽的觀" (http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2016/03/leukemia-sahaja-yoga.html ) ; "如何治療身心病-----以淋巴系統爲" (http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2017/03/lymphatic-system-psychosomatic-disease.html )

註四:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 對印度的西方醫生的說明2002-04-02,只翻譯談話中談及此話題的部分。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

The missing point is this, that human beings are considered in the medical science as something very individual and not connected with the whole. We are all connected with the whole. But how to convince people that you are all connected with the whole and that you are not singled out? As we are connected with the whole all our problems are connected with the whole, you cannot just consider somebody as the patient of one thing and another patient of another thing, could be that one person who has one trouble, could be having so many other troubles, so many other connections which we do not locate in the western medical science. For example, to see a person medically very sick, may be, but you don’t know, what is his mental condition? What is he doing mentally? Is he all right mentally or only he is physically something wrong with him? ......

You’ll be amazed most of our diseases come from psychosomatic, like cancer, which are incurable mostly, cancer and we can say AIDS, all such which are supposed to be absolutely incurable and difficult, all that come with our connection, with our connection, which we are not sure of, with the left side. ...... We know only the right side medical science and that too in such details, it is not necessary, you must also know the left side of a human being and about left side we are absolutely not aware. ......

Now if you have a problem in the left side then problems psychosomatic can come in. Supposing, your hand is broken or is there some sort of a physical problem then it’s all right. But when it is the complicated psychosomatic trouble then doctors cannot cure it, I am sorry to say. Because you don’t know the other side of it, what is affecting the patient to get this cancer, you don’t know. You will be happy to know in Sahaja Yoga cancer is curable, curable if it is at a very early stage it’s very easy but otherwise also. Specially blood cancer is absolutely curable.

You will be amazed that it is such a combination of these two sides of our life, that we get into these diseases which are incurable.  ......

The left side belongs to our past, to our past in the sense that those people who are futuristic do not get affected by left side, but those people who live in the left side, are worried about their left side, are sorry for themselves, whatever it is, they are the ones who get affected. Left sided person if I tell you, you will be shocked to hear, is actually possessed. Possessed by some dead spirit which must be a knowledge to you. You may not be believing in it but it is. It can happen to anyone who gets sad or gets into the left sided temperament, also there are so many other things like these false gurus, what they do, they mesmerize, they mesmerize you with these dead spirits which they have to control. This side of, I should say, not medicine non-medicine, but whatever it is, should be known to the doctors; otherwise you cannot do any curing. You can, may be, diagnosis you might do. But you cannot cure people who are suffering from psychosomatic troubles. Today’s medical problem is that they cannot cure psychosomatic diseases. ......

So many diseases, incurable, you cannot cure, which are mostly coming from the left side. Medical science can cure the right side, I know that, that they can do it. But Cancer they will go on postponing from one to another, they’ll operate, then it will spread, then this and that. Operation is not the way to cure, it’s not. If you are expert in Sahaja Yoga, you don’t have to operate. Overnight you can cure, overnight you can cure cancer patient, believe Me. You are quite capable of doing that.